Daily Gratitude

I am greatful for the possibilities in healing, ahead for a good future.

And I love when it’s warm, even hot, and there is a breeze of fresh air that comes to surprise you.

Cooling you down. :wind_face:❤‍🔥 :sunny::seedling::dove::muscle:



I am grateful found Sapien Medicine


I am very grateful for clean air
the wildfires have really humbled me / increased my awe of the importance of air.
normally it’s 16 -20 where I live
during the forest fire, it was 188. yikes

may each and every region of earth be blessed with crisp pure air </3 <3


Thank you Dream <3 I’m so grateful for you and your creations.


I am grateful for all the entities, deities and astral beings who are constantly helping me.



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I woke up today…
I am healthy…
Everything is working in my favor…
Thank you God :pray::green_heart:


Gratitude to @Maoshan_Wanderer

He’s a Strong Powerhouse on this forum. :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:.


A detail that made me “smile”:
Venting thread: 2.9K posts.
Gratitude thread: 36 posts.

So I chose the latter for my very last post in this forum. This ain’t a fake goodbye :)) but a real one. Time to move on for me for good.

Of course and once more, my most deepest gratitude goes to Dreamweaver for obvious reasons and Sammy for all the help, personal time you spared to explain things to me in the clearest fashion, and also for not having withdrawn your support 2 years ago during the time when me mentioning the Story of the Stone Soup (in the Sapien Medicine channel) and the turmoil that did follow lol. That was one of the first times when I looked like the bad guy of the story, then left alone, etc. and funnily enough, became the bad guy once again when I “revised” my position. Again, because everyone (aside from those who had chosen to remain silent) was in a certain position. So the problem should have been me, right? + every other elements of information, general behavior, etc. still easily findable in many of the threads on the forum.

No misunderstanding. I don’t despise _OM or anyone specifically here. Nothing is that black or that white. Shouldn’t be (I’ve learned it the hard way). And the black shouldn’t always be considered enough to erase the white’s effects, so to speak.

So (and also), I maintain most of what I said in here. Not in the name of being “right or wrong”, but because actual facts occurring over time did confirm some of those sayings. No need for illustrations. People were here when it all happened.

Not writing all this out of resentment though. My resentment has been reduced to the bare minimum and I know it will completely go away someday. I’ve been also doing pretty fine in the forgiveness department for the last few years, so I’m confident in the fact that I’ll completely forgive someday.

That being said, nothing is one-sided. So I too do apologize to anyone I may have offended, made feel bad, seemed to mock (unwillingly). “Energy-sensitive people” can probably verify the genuiness of my sayings and intention here (yes, with the remnants of resentment as well).

Dreamweaver and Sammy, we already talked about what we needed to clarify (e.g., the bad energy I mentioned back then was only related to some visitors/users on the forum and not the fields by ANY means. Or my other critics towards you two… all sorted out, so all good now) and we’ll hopefully keep staying in touch in the future. Just like with a few other people that I wish to keep close for a lifetime and beyond :)

And to finish this post with its true purpose: thank you to everyone for everyone I learned, “dislearned”, improved, learned to question, been inspired from through your contributions here.


Best of luck on the rest of your journey Bronyraur, I’m gonna remember you for a long time!! :slight_smile: :heart:


&if I may,

I also thank you @Bronyraur :)
For allowing yourself the chance to reflect and reassess.
Many users on here actually with regards to that entire situation for sapien.

In addition
i thank time.

I am grateful for its place in our universe- for said situation in particular.
Because i see
as it [time] progresses-
it can be observed
slowly, but surely
many people who/m may of become dubious of Sapien’s good nature now do not.
Because they allowed themselves to work alongside time and its framework, and take the chance.
the chance to allow, to reassess, to
take a step back.
And by doing so, it became crystal clear that
not one of those remarks attempting to slander his and sam’s character were true.

……which beings us to justice.

I am grateful for justice.

(Maybe like an entwining worlds of justice and time
perhaps…? lol)

For me,
Justice is a interesting thing
It prevails
Then simmers
Ping pong ping pong it goes.
Back and forth, back and forth
Sometimes at the mercy of time
Sometimes not
Thank goodness it holds a place in the universe whew!

In the same light, i firmly believe
The same will hold for Dream- in an ever-only upwards trajectory at least

The tower moment is passing, and the fruits of labor , closer in sight.
Bringing the trajectory of the Star Tarot closer and closer. To him. To his works. To all of this

@Bronyraur I think we spoke once or twice back on my old account KPossible. You helped me with some stacks lol. Thanks for that
And best wishes


@JAAJ Thank you for staying for this community and sharing your wisdom, experience and perspective. You never cease to impress and inspire me :star_struck: :muscle:


Thank you very much for your nice words mate :relieved:


Today, I am grateful for Qi :sparkles: for the Natural World, for similar minded (albeit a little strange) Communities like this one, for my Family, for the good Health of the ones I Love :yellow_heart: and for Life :earth_asia:🧚‍♀ God Bless You All :dizzy:


I never say this but
my professor reminds me of a Cherubrim; from demenor to energetically, I’m telling you, they just radiates a vibrant ray of LOVE. Jesus
And the irony is that they’re teaching the philosophy of evil; or maybe it’s not.

You can just see from that ever radiant glow of theirs ; eyes that have seen far too much, yet choose to remain above, on top, like the lotus. Really nice you know, real nice. 🪷

Blessed be those who don’t falter in their tower moment’s
Hold on to temperance as their lifeboat , and the star as the life preserve.
I like how they know even though the moon needs time to become full, it holds her counterpart, the sun, both beautiful in their own essence
But professor seems to have gone a step further; they seem to have somewhat succeeded in merging the sun and moon back to one, as one.
The duality ceased and all just “is”, ik oangkar
No wonder why professor appears cherubim like


Shani Louk I am grateful you ushered your light onto earth for these twenty two years
I will say I have never been more grateful for karma than right now; those monsters ALL of them will be held accountable. With karma you don’t get away with anything. you just don’t- so they won’t.

May vibrations of white light, the chaardi kaala of
akaal purakh, be there to carry you forward in your soul’s journey.
May Divinity always remind you that you are Its beloved, you are
protected, loved, and blessed


We are very grateful for you



Today, I am grateful for: shelter, food, water, hugs, coffee, gurbani, education, beds, blankets, sleep, and every person I meet
Thank you everibodi :grin:


I am also grateful for life. It hasn’t given up on me
It’s appreciated, thank you life