The programming in the audio works towards clearing up the dark circles around the eyes, the approach is multilayer, with the excess melanin being removed, and also direct antioxidant to cells (catalase) and re-hydration.
Also a bit of induced collagen production.
this only targets the eyelids and general area around the eye socket. Not the eye directly.
2 or 3 times usage or as you need.
I’m tingling much more because of all we have been receiving! I can’t even have a skin care routine now… want some pump? Facial collagen! Got some cheeks? Stem cells! Want some eye cream? Here, use this! Wanna wake up with longer hair? Ahh you know what to do now!
My dream is to one day not have to use undereye concealer anymore, lol. Anyway, I noticed a bit of improvement wih my undereye circles using the Plasma Light audio on YT. The outer half of my undereyes seemed to have improved.
Yes I know he is a member but I wondered if he knew too because a user congratulated him for this field and today I noticed the online course mentioned Both Dreamwaver and Sam as the creators.
Well,words cant express my gratitude.I remember checking some threads related to dark circles few months ago,and I remember someone saying it is easier to achieve immortality than pulling this off,also I was sad when I saw Sammy explaining how it is rly hard to make audio on that since too many factors could be contributting to the condition.I accepted the fact this pretty face is gonna look chronicly tired forever(been having them ever since 15 now 22),AND THEN THIS BOMB DROPS. @Dreamweaver@SammyG Thank you for this gift I will report on the results in a few days once they are noticeable.Also check it out 333 likes
So I used this two times and by the end of the first time my eyes looked tighter and dark circles were vanishing as I was staring into the mirror. I followed it up with infrared for water retention and was very happy with the results.
Same eyes look tighter, less hyper pigmentation. I think this works for eye bags as well, eye bags happen from lack of under bone eye support/bad maxillary position so this will creat that support for your eyes I believe