Daily Gratitude

I am grateful for the Summer Storm washing away the hotness of the Summer, the sounds of tunder and the petrichor

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Thank the Gods for their love and support this last agonizing week.

Much appreciated. I had a blast with you all.

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I made some new friends today, very lovely people, hopefully we’ll keep in touch. So I’m grateful for that.

Also got a singing gig for which I’m preparing out of the blue and I’m grateful for that too.


Today, had a recording session which went pretty well, I’m happy. Even though I did not have too much time to prepare. Hopefully it’ll lead to some good things down the line :) (Totally running The Lucky Artist and the Prestige and Grandeur NFT :smiley: )


I am grateful to feel wholesome and happy again.

I am grateful that my inspiration to paint and create has come back with the strength of the ocean waves — my creativity is battering me with ideas and impulses!!!

I am grateful I had the funds to purchase essential items I need. I am grateful for those who gave to me in dire times. I am grateful to be able to provide for myself and will be able to give back when my income increases

I am grateful for this silly movie I am watching that is making my Saturday morning a peaceful and happy one

I am grateful for many things, especially the internal radiance of happiness :relaxed:


I felt bad but now I feel better. :slight_smile:


Grateful for friends, life, movies and the current thuderstorm.


i am grateful for my innate boundless curiosity


Thank You Very Much, @AwakenNow for the Free Distant Healing You Sent Me Yesterday. :pray:

Thanks to the healing You Sent, My back started to feel more relaxed and pain free and I got a healthy face skin color too, despite having had cold symptoms and (previously to the healing I was) looking quite pale.

Thank You for Your Kindness.

Special Thanks to Captain, Sammy and Moderators, for Everything You Do for Us. Also, Rosechalice, You’re Always Beyond Helpful and so Kind. Thank You All So Much. :pray:

I also want to Thank All My Friends, for Your Friendship, Love, Healing, Fields You Bought for Me and for The Amazing Replies You Offered Me throughout my stay on This Amazing Forum. :pray:

For coffee and water too, as You said. :grin::pray:
What would I do without them lol.

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People base their decisions on either their experience or input received at the time of decision.

Anytime I run into someone having a bad day, I consider the above that could be affecting them when I think:

Everyone is unique.

Thinking that has served a a humbling point in the middle of conversations.


Thank you always for these wonderful gifts. To know that I know that I know.


I am grateful for everything and everyone that led me to this moment in my life. :angel: :sparkles:


The Gratitude Thread

Rumi once said,
The path of gratitude is not for children; it is path of tender heroes, of the heroes of tenderness who, whatever happens, keep burning on the altar of their hearts the flame of adoration

And so,
Let us rejoice in gratitude :leaves:


I am grateful for the neighbor above Me.

I dont know if he/she/they just moved or they just started instrumental classes.

But… from the other day while i was commenting about The Essence of Negentropic Shen art…

Every day in the eves they be playing flute, some other times a type of Gong :heart_eyes: and sometimes like an Ukulele. For like 3 hours.

Gong was the choice today and its incredibly relaxing. I love it!!


I am grateful for finding this forum, I think I wouldn’t be alive. Had such a hard time with dealing with the world working against me, situations always repeating negatively for me, feeling inferior to everyone. Ever since, I discovered this forum, I have become a better person, thanks to all user’s experience and knowledge.

I am still not there yet, but I am thankful for the path that has finally been open for me. Maybe that path is temporarily, but I am still grateful for being given a path despite having no guidance in the past. Very thankful.


Today I am grateful for SapienMed!!
Haha totally cliché


I am very grateful I have a place to sleep, a warm bed, and water. I appreciate you @universe


I am thankful you acknowledged the universe.


that was a genuine mistake im so sorry hahah.
but @Universe what else are you grateful for?

today (it’s a new day here in Times Square)
I am grateful for the venting thread. weird but here me out,
every time I ever wrote on that thread,
like my own literal vent of my own lil life,
it ended up getting resolved. properly.
for my grandpa I was wanting better care for him because his aids were horrible- he got the most ultimate care of all now
then I complained about some account bullying my friend. divine intervention somehow came in, and bam that account is gone (bye felecia!)
next. I hated, freaking loathed how I was being made fun of- in my own house- by helpers. well we officially have no helpers anymore, how it happened? idk, divine intervention once again. but
the only ones that do come now are kind people, genuine, nice people. they do not take advantage of me :)

er I also complained about something else on that thread
pretty sure that too got resolved lol

and on another note,
I’m grateful for crucible of karma, might help people re-perspectivize (is that even a word) that karma is in fact not fatalistic, but the opposite of it. if anything it shows how our free will comes into play here. and idk I just personally like how I can help myself burn it up. especially considering since I can’t really be of service to others, or do too much mediation because of my current mending phase. so thanks for that mate.


I am grateful for having a full production level in my family business despite what I heard almost everyday that our industry here is in a recession, closures bankruptcies mass layoffs no order…

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Hey, hi @Violet I hope you are doing fine and that problem that you have mentioned before in this thread, I hope it gets resolved asap.

Btw, firstly how could helpers do that to you, I mean they had only one job that is to help but they instead chose to do mischievous acts.
Anyhow, I hope now everything is well managed without helpers.

And you have also asked about what I am grateful for, well there can be many things but I would like to tell one thing that I am grateful for is to have senses and make distinction between things that I am not doing correctly and most importantly being able to make allowances to bring in necessary changes.

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” - Albert Camus