Debate Club (aka The Bro Down !)

Not all, but many things that are symptomatic and damaging for subjectivity.

Before the scientific revolution, subjective problems were minor and rare in medieval societies, because meaning and Truth had a different form of organization in each subjectivity, which was mainly attached to revelation and God.

There was no depression, bipolar dissorder, schizophrenia and many mental illnesses are the product of the loss of meaning, excess of identification and ideology of productivty caused by contemporary scientists and capitalist societies.

For example, hypochondriac disorders that rely on an objectification of the body, and the paranoia associated with spontaneous biological causes of disease, stuff that didn’t exist before we started to rely so much on science. People weren’t thinking about the possibility of growing a cancer in a vacuum (because according to medical sciences, it can happen to anyone at any point in life out of nowhere - and there you have hypochondria), and probably they didn’t get cancer as often as people do now.

There are things that need to be deconstructed for people to achieve a healthier state of mind, and many of these things are related to the effects of scientific discourse.

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On another subject lol

I don’t like it.
THE only good part is that someone who does harm will get their share, sooner or later, but isn’t Karma a Spiritual Debt System Anyway?

Karma = Bondage

Karma = Spiritual Slavery

That’s how i view it.

I don’t like the current debt slave system on Earth (financial one), nor do I like the “superior” laws either.

Debt is debt.
Slavery is slavery, no matter the name.

A Sovereign Being has no Debt, has Zero debt.
A conclusion that I can reach is that we are not actually Sovereign, if Karma rules, heck, whomever or whatever sits Atop the Karma System Rules over us.

Sure, we might think we are free, we might go from one place to another, do certain things, but a Higher Power is Dictating stuff, and Idk if it’s for Love or even for our “Evolution”.

Maybe it is All for Good, hopefully anyway/I truly hope so.

Anyway, as a Spirit we might have more freedom, at Higher Self level more freedom, but as long as theres a Law, You ain’t Free.

But maybe it is intentionally set/done so, to Evolve, to have Consciousness Reach New Heights, new possibilities, Idk…

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You want freedom that much?
Destroy Saturn planet. That celestial body regulates law and as long as it exists and we still use this human bodies, we never have absolute freedom. Our life is most controlled by system or matrix.

Like Banana, even if you dislike it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Same as Karma. Dream creates Karma crucible field, he has much more knowledge about the existence of karma and how karma works.

And you know, the purpose of the Enlightenment/Evolving to Higher Consciousness? So that we someday, in astral or material form, we become god ourselves. So that we have our own planets, our own solar systems, or our own galaxies controlled by each of our selves. We are free to control our own realm. One enlightened person has one realm. We become sovereign being. Because the Universe expands. It will never lack of materials, planets, and galaxies.

Happy ending right? Don’t feel too tired of what happens in this earth. This earth probably is not ours. The earth belongs to someone/something else which has power to control it.
Also don’t ask me where this information come from.
You don’t have to believe me.

Just enjoy your life :sparkling_heart:

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Even that I wouldn’t call freedom - it’s a huge upgrade, now you gotta take care of innumerable life forms lol.

Anyway, no answer is good for me.

Maybe this one.

Anyway, Thank You for Sharing/the comment.

Love is the Highest Good we as humans and possibly anything else, can achieve, I should focus on loving more and debating less.

I should do that - that way I’m happy.

Debates = more misery for myself or at least some good answers, but no practical change (for me) - heck, I should stick to Being Positive and Loving, I learned how to do these and there is so much to explore in this lovely world, besides misery, hate, victim mentality, frustrations, etc.
I have these baggages, all of them.

I need to clear my mind and soul from my suffering, not just express it, since I can’t see improvements this way…

Back to Meditation, Chakras work and fields, I guess.
And maybe more Silence (of negative and unhelpful pattens).
I promise to abstain myself from spreading negativity and countless thoughts, it doesn’t help me at all…

Man, I STILL NEED A TON OF Work on Myself…
So much Suffering…

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Does civil war applies too!
just kidding


I wasn´t sure if I should write this, but you´ve encouraged us repeatedly to challenge you and your views, so for the sake of our boths growth, and everybody who´s lurking, I´ll do it.

Also this is something I want to get off my chest, once and for all, more for my mental, rather than my emotional peace.

If you see this post as offensive, discriminating, peace disturbing, whatever, you or @Dr_Manhattan @Rosechalice feel free to delete it.


…Since you´ve quoted JAAJ:

And weither JAAJ nor I have said they should get otherwise.

We both have expressed a nuanced views on this matter, not for the first time.

On the contrary, JAAJ even mentioned on a different occasion that non-hetero orientations are totally fine (as long as not perverted), as a response to somebody who felt gay but wanted to change.

What people like us don´t want, is to treat people differently, solely based on their sexual orientation.

Like you know… equals.

We don´t want to associate with people that base their whole personality/view everything through the lense of skincolour, heritage, sexual orientation, social affiliation, victimmentality and then claim that others are discriminating them. It´s their own insecurity projected outwards.

Even if we assume that it´s not, this whole mentality of filtering your life solely based on the factors mentioned above, completely takes away from the ability to interact with the human/soul itself.

@MonkeyOwl I´ve seen your post while writing this one. I partially agree with you.

These points are totally true and valid. The people we surround ourselves with, and the content we consume are our own responsibility.

Thing is, I´ve been doing this for years. No TV, newspapers, radio or social media (except here),I´m using adblockers, YT unhook, all kinds of stuff to avoid negative programming, and ended more than one friendship over it.

I´m still encountering people that are like that.
When I interact with family members, people at work, my neighbours, read some online news on a are occasion…

Is it really just my own beliefs system?

What happens online influences people, which in turn spread it offline.

People are changing, laws are changing. Society is changing.

It´s not just some “echo chamber” that we can fully ignore.

I´m not ready (yet) to leave society behind me and go monk mode in the mountains .

If that´s considered “bitter”, then so be it.

And no, it´s not just a few extremists. This thinking and brainwashing is seeping through every aspect of our societys, from kids up to people in their 60s. There is no clear line between “normal” and “extremism” anymore.

I know that we both could waste our shen for hours discussing this, without getting anywhere so I´ll just leave it at that.

Again, I´m not sure who exactly you are reffering to with this.

I´m pretty sure that JAAJ and others are very well aware of grey areas.

The moment ideology get´s pushed upon somebody by force, it becomes tyranny and looses it´s right for tolerance. Doesn´t get any more black/white than this.

You are doing this yourself here right now. You see something as a threat to the forum and what you would like it to stand for, and take the measures you see as necessary, to protect the peace of it.

So you apply the concept of certain things being intolerable, just using different parameters for it.

While I´m not agreeing with your views on the matter, I can understand this, bc I´d do the same in your position, based on my values and beliefs.

On this one I´ll agree with you. I´ve used to be a promoter of radical free speech, but at this point I believe that a certain level of maturity and self esteem is needed to make it happen, without too many downsides.

Really? Not sarcastic, genuine question.

The majority of the posts I´ve read here are more than encouraging and helpful. You´ll usually have a certain amount of dissonance between people, but taking into account the amount of souls from different walks of life, that are coming together in this place, all at different stages in there development, I find it to be extraordinary civil.

That being said, maybe I don´t see them, maybe you and the mods have to continously have to delete posts, and also I´m not seeing the pms and group chats, so maybe I am wrong on this.

And for the record, if people are actually putting others down solely for their beliefs, race, sexual orientation etc. (no matter who!) I am all for stopping this.

But again, what do you see as “Anti”?

I´m asking bc nowadays pretty much everything and everybody that doesn´t celebrates certain beliefs and people, is considered “anti”, “hatespeech”, “extremist” etc.

Is posting a logical meme that makes fun of hypocrisy considered “Anti-Trans”?

Intention matters yes, but words do too. Change the meaning of words and you change peoples perception. The majority of people isn´t operating on having dealt with most of their trauma, having developed strong psychic abilities or critical discernment.

I assume you´ve read books like 1984 and Brave New World. I urge anyone to read them aswell.

So I get that you are big on the intention. But can you always be sure that you are applying the same rules to your own judgement?

Who says your´re reading the energy right?

Not just projecting your own experiences and beliefs on the matter?

I´m not sure who you are reffering to with this.

I know that posts like mine or the last one from JAAJ, are a response to an increasing decrease (what a sentence) in freedoms, that gets more and more prevalent in western societys.
Unfortunately, many won´t see how it will affect all of us at a certian point.

And by the time they´ll see that no gouvernement, company, WEF or other organization really gives a shit about them, but only uses them, it will be too late.

A part of me is thinking that I should really stop giving a fuck about anything than myself and the handful of people I associate with, focus on my growth, money and freedom and nothing else.

“You will own nothing and you will be happy”

Yeah, maybe the human race really deserves everything thats coming to it.

Another part of me is genuinely sad to see what is happening globally.

Because I believe we could be better than this.

I wish humanity could move beyond these low-level-shit. Believe it or not, but some of the people I´ve encountered here, really gave me hope for that.

People like you @SammyG, Dream, Dr Manhattan, JAAJ, Maoshan Wanderer, Lunamoon, Rosechalice, Desiree, and others I can´t recall rn.

Maybe society will have to come crashing down a few times again, before we reach a higher baseline.

Wrong, answered above.

With all that being said Sammy, I understand your position at least partially.

Maybe you won´t believe me, but I actually do.

I don´t agree with you on that matter, but I understand and respect your decision.

You are a leader and carry all the responsiblitys that come with it.

I know that you are genuine, fuck I don´t I´ve think barely read somebodys energy as genuine as yours.

You have a vision for a better world and want to see us all evolve. I believe that and I can´t not love and respect you for that.

Also (even if not that important for you), Sapien Medicine is a business too, and in some way this forum is a representation of you and Dream.
If people post things that are considered controversial, it not only affects your vision of unity, but also potentially your reputation and finances.

I get that we aren´t just having a close sit-down in a pub.
There are many eyes on this place. Some members won´t speak up, many are just lurking, some don´t even know what this place is, I get it.

I´ve contemplated this for a while and realized that I´ll have to continue my growth elsewhere, and would like to ask you or @Dr_Manhattan / @Rosechalice to delete my account.
Not just bc of the current development of the forum, but other situations that have occured in my privat life since the beginning of this year.

Nothing personal, no hard feelings.

When I´ve arrived here, I had a lot of resentment and other aspects I really wasn´t proud of.
After spending over one year in this forum, utilizing fields, doing introspection and interacting with the community, I can say that I´ve grown alot and truly become a better person. Internally and externally.

I want to thank you all for that.

@SammyG If you remember, I´ve promised something to you and Dream. Even if that doesn´t mean anything to you, I intend to keep my word as soon as I´m able you.

And I genuinely wish all of you guys the best, in every walk of life, wherever your journey might lead.

Especially you @SammyG, @Dreamweaver @JAAJ @anon73693188 @Maoshan_Wanderer @Dr_Manhattan @Rosechalice and everybody else that has helped and teached me in one way or another, supported me in my growth and called me out on my bullshit (sometimes even by just saying nothing).

You guys rock, I mean it.

I´d be happy if you understand this post in the spirit it is intendet.

Much love :hugs:


You are very welcome, i hope you come back! All the best


It is quite common here, calling it a stereotype is an understatement… my friend was disavowed because he chose to become a nature photographer… I was never allowed to pursue degree in Film Making, had to study Law instead!




I mean do they renounce their children - as in denying them and not wanting to see them and not welcoming them at home?!


Yeah something like that, usually they don’t kick them out of homes, in our culture (indian) kids stay with parents until marriage, no matter how old, sometimes even after marriage, families stay together… so if kids are at home, they get silent treatment if they are under achievers and sometimes hurtful comments are passed, parents compare us to the next door neighours’ kids and relatives’ kids and as they say comparison is a thief of joy, so no matter what you achieve and how high in life you go, if you don’t become what they want you to become, you are despised…


That’s terrible.
Well, at least they are not kicked out (like some westerners do).

Are newer generations of parents more open to let their children decide for their own and open to them not reaching the expected heights?


You dont know the kind of words they use to abuse, my brother :sob:, you wish you are kicked out…

I think we will see change from our generation, hopefully. Personally, I would give my future kids the freedom to pursue their dreams… and more of us are exposed to the outer world, we are more educated, have a sense of human limitations, we recognise the importance of mental health…


Don Salvador disavowed Dali at one moment, albeit for the publicity he didn’t like strongly. Hopefully situation changes for the best in future, soon the Noon Age will start, I’m a firm believer.


I heard about this phenomena in India. To be honest i thought it was a bit exagerated. But hearing this from first hand changes everything.
That’s sad… Every cultture have this hidden " gems"
Im not patriculary worried about You, You are into fields so there is some serios healing and deprogrraming going on :wink:


Comparatively my parents are much chiller than an average indian parent, lol… looking back now I realised, they were looking out for me. They didnt let me pursue film making because it is a highly competitive field and odds of success are little to nothing… but I still want to pursue filmaking some day when I attain financial freedom… atleast I got to express my creativity through ads…

Yeah, as you said, atleast i have fields, I would be lying if I told you I didn’t have some discontentment. Fate brought me here and I am working through my issues… I am definitely a better man than before…


Happens here too-

Might be the generation idk but there’s a common thread…

They’re not very good at gift giving

You give someone a gift for their birthday. You going to follow them around telling them what to do with it? Tell them how expensive it was? They didn’t ask you for the gift.

I think of parenting like that. Dictating what someone does with their life is like taking a gift back or defeats the purpose of the gift

Just my opinion, sorry


Maybe we can move these discussions in the new thread?

Just a suggestion.
@Rosechalice @Dr_Manhattan


Almost forgot this is a meme thread :joy:


That’s a fair point. Good topić for separate discussion .


I have seen this video a few days ago and it has left me speechless.
Especially the comments under the video.
I hope more people in your country wake up and strive for a better and more free future :pray: