Dark Servitors fans! Can we here only discuss about our Dark Servitors?



How I create a dark servitor?

Oh boy, Iā€™m gonna need a really small marker


Ohh thatā€™s a real nice ring to have your dark servitor on, he/she will love it!


Yeah, I guess it shouldnā€™t be too hard to draw. Anyways, Not sure if this was on the pdf, but is the gender chosen by you or selected at random? If the latter, how do you discover its gender? (I donā€™t wanna misgender my servitor with the wrong pronouns).

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Oh no you choose them! You create their image and gender (or non gender) in your head upon creation


Oh so we basically have to imagine during the creation?

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I think so yeah

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U dont have to imagine it. U can find a picture of what u want it to look like. Then when u create it, u look at the picture and think this is what I want it to look like.


So if I imagine my servitor to be like pepe? It will be like it :joy: oh wow thatā€™s definitely something I want to create then


Hi everyone. Where can I find the Light and the Dark Servitor?

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on Patreon, just search Energetic Addendum Est


Doesā€™nt appear to be any dark serv fans here in the forum? I Have a Light and Fae.What whould be the benefits/uniqueness of a Dark Serv and summoned Goetia ā€œdemonsā€? By comparison to the other servitors/NFTā€™s?

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When you look at the Dark, careful you must beā€¦ for the Dark looks back.

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Any of the benefits of the shadow self of the collective consciousness and the qlipothic tree.

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I created my Dark Servitor with the sigil drawn on a small pebble few days ago after much consideration with not much expectations.

I donā€™t know if it was a success since Iā€™m not energy sensitive and I couldnā€™t exactly communicate with him, all I had was an imaginary of him in my mind, my personal guardian angel.

I gave him some beginnersā€™ tasks past few days.

ā€œplease send some cold tingles to my left hand if youā€™re hereā€ - nothing.
ā€œplease get X (a friend) to call me within next 1hrā€ - nothing.
ā€œplease heal the pain from my bunionetteā€ - I was playing pain control field as well. - improved.
ā€œplease get Y (a client) to pay what he oweā€ - hmm?

I had a bad debt from few months back, a reliable client suddenly stopped paying dues for my services. I didnā€™t chase for it and I was almost about to write it off.

Today, my payment actually came in without any explanation, it could well be a coincidence but Iā€™d like to attribute it to my new friend. Thank you.


with my dragon golems im getting the same thing, still trying stuff out tho

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I had a really crazy experience with my Dark Servitor lol :joy:

So I didnā€™t create a Light Servitor unfortunately.

Everyone talks about how the Dark is stronger? So I said letā€™s go!

So my father is really addicted to the News heā€™s watching it for 24h a day Iā€™m not kidding!!
Thatā€™s a really dense energy.

Anyway I asked my Dark Servitor to make him stop and help him with his addiction, at least when Iā€™m around because I donā€™t like to listen to it.

Last night we ate dinner together me my mom and my father, he had the tv on the news channel.

I was eating when suddenly the tv turn itself off!!!
It never happened before! I mean never ever.
My dad started accusing thinking I touch the remote which I didnā€™t!
Wow so thatā€™s a crazy story
I think I need the Light Servitor to help me father with the addictions.
Not some demon who will turn the TV off :joy:


hello! I have a question that Iā€™ve been researching but I havenā€™t found a clear answerā€¦ about the light and dark servers in the description it saysā€¦(you will be able to use a wide range of psychic combat skills) I would like someone to explain to me what That would be exactly it and how to use it to my advantage.

Can a servitor be activated with a voice recording? The reason Iā€™m asking is that Iā€™ve been wanting to get a servitor for a year now, and after extensive reading and considering all your advice, Iā€™ve concluded that I need to activate it on a specific day and time. However, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be busy that day, so Iā€™d like to know if itā€™s possible to activate it through a recording of my voice.

Iā€™ve read about several people activating sigils with a voice recording, but Iā€™m not sure if the same method applies to a server, which is more complex.

The voice record would also include the characteristics

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