Daily Gratitude

grateful for this digital monastery that reminds me of the physical monastery mentioned in the lost teachings of atlantis…

read it in like 2011 and thought what a cool place to learn, never did find such a place…i thought i saw glimpses of it thru good spiritual people i met before, but that crowd is like the wild west…people always asking “who’s doing magic on me” lol

this place seems closest to that book though…been going thru lots of ups and downs thru my healing journey…i guess thats everyone here lol…but i’m grateful for these learning experiences…

also, grateful for everyone that shares their piece of mind here



This book is such a treasure


I’m grateful for this forum. It is a safe haven. An oasis of sanity.

My gratitude to everyone that helped me recently (and today) on the forum.

May you receive blessings multiplied.

:dove: :four_leaf_clover:


Agreed brother.

I wanted to make a gratitude post earlier but I was unsure how to even write it.

Thank you members of the forum for being so loving and humble.

Thanks for all the help and lessons.


I am deeply grateful for all my Spirit Guides and Astral Friends.

Also Aphrodite :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And Nyx :relieved:

I love them very much and am grateful for their lifelong support.

Also thank you to the astrological planets for their blessings :sparkles: :moneybag:


Thank you Dream. Just…thank you.


I am grateful for Sapien medicine
I am grateful for this forum and all the wonderful people
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful i have a home and 3 meals a day
I am grateful that my body functions normally
I am grateful for my life


I am grateful for the time I spent on the forum.
For chances, opportunities and the chance to put some good into people’s lives.

The forum is changing fast, and a lot of people do not like it
and apparently do not even want me here.
Which is perfectly fine.
I am content with anything and nothing.
and always deeply grateful.

I am grateful to have the will power to get stuff done.
To have the energy to keep fighting and never back down.

I am grateful that life has led me to a point where i have nothing at all to lose.


I am grateful that you have provided the place and the tools to help us all change and grow. I think it’s a hard truth that to grow we have to let go of the dross that keeps the balloon from rising. Often we tend to just claim a new limited identity, thinking it is “us”. May the blinders be removed from our eyes, and may we realize that this is a blessing, this place, our Captain, these beautiful souls who are joining us on this journey.

We are truly blessed
I am truly blessed


Me and perhaps I think many many others are very happy to hear from you and see you interact with us inside your forum.

When I’ve started to dwell inside this for good around last year in this period, I was looking with a bit of feeling of having missed out the period of the beginning of the forum, all the great contributions you shared with us and the possibility to interract actively with you, saying from me and me, will it ever get back to this? Now I feel it is even better!

So thank you, not just for your creations, but also for being here walking the path by our side day to day


Nobody is stopping this train.

Thank you for all the assistance on our path.



Dream is my G.O.A.T :mechanical_arm:

He blessed us with this awesome work. Countless gains, healings, and miracles come from his creations and contributions.

Can’t stress that enough.

Loved to see him so happy yesterday, it was genuinely a vibe in the webinar.

Can’t wait for the retreat.


I am grateful that I was able to successfully decalcify my capsule coffee machine and can now enjoy fresh hot coffee again :relieved: :coffee:


Grateful to my higher self for letting me experience everything that I have leading up to this point.

Grateful to Dream for giving an insanely beneficial and unquantifiable boost that keeps on giving along the path.

Thankful to Freedom for being the best friend I could ever ask for.


Likewise brother :handshake:


I’m so immensely grateful to my past self…
I was listening to the Rambo soundtrack and I don’t know what happened, but I had past memories flooding in and I realized simply how much I had overcome and improved from the past… Damn…



I’m really grateful to even be born in this generation.

Short story: I remember this situation that I was in couple of years back, where my friend was speaking about the power of subconscious. I haven’t heard something like that before in my 20 years of existence. But, before he could start explaining, I started to laugh at him. I thought he was onto some mysterious stuff and told him to skip the topic. I was ignorant. From where I come from, life is tough, poverty, mortgage, outdated school system, heavy political influence prevailed throughout the state. So, to make ends meet, all we (most of college students) had in mind, is to do well to get a well-paid 12hrs/day corporate job. Even though I was ignorant of the wisdom that my friend wished to pass, I wasn’t a fool when it came to approaching life. I wanted to be different, to have lifestyle that no one has dared to step in and pursue. I started to delve into entrepreneurship since I was 17 and this continued throughout my college years.
Fast forward, few months later after the subconscious situation, which I completely ignored popped up again when I was looking to improving my physical condition (after discharge from Intensive care struggling for life and crippling medical bills). A YouTube video recommendation on a certain subliminal to improve health. Later that week, I was intensely researching about subliminal and how they affect subconscious mind. The same week, someone in a particular subliminal channel’s comment section mentioned Sapien medicine to be the best in body healing.
The universe works in a mysterious, awesome way which I’m very much grateful for. Even though the journey is filled with lots of hurdles, I am grateful to have the will power to constantly improve myself to reach the far hanging fruit. Which I can grab…somehow.

Grateful to DreamWeaver for all the fields that change the reality of thousands of people. Words can’t express how grateful I am to come across your Artwork.
Grateful to the person on YouTube for recommending Sapien medicine. Grateful for all the wonderful contributors of the forum who are constantly engaging in sharing wisdom. I’ve learnt so much since joining. From, Quantum physics, Zero-point energetic grid, Anunnaki and so much more.
Lastly, thankyou brother @SammyG for your wonderful course, the “Guided Path to Wholeness”. I feel my Resistance is gone. Little more of hands-on work I will have a breakthrough.


Coming up on 1 year using fields and my life has truly changed for the better :birthday: I remember exactly where I was, what I was doing, and who I was when I first joined the forum and woooowww!!

I could say what all has changed but words really wouldn’t do it justice - my best attempt at it is sprinkled around the forum in various places though :fairy:

Thank you @.dreamweaver. Your creations literally changed and healed my family :heart:What a blessing

In my time here I have met so many interesting people. Each one just by being who they are - or the knowledge & kindness they’ve shared have acted as a mirror for me

Some awards, laughs, and gratitude for some beautiful souls I have encountered this year:

  1. Mr. Knowledgable and would give you the shirt off his back @ Mr.Nobody
  2. Momma :bear: extraordinaire @ RoseChalice
  3. Ms. Creativity & Genius @ ecaiii
  4. Ms. Queen Bee (& hilarious) @Allurre
  5. Mr. Lucky vibes & friend of Duck @GamiroCFC
  6. Mr. great taste in music and reason I have an amazing Spotify playlist this year @Gnosticmedic27
  7. The best dia-buddy a girl could ask for @CoyoteJr
  8. The Queen of conceptual thinking. I always admire you for your strength but also ability to be open & free @anon73693188
  9. The third coolest Scorpio I know - only to be outdone by my own family members @Jojo
  10. Mr. leaves me on read but it’s okay, I know deep down we are friends @JAAJ
  11. Mr. Optimistic @.Rocket
  12. Mr. Inclusive & kindness @.Rigel @ infinitecreators
  13. A true friend for life @Borisju
  14. The absolute king of cat memes and the only reason I’ll ever laugh on a thread @Hauru
  15. Just plain smart & cool @ Drift
  16. Ms. Green thumb @ Jen
  17. Coolest avatar pic @Rain
  18. amazingly wise Maoshan_Wanderer & Zen
  19. Mr best reviews @ Moshiro
  20. Just plain classy @ SilverZuzu
  21. Marches to the beat of their own drum and I dig it @.zea
  22. So sweet @.Siri
  23. Can I borrow your mind for a day? @. Ugninis

I know there’s some I missed, but just wanted to say thank y’all for just being yourselves & for including me this year. Onwards & upwards




aww thank you so much!!

and i see your growth but more than that I see your believe in your essence and who you are settling in.

because you were amazing from the start. give credit to your effort before coming here too!!

i wish you endless years of constant growth blessings and expansion. this is justttt starting ;)