The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Yes, straight porn tho but I have seen gay porn aswell but I feel grossed out after


This is the only reason then

You have to quit otherwise nothing will help you

I know it might seem impossible but there are fields which can help you to quit


@Beast nice

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Thanks, already scared of the people who might go after me soon lmao

but I didnt mean to offend, just genuine advice


Would not go that far…

After reading your comments I dont think your homo- or bisexual, just years of porn addiction can lead to one always going after different, more exotic impulses

But nofap should fix that, people usually say it takes about 90 days to get back to baseline


I also thought that this is most likely the problem.
He is hetero but the internet is full of femdom sissification shit and brainwashing… his dopamine receptors might have been involuntarily been tied to homosexual triggers?

But also just to be clear here:
All types of sexual orientation are okay (not including perversions of course).
Pretty much everyone currently incarnated on this planet has also gay and lesbian parallel incarnations.
The Higher Self seeks to experience human sexuality in all its sexual orientations.
Denying certain types of these means denying a part of your experiences that you have collected as your Higher Self or the roles that you are playing in parallel lives.

Also, imagine what happens on other alien planets where they have 3 or 4 different genders? A lot to explore there for the Higher Self…


Does sapien have something for sissification programming or do you know of a solution I will stop watching porn

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How will this field make one more manly besides the hormonal changes

From another topic

Also this

Finally, the master reset

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Man, seriously porn really fucks you up. I’m so glad I’m sober from it, in the past I used to get sexual thoughts about other guys when I know I’m fully straight. Porn really fucks up your receptors and triggers. Glad to be sober for real.

@Elm47 im not sure if you’re actually going through a sexual confusion phase but if you feel compelled to be straight, def quit porn.


Field suggestions in this thread:

Plus, very important:

  • JAAJ’s Self Love Stack
  • “Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma” field. Start with this field and loop it 1-2 hours per day. Be prepared for burried emotions to be released and some eventual detox nightmares.

This is an interesting convo, but I’ll ask the mod to move it to a more appropriate thread where you can keep going from.


This is the most important field here.

Doesn´t help to heal your brain and remove the triggers, if there is still subconscious (sexual) trauma, that will pull you back to the content you really don´t want.

It would only send you into a spiral of clearing and relapsing, that would demoralize you further over time.

Healing and clearing your system will be much easier when you get your subconscious on board.

Go to the root, solve it once and for all.


That’s actually a very valid point. You’re not connecting with her, but an assumed version of her. A thoughtform, a field, that has been feed by all the desperate guys that are starring at her, fantasizing about her, giving her validation.

An energetic network of projections, cords, entity’s and whatnot.

I haven’t used IG for ages, but when I’ve read back then, what many guys wrote under the picture of women, it’s really cringe. Not even “mysogynistic”, but just so fucking desperate.

People wonder why many women have such a distorted, arrogant attitude. But if dozens of guys are showering you with validation everyday, it’s probably hard to not become like this.

Social media has fucked social dynamics


Found some interesting PDFs here:

Disclaimer: FYI only. I don’t know whether this author is trustworthy.

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Very Sad…but Very True As Well…there is a reason and MULTIPLE organizations behind why PORN is available to everyone at the click of a finger whereas our Ancestors did not even knew the meaning of Porn…AND That is To Make Men WEAK so it is easy to ENSLAVE them…To Screw the Dopamine-Reward Mechanism of their BRAINS…when you can get your Daily-High Just By Fapping then what is the Need to Build Your Body and Your Personality ? To Sweat in the Gym and Go through the Pain of Muscle Soreness and what not ? To Learn Social Mannerisms and Face Lots of Rejections during the Learning Process ? Why Go through All of that when You can see Porn, Visualize and Imagine and FAP Your Way to BLISS !!! The Conspiracy is Indeed Ultra Huge and Ultra Deep.

And I am STUCK in this Shit Too. I am Grateful to JAAJ for starting this THread and also for this Companion Thread –

So that I can finally Look For Possible Solutions, one of which being the VIBRATIONS of TRANSCENDENCE Series.


The alchemical revision and prepotential revision of sexual trauma is only on patreon right?

This is so true. Whenever I have connected to potential dating partners over social media I have a different perspective of them and my b.s. detecting antennas have disappeared. I used to have a pretty good self image of myself but then I had a best friend who would get many hundreds of likes more than me and that really screwed up my perception of myself even though I had better grades and even better looks than her. But I always said I looked like shit.

I used the friendship part of a dating app once to find female friends and I only met one girl. The girls never replied or if they did they just asked questions. Like an interview. I had been told I was better than other girls but I never believed it till I interacted with girls on that app. They had a circle of friends already so idk why they even installed that app. Guys were better in the sense that they would exchange numbers and meet.

I wish there was no Instagram. Even whatsapp is full of people’s statuses now. Every app I install seems to want to be the one to make me finish my internet pack. Even in college we had to use whatsapp for class updates. The day I get married and have some friends in my area I am throwing my phone. Landline it is.