Daily Gratitude

i am grateful for my dog who teaches me to enjoy nature and to just ‘be’.


i am grateful for the sun and my backyard.

i can meditate, do yoga, and walk barefoot on the grass at my leisure. best way to start my day.


I am grateful for good health, family, peace and confidence to sail through the tough times. Thank you @Dreamweaver and @SammyG for being a guiding light. Lots of love and blessings.


im grateful for my purpose.


Thank you for a strong healthy heart that circulates my red blood cells very well.

Thank you for healthy lungs that absorb the oxygen in the air I am breathing.

Thank you for a strong immune system that keeps me healthy.

Thank you for the knowledge and skills of the people who create computers that make our lives better in so many ways.

Thank you for the creation of written and spoken language that allows people to communicate with each other.


i am grateful to my roomies who hang out in the living room while i nap. i feel more safe napping knowing that they’re still up.

i am grateful for the warmth of the sun providing me with energy.

i am grateful for the grass which feels great!

i am grateful for the birds that mask the morphic fields i play on my speaker wth their singing.

i am grateful for those that accept me and expect nothing of me but still enjoy connecting with me.

i am grateful for the healthier thoughts i’ve been thinking.

i am grateful i can smile and feel genuine.


Thank you for an awesome hike this morning.

Thank you for strong healthy legs and feet that function well.

Thank you for good hearing that allows to me enjoy uplifting music.

Thank you for the warmth and light that the sun provides.

Thank you for good sleep that helps rejuvenate all the cells in my body.


i am thankful for another sunny and energizing day!

i am thankful for my happy and smiling dog.

i am thankful for my friends.

i am thankful for feeling safe.

i am thankful for humour and laughter.


Im thankful for the beauty of knowledge and knowing that there is so much to learn that Im not sure one can come to know it all


i am grateful for fresh fruits on this beautiful sunny morning.

i am grateful i can relax and eat my breakfast at my time and leisure.

i am grateful i can work whenever i want and as long as i wish.

i am grateful for audiobooks i can listen to while closing my eyes and chilling in my backyard.


I am grateful there are compassionate veterinarians in the world assisting animals everyday.

I am grateful for the volunteers at animal shelters.

Thank you for the amazing work Paws and Stripes is doing.

Thank you for the love, joy healing and companionship dogs and cats bring people all over the world.

Thank you for the oxygen that the oceans are creating to help sustain life on the planet.


i am grateful to provide my dog a safe, healthy, and happy life to allow him to thrive.


i am grateful for morphic fields! subliminals are great but for me they didn’t work because i had too much of a logical mind that subliminals would never be able to get to the source of my blocks.

in my experience, subliminals work against my logic while morphic fields get to the energy core of my disbeliefs.


today felt quite lonely even though i was fed delicious food by a loved one and spent time with my friends.

i am grateful there’s the live meditation audio and plasma flower node to listen to for extra feelings of connection.

peace love and joy to you my forum friends!

edit: May 3, 2021

today i’m grateful for everyone who listens to sapien medicine.

today i’m grateful for everyone in the forum.

today i’m grateful for connection and growing what we love.


I am grateful I was guided to sapien… I am grateful for this loving community that I am part of… I am grateful for the beautiful life I was gifted by God… I am grateful to @Dreamweaver and @SammyG for improving the quality of my life… I am grateful that my loved ones are healthy and are close to me… I am grateful to find compassion in me and a will to help others in these testing times… I am grateful for God’s grace and love towards me!


today i’m grateful for sapien medicine and this community.

i am grateful for the mass meditation livestream!

just a reminder that each one of you here makes this world a better place! keep striving and thriving for your goals! keep connecting and loving yourself and others!

i am grateful for our beautiful planet Earth providing us a place to call home.

i am grateful for the breath that sustains my life.

i am grateful for my heart.

have a wonderful day everyone!



I am grateful for the fact that me and my loved ones are all ok.
I am also grateful for the fact that my darkest period of life is permamently over.
I am grateful for Dream, Sammy and this entire community.
I am grateful to my doggo for teaching me what an unconditional love is


I am Grateful for the presence of God, All that is , creator … in my life.
I am Grateful that the creator keeps me safe and sound.
I am Grateful that creator protecting me, and taking care of me while I do not take care of myself, and each time telling him ,please take care of me a little bit more, till I get fine then I will handle all by myslef,he is doing it although he knows that I do not …
I am Grateful to have food to eat and a place to stay while I have no job.
I am Grateful that my god does not have any religion and does not need formalities or protocols to reach him, I talk to him, anytime anywhere, in bathroom ,in the shower ,in the bed, while I am happy, angry, sad…
I am Grateful that I have money to buy Cig :crazy_face:
I am Grateful that the delivery by mistake every other day brings me food without ordering LOL, seriously but I do not receive it, just saying wrong flat :joy:


Thankful for everything that I have