Dark Circles Removal

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Okay I guess Iā€™m just a non responder :joy::see_no_evil:

@Alexander hey, do you have sinus/ nasal allergy?

I notice that every time I loop this field, my dark circles get better, but they get dark again after I wake up in the morning :sweat:.

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I think that thatā€™s what I have . I also have a long history of allergies so it might very well be my problem .
The sinus audio actually affects my dark circles in a negative way , but at least this shows that theres a connection. Thank you :)

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Yeah, we need to find a way to reverse that allergy :thinking::nerd_face:.

I actually love looping this field. It feels like doing Chizu Saeki lymphatic facial massage, but this is only on the eyes area, and we only need to passively listen to the field. Great to reduce puffiness for me, but still need to work harder for the dark circles.


ā€œā€¦long history of allergiesā€. Play:

  • Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor -SPECIFICALLY Anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory

Same if I dont use this for a day or a bit longer,all previous progress is gone.Guess we need to attack issue from different angle.


Iā€™m not a big fan of growth factors , but I might give it a shot at if nothing else works . thanks:)


Also if u have sinus problems (that may be contributing to dark circles) play:

Sapien Medicine ā€œSinus Drainageā€


It actually makes my dark circles worse ! But it makes my hair softer ā€¦ wtf ?:grin: dont ask me why .
But at least it shows that theres is a connection .
I suspect it might have something to do in my apartment as I dont have them so much when Iā€™m not there .


Does this treat hollow eyes/sunken eyes too?

For me it treats exactly that,giving them youthfull look,and brightens them up a bit.I still have them almost as dark as usual,but having that space not being hollow rly makes a difference.Hollow dark circles u look like addict,not hollow dark circles-student that didnt get much sleep.

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yeah I have that hollow look unfortunately with the area being dark

does this give you an positive vector eye?

It makes me look much younger. Usage is a bit random, and it always does the job, regardless if I played other stacks.

So it took roughly a week to evaporate my bags and excessive melanin around my eyes. I played it no more than 10 times that week. That was when the field was released, and now itā€™s just used whenever I need a touch up. I was/am still shocked. The eyecare products that were used prior to this field didnā€™t work at all, tbh.

Thank you so much Dream for what you and the team do. :raised_hands:t4::heart:Pretty sure words canā€™t express how much it meansā€¦


Im listening this since monday or longer and cant rlly see any difference but Im being patiently
Is it ok looping such a field all night or some hours?


definitely imo

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Sometimes you need to sorta detach from a field to see results. Just play it 1-2 times and go about your business. This isnā€™t a field to loop overnight imo.

Do you usually see results faster from other fields?


itā€™s not a subliminal no need to detach yourself from results. it will work on you no matter what. if you have subconscious blocks listen to SLR


It says it re-hydration. Does anyone know if it helps tired looking eyes. Like droppy eye lids