Daily Gratitude

Beloved @AlreadyThere

I was won over when you called yourself a psychic housewife lol

The forum and our guild are blessed to have you!

Thank You blue Fairy


Glad to hear! What kind of hands on work you doing now?

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Greeting, Brother @SammyG

I have to unpack few things to get to the place I’m in right now.

Firstly, few months back I started to connect the dots of the major events that happened in my life, along with cycles of patterns that keep happening on weekly & monthly basis… which were similar situations, with no progress. This kinda built a lot of internal resistance/clash. So, I started to observe from the place of no attachment to anything. End of just pure observation, I came to the conclusion that, my actions were not aligned towards my goals. Attention was not in track. Intention was not really there. These things reflected my reality.
So, after all this, I started to keep track of the repetitive patterns that keep happening…Just being aware.

The real change/shift started to happen after I kinda sat down, what it seems like a genuine talk with my higher self. We completely, totally, 100% aligned on a particular life path (which removed most of my resistance). After this, life started to change. And for next few days, YouTube kept recommending me a certain video on “secrets of universe”, something like that (which I was ignoring for a quite a while). So, I clicked, watched and went into this deep rabbit hole of manifestation, Mirror principle, Law of assumption, overcoming resistance and so on…
In the upcoming days, I took action. Completely accepting/acknowledging the “existence” of my addictions and attachments (ignoring them built a lot of internal resistance) and then letting them fade away… removed most of my internal battles. Cutting-off entertainment (Anime, Manhwa, games) & political drama, (which was serving no purpose) also helped a lot.

The course “Guided Path to Wholeness” helps me out in being consistent daily on taking actions. Which I feel is the most important thing to do right now in my journey. So, I’m still working on.

I also started reading two different books daily (One chapter in each) on business, strategy & mindset.

The fields that I used for assistance are:

  1. Subconscious dissolver (To go out there and compete)
  2. Dissolver of Mental Limits album (removing scarcity thoughts & fear of failure for client acquisition.)
  3. Coincidence And Synchronicity (for some reason this field increases my focus & intention in putting the actual work by 10x)
  4. Luck and Probability Alteration + Good luck, abundance.
  5. Radiate positivity & Repel negativity.

Unknowingly, I have been coming to the forum for three years. This forum has changed me a lot, especially my hair. I really want to thank the captain. Without this place, my hair would have cost a lot of money.


Thank you :nerd_face::heart::blue_heart:🩵

Much love honey :rose:


I’m really happy you thought of me while wiriting this beautiful post :) :heart: Here’s to another year of community & growth


This is awesome to hear my friend! And yes, that is pretty much the key to successfully transforming yourself. CONSISTENCY. As long as you understand that and stick to something everyday, you will see results. The odds are in your favor. People often give up right before they get rewarded for their efforts. The guided path is just an easy path to follow consistently to get to a much whole place within yourself. It’s logical and it’s not even that complicated. Just a way to keep your mind continually set on accepting itself, ext… You do that everyday, you are going to reach wholeness. But I know for a fact that a good portion of people just give up after a little while when they don’t get results right away.

Heck, even repeating I am confident, I am confident, I am confident, every single day (gonna take a long while of course) will eventually make you confident. It’s that simple. It’s just you need to be completely devoted and consistent with whatever you are doing to get results.

Glad you are dedicated and even reading books on success and whanot. Just know, there will come some roadblocks along that will test your willpower and make you feel like just giving up and just know… it’s just a part of the journey. Literally man, those tests of willpower are so essential to push through and continue doing what you’re doing. The light is right around the corner. Remember that when those hard times come and just keep pushing.

Random, but something that comes to mind is elden ring. How difficult FromSoftware games are and how impossible the bosses seem to beat. But if you just stay consistent and keep fighting them over and over and over and over and over again, your mind attunes to the pattern more and more to the point that it learns the boss’s dance… and then you beat the shit out of that boss. No matter how bad you are at the game… You keep fighting it over and over again and you will defeat it.

Same with real life. You keep doing something over and over again, your subconsicous will figure out the pattern and help you accomplish what you are seeking to do.


I’m in for a long game, trying to surf throw (for now). So, Very Glad I can speak my mind in the forum and receive such Insightful guidance & support. Thank-you, brother @SammyG. (Bookmarked!)


gratitude to @Rosechalice @Rocket and @Niezdeyhyuke for always giving me advice and helping whenever i vent :blush:


And thanks to you for being open enough to share. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


What is life like after over a year of morphic fields?

Well where do I begin…

My life has completely transformed old habits and ways of being have pretty much completely subsided now… mentally I am mostly clear and spend most days feeling peace and happiness, some days even bliss and others I’m processing and becoming something better but that’s all for the greater good and I’d rather spend a day or two here an there in a moody state to come back 10x stronger…

I have clear and coherent aspirations for my path and I am extremely optimistic about everything and completely ignore people trying to in-force limiting beliefs and I will attempt to give them a different perspective on what they are saying…

I feel a deep freedom I can do anything without any limitations, the world is there for me to do what ever I like I don’t have to abide by the ‘natural ways’ of life anymore… True freedom runs through me.

Every day even if I’m not doing anything physical I have goals (playing my fields, researching spiritual topics, reading the forum to make more realisations). I never have a day I do not progress in some way. Each week I look back and think of all I’ve came to realise and the dots I have connected that week… Moving at lightning speed here :smirk:

Deep gratitude fills my being most days for everything I can easily collapse negative thoughts if they even come up same with negative emotions I can ground them with ease. I feel the days of negativity have mostly gone I feel reborn. I have no worries for my future and I have no regrets in my past…

Each day brings something new, progression speeds up each week and there’s plenty of fields on my list before the years end that will take things to a whole new level.

Infinite and eternal gratitude and appreciation to the man him self @Dreamweaver without you life would be very different now. When I look at people in my old life and where they are now I see what I could’ve been and I smile and understand that their path was supposed to be that and that’s ok I accept that and I don’t plan on forcing anyone onto a path to a greater life as not everyone wants to make those changes the people I do meet who are like minded and are willing to change I will help in anyway I can.

Also a deep appreciation for all the people here who have shared precious information you have all transformed me.

What a time to be alive people we are beyond blessed words can not explain…

This is only the beginning I can’t even comprehend where I’ll be in a year or even by this years end. I have so much more to do and I can’t wait for every minute :muscle:

I’ll also add I was speaking to someone on here and describing the girl in my life in how she doesn’t change no matter what shielding or field I use and some other things and he said she is my soul mate :blush:


This is a great read that I can resonate with. Thanks for sharing @Rocket. Bookmarked! :trophy:


I wish I could bottle up my experience today, but it’s okay, as I know it has been imprinted on my subconscious and nervous system

I’ve had instances where while doing yoga, I’d have an emotional release, but today while working out I had an even more profound experience. It was all so instantaneous because it was all the subconscious mind, I could never have “thought” my way there. It’s much like meditation- you must find the this in “nothing” …. You draw it from the field.

I get to the end of the work out when I hear “how about a bonus round?”
Now, I’ve done this particular video dozens of times (god love you, autumn calabrese) and I had the familiar thought of “I don’t have to do this—” but somehow… My body had become the new mind. Because I have been training it repeatedly. I’m sure a lot of you love Joe dispenza as well, but he describes it as training yourself & eventually, the mind surrenders.
And I found myself in a split mili-second before I could even consciously make a decision — somehow there I was doing plank drops. And I felt like some external force was driving my body. A new mind was operating my body. And I just broke down and began crying.
Because you see, there is no on or off switch to healing. It is a moment by moment unfolding and journey in life. And sometimes it just hits you. How far you really have come.
Because for me that wasn’t just an additional minute of plank drops — that was symbolic of every time in my past where I played it safe. Where I found my safety in other people. Where I didn’t believe in myself and I sold myself short. Not even just big decisions - the tiny micro ones that make up every fiber of who I am today. I was stuck living in the old program that was handed to me in childhood because I didn’t know how to make a new one.

And I bawled and I bawled and my brain told me quitting is an option and my body said absolutely not.

Eternally grateful for fields that enhance my practice in life daily. Stress and anxiety and resilience max are my go tos every morning, and it’s definitely showing. Thank you for helping me heal @Dreamweaver
And thank you to my inner light that guides me daily
We can all do amazing things


Grateful for all the amazing metaphysical (and otherwise) tools I have at my disposal thanks to amazing creators like Dreamweaver. I firmly believe it is a matter of finding the proper way to work with them coupled with a bit of patience, and then the sky’s the limit! :revolving_hearts:


I am grateful for today! :slight_smile:
and for SapienMedicine :partying_face:


Today I feel a little discombobulated, but I am grateful for another day. Regardless of the day, it is beautiful. I am happy I get to receive it. What a blessing it is.

Another lovely scouted on my walk.


In honor of @Alkul

Thank you for everything brother, wherever you are residing now.

A G among Gs.

Always in our hearts.

I love you.

Also @Dreamweaver @Jojo @SammyG

Words aren´t really necessary tho.

We all in this together



My dude @Jojo keeps evolving and growing and has been helping me energetically with some career stuff. :raised_hands:

Thankful to him, and to have incredible friends and tools on this forum! :heartbeat:


I would like to express my gratitude to @Jojo he has helped me with something that was really bothering me for last 8 months, lots and lots of gratitude, I hope you get it back 10-fold.


@Jojo an OG fs.