Would it be safe to use the Crystallization Attunement on fields we bought?
How long does the attunement works after activating it? I ask because what would happen if one forgets to stop, will it stop on its own? or will it draw energy from the dimension dream created forever or till it’s turned off?
Just use it on yourself to power up the fields you are wearing at the time.
Everyone forgets, YOU are the ultimate field.
Thank you for that choice of word.
I just imbued my water jug with crystallization energy and now I drink quartz and unconditional love energy all day long. Very revitalizing
From my understanding, the attunement is for life. If you are asking about how long does the energy flow once you state ‘Start Healing’, Sammy answered that in this thread:
Basically it will flow while you are focused on it. When you stop focusing on it, it will stop. Yes, the energy is drawn from an energy realm Dream created.
I just used crystallization energy on my water jug! I’m looking forward to drinking healing water.
@Nabs101 How long did you energize the water for?
Only for about 5 minutes. You’ll know if the water tases different afterwards and appears lighter.
Ok, thanks. I got too impatient and only did it for 1 minute.
Did anyone try attuning your crystals with the audio?
Not yet. I have a Citrine crystal that I had embedded the Luck sigil with that I want to try this on.
I have a pretty large Metauralite crystal, I am going to try attuning it with this audio (by playing it for a few hours) sometime this weekend!!
Oh, that will be nice.
Which audio are you using? I don’t’ think we need to use the audio. You can just do crystal healing but saying ‘start crystallization now’. This is from the course.
It would be good if @SammyG can confirm.
I am just wondering, if attuning the Crystal itself with the audio will give it the ability to attune other crystals/objects that are placed on it? That’s why I was planning to try attuning the crystal directly with the audio!
Ahh… I misunderstood. Sorry! Attune away
I tried using it today on my heart chakra to see if I felt anything, and even though I focused for a short time, I definitely felt good after. I think the heart chakra is the easiest to practice on for those of us who are not that energetically sensitive yet, since u feel Happiness and fullfilment every time it gets cleansed/charged, at least on my case
I think exactly the same!
Also the sacral one is quite easy in my case
Proud of you guys @ everyone
Hello dear community!
I played around with this crystal energy, i am on my second day,
My energy sky rocketed couldnt fall asleep yesterday, still really energized first time
i have this much energy! It was not only the crystal did some other energy work aswell,
but my question is: How can i relieve myself from energy so i can easily fall asleep? I tried the healing sound HEE but it dident really work this time. Any tips on how to release extra energy or convert into to sleep energy or similar?
Thanks alot stay strong and sober!
Hi @victorgreat4 I would suggest you listen to the Grounding audio on Dream Seeds if you need to dispel any extra energy.