The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Unpopular among those who need to believe that fapping is the cause of all their life problems, perhaps. Just another pendulum having its way with sheep counters.

Daily Clearing by Spirituality Zone and Natural Male Enhancement and Enlargement - NO FAP - Digital Mandala by Programmed Intention might help a bit…

But really … it’s all about why someone’s fapping and why they want to stop … biological feedback is just an extension of what happens in the background… it’s the same reason for which woodcutting increases testosterone, as does competing against other males… It’s mostly concepts and vibrations (ashwagandha, for example - its chemical structure includes a specific field of information - a vibration - that increases your T).

People need to come to terms with the fact that not all their problems can be washed away by not beating their meat.

You’ll stop when you address the real issues in your life. Not because there’s anything wrong with masturbating, but because you’re too busy to do it.


The gooning and the bathing in dopamine is an escape from something, like with all drugs.

You need to start to do serious healing on trauma and self-esteem.

Also finding a higher purpose than indulging in lust out of boredom.
You need to go to the core of things and heal them from there.

If you have to release, then do it without porn.
Gooning is not even possible if you have to use your fantasy.

And never feel shame or guilt when you release (this is toxic brainwashing from nofap forums) that keeps you in the cycle. Guilt and shame are negative emotions and people usually try to compensate negative emotions by using their favorite drugs.


What are your guys opnion on semen retention though? i feel like if i realease once a week without porn ill lose my “benefits”

i have such a strong conncection to it because the first time i want on a 8 month streak i was finally happy and i made a lot of friends and after i relapse a few tikes i was back to my old self

was it just all in my head? but spiritual gurus reccomend it co flicted

It has the weight you decide to put into it

On my point of view it has some benefits, better than releasing 3x per day, but those benefits can be obtained on a faster pace trough some fields, without the heavy balls that come from long term retention.

Try a week w/o release, then start looping ojas for a couple of days, you would feel like you have been retaining for months, at least for me

Good practice overall but not something I would dedicate my whole existence.


Read this sir ,you have free will.

If you want to come out from that loop then increase your vibration through new things and with the help of vibration increasing Fields.
After do some healing. All things will be fine and Your mind become peaceful and gain curiosity again.
Just a recommendation through my 4 year experience

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I Release about every 5 days when i feel like i will explode but i never watch porn. That for me is the healthiest way and i dont feel bad.
Porn is your Is your problem here bro. And the Feelings of shame and guilt come from the mental clearness you get after ejaculating and the depleting of the happy chemicals of your brain.

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:point_down: :exclamation:


Edit: at least they don’t shrink other things. :grin:
However, they might make one less receptive to the real deal…

Better without it or at the very least only watching once in a while, ideally without ejaculations - yet, we have all of these tools, all of these fields, I think we can get rid of this addiction (I have almost zero interest in porn nowadays, plus I think there are many thinks more productive or good/healthy for us).

Edit: if porn would shrink your staff, would you watch it?

  • Hell Yeah, Big or Small, I Love Porn
  • Hell No

0 voters



I always thought that was the issue. I have been experimenting with semen retention and avoided the usage of porn and it does make a vast difference in terms of not using porn as a stimulation to release your load.

I am off from semen retention because it was a nice experience to do but I noticed the times when I did masturbated to porn it was heavy on my body vs when I just stayed away from porn and just released for the sake of releasing it felt genuinely good.

I don’t base my self worth on nofap because no one should rely on external motivation or act to feel worthy but man porn really does destroy the mind’s of people.

Right now I got a buddy that falls into depression and feels like he lost all the “superpowers” when he releases from the surge of sexual urges. He feels like he can’t accomplish anything like talking to a woman.


This book really helped me on my addiction to PMO recovery. If you know you know. It has been the easiest method to quit for good. It’s actually really enjoyable quitting. Will power alone does not work to quit. You must deprogram/de-brainwash first then decide to quit.
The book is called the easy peasy way

open question:

to which extent do you think that porn damages you in terms of how it is signified through you based on past experiences and the energetic/social construction of sexual energy used as a discharge on all these fetishizations and ideas of how men/women should be which is purely subjective and solipsistic.

and to which extent do you think porn damages you because their websites and videos are energetically charged with egregors. which probably has more to do with the collective unconscious and our connection to it.

This is a very interesting question.

If I understand correctly, you’re asking if porn particularly damages you based on your subjective past experience and social constructions/sexual beliefs (or archetypes) we have implanted in us during our life. I think, to a certain extent, it feeds on these preexisting things, but the main problem is it’s actually one of the main reasons a lot of young people have these fucked up sexual dynamics/fetishes in the first place. I see it more as the root of the problem, being available to everyone at such young age nowadays. (I don’t know if I even understood your question correctly since this is not my first language)

It’s definitely not the main damaging factor but yeah, it definitely contributes to that terrible feeling you have after binge watching it. I still remember the first few loops of Exorcism after starting to quit for good, lol. This is why I think it’s nice to have in every porn addiction recovery stack for a while.


This belongs here.


My opinion on this video is reflected in this comment that I found under the video:

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I remember how women would notice the lust in my eyes, when I gave up porn for months, they could see the desire burning in my eyes


(and not only there lol, anyway),

…, I want that desire back, plus all the added effects, including stronger will, more ambition and stronger motivation, etc.

It is worth it.

I will give up porn for that (for good, this time).


All of you here are worthy of a happy life free from porn and it’s never too late to steer the ship in another direction. When you fail, try again. The journey is the goal is the journey. They’ll attack you in your weakest moments, when you’re sick, down, anxious, just looking for that little familiar rush to take the edge off. You get rewarded when you don’t give in, when you change your focus and let it pass. Just watch the urge fade as you stop feeding it.

Best way to kill something is to starve it, literally takes no effort to do nothing. Easiest way to accomplish this is to change your environment. Put up barriers to your addictions so you have enough speed bumps to get your sense back if the demon’s biting hard. Just like if you want to lose weight you don’t put a box of donuts next to your bed or even in your house, make watching porn as difficult as possible to access and enjoy. Giving up visual media helps. Like anything, it’s a complete lifestyle change. At the core you have to change, and you have all of these tools here to do just that. Once you’ve changed and healed over, you’ll never go back, like ex drinkers and smokers who can’t stand to be around it anymore. Works for anything: videogames, sugar, shopping, workaholism, even gym/fitness addictions/pre-occupation. Getting time away and going through the healing process to the point where you’ve healed over those wounds that caused you to seek out the poison in the first place is pretty foolproof. It just takes time and abstinence, enough to starve it out and heal. How long is the greatest variable, but if you just keep going you’ll get there. As long as you’re breathing, you’ll have a chance to choose, and as long as you’re choosing not to feed the beast, you’re winning. There’s no greater feeling than that. Keep going.


An observation I´ve made last night.

I´ve revisited some of the “erotic content” on yt that I´ve started out with as a teen, before I got down the adult sites rabbithole.

Some of the videos triggered an immediate and intense stimulation of my brain and full energybody.
Not all, but those who did where pretty in the face with how they induce a trance.

The strength in the approach differs between them, but pretty much everywhere “something” tried to breach my firewall while in that state.

In the past I´d have just interpreted this as “She is just so sexy, I´m helpless, I just have to masturbate to it” etc… Trigger → reaction… Not even spend a second thought.

After adding shielding fields and soul restoration, that changed to “It feels dirty, something is trying to invade” etc.

But actually starting to feel the differences of the energys and how they interact with my system, using discernment and keeping control even when getting aroused from it, adds a completely different level to it.

They way how some of them triggered me from the very first second, I was reminded of fksubs.

Few things are that strong and forceful.

But it makes sense. We have people like dream, they have those that specialize in their “business”…


The problem is not Porn.

Zoom out and look at the entities the videos connect to. Most of their scenes are programmed to feed on the energy you emit upon release. Creating energetic vortices is a piece of cake for any midlevel to advanced magus.

With shielding they should be easy to see. If your faculties are not developed yet, just ask your primordial patron self to explain to you what it sees in the scene. You’ll see a representation of it. You’ll also see the process… and you’ll feel sad and disheartened for these girls that got stuck in this paradigm. Your ability to find them “sexy” completely fades away and you’ll experience more of a fatherly compassion for them and send them wishes of freedom.

The “sexy” cloak is an illusion - you’ll see how average most of them look with true sight. Their Muladhara looks completely distorted and drained also, and for most of them, energy doesn’t go beyond their Manipura.


it’s crazy, if you check many of these girls left hemisphere semblance of their faces (emotional), you can see many of them in the edge of crying.