The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Found some interesting PDFs here:

Disclaimer: FYI only. I don’t know whether this author is trustworthy.

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Very Sad…but Very True As Well…there is a reason and MULTIPLE organizations behind why PORN is available to everyone at the click of a finger whereas our Ancestors did not even knew the meaning of Porn…AND That is To Make Men WEAK so it is easy to ENSLAVE them…To Screw the Dopamine-Reward Mechanism of their BRAINS…when you can get your Daily-High Just By Fapping then what is the Need to Build Your Body and Your Personality ? To Sweat in the Gym and Go through the Pain of Muscle Soreness and what not ? To Learn Social Mannerisms and Face Lots of Rejections during the Learning Process ? Why Go through All of that when You can see Porn, Visualize and Imagine and FAP Your Way to BLISS !!! The Conspiracy is Indeed Ultra Huge and Ultra Deep.

And I am STUCK in this Shit Too. I am Grateful to JAAJ for starting this THread and also for this Companion Thread –

So that I can finally Look For Possible Solutions, one of which being the VIBRATIONS of TRANSCENDENCE Series.


The alchemical revision and prepotential revision of sexual trauma is only on patreon right?

This is so true. Whenever I have connected to potential dating partners over social media I have a different perspective of them and my b.s. detecting antennas have disappeared. I used to have a pretty good self image of myself but then I had a best friend who would get many hundreds of likes more than me and that really screwed up my perception of myself even though I had better grades and even better looks than her. But I always said I looked like shit.

I used the friendship part of a dating app once to find female friends and I only met one girl. The girls never replied or if they did they just asked questions. Like an interview. I had been told I was better than other girls but I never believed it till I interacted with girls on that app. They had a circle of friends already so idk why they even installed that app. Guys were better in the sense that they would exchange numbers and meet.

I wish there was no Instagram. Even whatsapp is full of people’s statuses now. Every app I install seems to want to be the one to make me finish my internet pack. Even in college we had to use whatsapp for class updates. The day I get married and have some friends in my area I am throwing my phone. Landline it is.


The guilt you feel after watching porn is as damaging or more damaging than watching porn.

Stop seeing it as something bad or evil. It will only feed your drives to watch it.

Porn is something really wierd. It feeds from fantasies, insecurities and all sorts of traumas to dramatize them into sex. That is why people feel the urge to watch it.

Porn it is more about you and what is resonating within you than the actual action of sitting and masturbating to porn.

People are approval junkies.

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@JAAJ i had a revelation the other day.

i know my own motives to watch porn now.

traumatising childhood, love feelings crushed as a child, violent enviroment in the family and outside of it

jungle mentality of most of the people in my past (kill or be killed etc…)

no real emotional support while having overly protective mother and and deep father issues.

that said… the old porn industry (perhaps before 2010) was a remedy, an escape and a dreamland for me personally…sth like fairytales…i was allways choosy for quality products mostly Italian and not USA.

USA products was even as a teen unbearable to watch and no fun whatsoever.

beeing empathetic the products not made in USA filled the gap in me and i could function normaly for my past standarts even more so to do spiritual exercises of…sexual nature…then not knowing what am i achieving and what am i practising.

and for me it was innocent. i didnot feel that i need a fix or sth… more so it was a normal part of the day and more so a part of the day devoted to my own needs in privacy.

i learned alot… mostly to controll my urges. to remain clear of head and so on…


nowadays no porn publicly avaliable is good. this first.

second with the same fact that brought me some positivity… meaning i am empathetic i also seems have sucked up all of the aggression from those films.

this fact alluded me for all my life until now, it was very deep in me and not sth i could percieve. like inate aggression and also huge sexual expectations.

i accepted then i have projected all this through my teenage years to the world arround me.

i projected objectifying women and pure sexual aggression.

none of them my own source energy… none of them felt by me. and none of them serving my intent of beeing a normal being. and of course the enviroment and people have projected this back to me all my life.

i am from the above said dearly sorry for all the women and men that were under influnce of those above said projections and i beg them for forgiveness, which i would most probably not easily attain.

i have realised alot of things in my young years. this was not one of them and i am trully sorry for the damage done.

so this is it.

thanks for reading!


Thanks for sharing.


And what about creating cords with actors? And the image a man subconsciously gets of a woman like seeing women as a sex object? Your heart chakra creating a block to love your own wife (when you have one)?

@Alkul shared an interesting video in another thread.

In this thread she, the video creator, speaks about fragmentation as another way to look at entropy and that that is what the cabal is trying to do.

Porn is a massive fragmentation tool as in that it trains people to disconnect from each other.

Disconnection and fragmentation = increase in entropy.

Divide and conquer.

It is an entropy increasing tool used by the cabal and all the losers supporting them and pushed for free onto people’s computers and smart phones.


People have know for years that porn is bad, yet the media say its good. The below was published 21 years ago

Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations in Ramallah are broadcasting pornographic movies and programs in Hebrew, irate residents say.

Not only that, they put all of them on lock down and placed nude magazines all over the land

" A fourth local station, whose premises were not seized by the army, ran a message across its screen letting people know it was the Israelis who were behind the graphic scenes.

The Israeli military denied that it had anything to do with the pornographic programming and instead blamed the Palestinian leaders."

yeah… sure buddy

The link is safe for work no nude content, BTW, it was 24/7 porn on all 3 out of 4 channels, durning a lockdown.

Its funny how i seen some deny that it was done by the army, then it must be a major coincidence that the same news channels that the arm took was the same ones streaming porn 24/7. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: What are the chances.


They did the same worldwide in 2020, didn’t they? :thinking:

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The Vendor Equilibrium has released a A Free Audio For Curing the Effects of Porn Addiction. Anybody tried that ?

If I use my whole persona for working (any kind of activity, really) as the work demands it, and I work in many different fields with a persona for each one, how does this fragmentation affect me?

help guys pls i cant stop relapsing. its getting even worse now because ive recently disoxveted something called gooning. its fucking disgusting and 100 times more addicting

ive tired everythunt from cold showers, blockers and breathworth. also ive been listening to soul core for 1 to 2 hours a day for a month but thats not helping (probably need more time tbf) ive tired other audios but I cant stop. ill go on a week streak then relapse its fooked

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It will be unpopular, but you are not meant to do nofap. The surge in testosterone is your body noticing you haven’t emptied your balls and pushing you to mate or release and the testosterone will go back down even if you keep not fapping.

It’s not your natural level of testosterone, it’s your body wondering why you haven’t fornicated and giving you a hint.

Now, for porn. Use your audio and slowly go to less extreme or whatever gooning is. No humiliation stuff just regular sex then reduce and reduce some more.

Nutting is not the problem, the problem is the estrogen excess in male’s bodies and the porn which we haven’t evolved for.

Same way some people haven’t evolved to drink cow milk or fight infections, drink alcohol or eat sugar. Porn is too strong for most people’s biology especially if they don’t have partners or are bored loners.

Release the oil and if you do use porn make it softer and don’t fall all in mentally. Don’t immerse yourself and your subconscious 100% in it.

You hating yourself or feeling guilty is feeding that humiliation process

There will be some new fields for that.


wow thank you so much :pray::pray:

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