The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

It was a joke because people think that pope is a lizard alien of some sort. Also don’t like vatican at all, they have the sword of archangel michael and I want that when I make a lot of money. If they don’t give it to me they are going down (joking also).


Well it is true, I think it destroys not only weakens. If someone is a priest then they have to be priests by all means not in some parts, you either are something or you are not. People are not that absolute of course but to submit yourself to one manner to achieve that manner means to become that and to not be whatever is against it. Sexual sin or lust or whatever is opposed to that.

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Ok, anyway I was catholic but not anymore since some years ago and I’m from the same country as the Pope and we really know who he is.
He is not that nice, very often involving in my country politics supporting the corrupts.

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Is this a subliminal? So listen with headphones?

Kind Regards

This whole thing is worst than I thought.

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This is very interesting thread…

in the Holocaust, one of their biggest research was how to get people fearful, they learned by studying mind control.

that if you disconnect them from love (not romantic love…), they can be mind controlled. Why do you think they were obsessed with the bond between the mother and her child?

That was love. They weren’t trying to figure out the beauty of it, they were trying to destroy it. Certain chemicals, electromagnetism, everything.

Implemented now this this is what that was all about. This is why everything has become so perverted and detached. They’re eating the energy.

Every time you have an orgasm Especially to something perverted.

we need to ask ourselves , why are we having an orgasm? Looking at a 2 dimensional image, some perverted pornography… All it’s doing is rewiring your brain because you’re not connected to love and spirituality.

It just becomes a thought that triggers the orgasm. A symbol.

‘They’ (cabal whoever you want to call it) attach themselves energetically to that
symbol, and when you have an orgasm and unit that energy, it goes to that.

we talk about celibacy, lol one extreme or the other… that’s how they screw with you. You’re either good or you are bad. It has nothing to do with good or bad, we just happen to be inside of a tumor and unfortunately, that’s what makes it grow if you weren’t, have sex with love all you want. (shameless plug Primordial spark)

And so if you read this and you continue to do that, well, if you don’t connect to the creator, you won’t be able to stop sex. It’s more addictive than crack. The sex detached from love is an addiction. Look how much energy you put into getting It and then, how long does that orgasm last? You go through refractory period and find yourself looking to do It again.

It can be. Why do you think porn gets worse and worse and worse just so people need more and more and more of a drug? It’s you don’t understand It’s the life essence they absorb when you
do that. It’s the whole point.

Think about it, how many detached orgasms do you think occur every day on this planet? It is not about whether sex is good or bad.

have you seen those videos of kids knowing the intro to Pornhub? like literally kids under 5 year old know the intro instantly… That’s why they’re really hitting up children. They’re hitting up both ends, getting them to be de-attached.

Hip hop plays a big role in that. Gothic, emo type of stuff plays a huge role in that. All created for kids thinking they’re rebelling when it’s all created by these crazy men in their, World Bank suits.

That’s why Disney starts you early, thinking about sex. They need that, that’s their end. And they have to attach it to violence to make it perverted.

That’s why you have cheerleaders at a football game. That’s why you have sex scenes in horror movies. They’re trying to combine violence with sex, because to be violent is to not appreciate another creation, which is a guarantee that you’re not connected to love. Therefore the energy is usable. By the those who attach themselves to the symbol, it’s not about whether you’re good or bad, it’s about you being used to your own demise.


I just saw the video you linked.
This is extremely shocking.
Even kids are already conditioned to the drug :expressionless:
We are going to have one or two whole generations, completely divided into two fractions: the virtual crack addicts and those who get laid in real life.


The definitive source of Semen Retention.


Thanks, I’m going through this now.

I really need inputs and information about sexual energy transmutation, because just the negative side of it doesn’t do much for me and doesn’t sit well with me (tell me not to do something and watch what I will do next xD).

Check you this channel:


I’m so glad I watched that, I didn’t even recognise or know that song, or where it’s from… let alone if its associated with any adult website…. About 3 and half years free from that poison……


Just discovered this incredibly important topic today. I didn’t see it mentioned, but Maitreya Fields has a very powerful field for nofap and SR called " Brahmacarya God - NoFap Semen Retention and Transmutation"

Sapien’s “Transmutation of lower and basal energy” is also useful.

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One thing porn/masturbation has been detrimental to my life is the lack of energy and low motivation after committing the deed. I remember when I was on semen retention, my energy was just amazing. I think I will go back on semen retention, the lack of energy isn’t worth it

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The wolf of wall street?

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:rofl: :rofl:


lol, get reported kid


I know it was you

Seriously tho, manifestation knowledge hidden in plain sight.


Taking ur meds once a while wouldnt hurt u

Bro the matrix wouldnt let that info out of this fourm

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