Daily Gratitude

Thanks, Violet, for creating this thread. Nice job! :slight_smile:

I am grateful for embodiment, for life and seeking and learning. I am grateful for Sapienmed and dear friends, and also Neville Goddard, without whom I would never have come to truly know the Law of Assumption. I am grateful for breath, and unconditional love, for synchronicities and creativity. I am grateful for poetry and revelation. I am grateful for health, wealth and all blessings of life; for wind and rain and sunshine; for angels and peace of mind.

There is a moment in timelessness
where I AM.
This is no place,
but a consciousness, full of beauty and joy and love and wholeness.
I am grateful.angel prayers silver


I am grateful for mature cheddar cheese, milkshakes and vanilla yoghurt with a handful of walnuts. I’m also grateful for the Indian cuisine. I’m very grateful for anime, too. And video games. And humans. And aliens.


I am grateful for what a friend did for me; after posting that i cant buy a ticket for the seminar (i had the money, i just couldnt buy with paypal for some reason), guess what, he sent me a message and offered to buy a ticket for me - I offered to pay him through any service or app, but no, he wanted to offer this as a gift, and since I really wanted to join, I agreed.

A few moments later, an email arrives with the order.
I swear, some people are Angels, they just want to do good.
I’m not going to reveal who helped me, but I want to say this: Thank You, My Brother, Be Blessed! :pray:


This keeps happening every single night :smiley:

Im pretty sure they work with the sounds and practice at nights, so they start around 8pm and it goes for hours sometimes :heart_eyes: but also one of the rooms is my office from where i work during the day and i can hear them at times in the day as well.

Im so spoiled haha specially because it is loud enough that i can hear even when im playing my stacks or taking calls from work but… not too loud that would interrupt or distract.

I cannot express how lucky i actually feel they are keeping me in a relaxed state throughout the day and sometimes i fall asleep like a baby with the magnificent sounds :pray:


I am grateful for today’s webinar.

I believe I can now let go a big part of the anger and resentment I had related to Gaia’s biosphere setup.

Me and her are just two strangers, two alien beings with different evolutionary pathes, who are temporarily meeting each other in the physical.

She is not my “mother nature” and I am not her “child of earth”.

It is a pure evolutionary professional transaction.
And when its done one day, we can say thank you to each other and move on.


Thanks @Nice2knowU

For all the help he gives.


This is the way


200w (3)


I am grateful my uni took me back because they realized they made a mistake NOT ME
Such a nice feeling to know independence will soon be mine again mwahahha
Thanks @ waheguruji :see_no_evil:




Gratz Violet! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I am so thankful to all the helpful souls on this forum who listen and take their time out to advise and support others. I can name a few from recent interactions but they are not the only ones. This forum is a beautiful place.
@anon73693188 @Desiree @Nice2knowU @SammyG @JAAJ @SilverZuzu @anon3411921 @SoulStar33 @Niezdeyhyuke @Imogen, our missing WellBeing and many more. So grateful that these people are around


lanosss :) :sparkling_heart:

I’m so grateful to having you as a dear, smart, and absolutely beautiful lady on here; and I’m just as grateful to all our conversations, interactions, and everything I’ve got to share with you :heart:

You must know that all words flow out smoothly whenever we talk :)

Love you!! :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


There are few people who make you feel alive even during the darkest of the times in your life… you are one of them @Desiree

Love you too :heartpulse::heartpulse:
Stay blessed and just as you are !



This is one of the best things I could ever hear :)

I’m more than grateful for the space you shared,

to be this person in your life.

I appreciate this, a lot.

Truly i do.

:heart: :pray:


I am grateful for life and beingness; for the beauty of love; for joy and for this place of alchemy. It has been a strange and wonderful journey. Thank you all for sharing.


I am grateful for all the people who have imparted knowledge that helped me grow and become a better person. :heart:


Thank You, My Friends for All Your Love, for Your Time and for Your Great and Very Helpful Replies/Messages/Threads - AND for Your Fun Topics/Threads/Replies and Thank You for Being Awesome and for Making This Forum an Amazing Place!


Thank you, Captain and SammyG!
and thank you to the heart-centered ones!


I am grateful for my existence and consciousness. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for having a roof over my head. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for having food to eat. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for my family. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for my friends. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for Dream. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for this community. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for the infinite universe and the all the infinite goodness it has to offer. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for possessing the ability to feel gratitude. :green_heart::pray:
I am grateful for myself. :green_heart::pray: