The Primordial Spark (Public NFT)

400 Copies

The Language of Life / The Creative Spirit / The Primordial Spark

First and foremost Thank you to @Dreamweaver for making this NFt possible and educating us along the way.

I introduce to you THE primal creative seed of the universe, the will to be…
It’s an inspiration that flows, a consciousness that touches with waves and collapses them into ‘particles.’

It’s an unnamed force, but I came across it as “The Creative spirit.” The language of life. The language a small animal uses, which can travel from South Africa to North America, it’s in connection with this large consciousness gathering all the information it needs at any given moment.

It knows you best and will know how to work with its creation best.

All consciousness springs forth from this spirit it is part of a larger piece, your own ‘throne.’ Once one is in sync with their spirit, that individual is free from suffering, and shielded from evil as the power of the creative spirit is infinite and loving.

This love concept can be seen as either affective or effective love, affective referring to more of the romantic style of love, and is characterized by its transient nature, in that it comes and goes, rises to great heights, and then plummets to great depths, often leading to despair, etc…

Effective love, on the other hand, is a love based on our innermost being, is in no way transient, and can never transpire. This effective love is the love that Creation is and that we also can sense/perceive and feel.

Some points:

The Essentials of Creation:

  • Full understanding and realization of the creation itself.
  • And the nature of the structural reality we are in.
  • Know the “creator” itself, establish communication and connection with that concept and just ‘become’.
  • Expression of Love from the Creative Spirit to Every ATOM starting from inside the body and Imploding to all ATOMs around on all levels of dimensions/universes.

A lot of space was given to dream to determine how best to make this work.

From Talmud of Jmmanuel:

Blessed are those who are rich in spirit and recognize the truth, for life is theirs.
Blessed are those who have a clear conscience, for they need not fear.
Blessed are those who know about Creation, for they are not enslaved by false teachings.
You shall be wise and acquire knowledge, because you shall become perfect in spirit as the Creation which created you.
Over the course of incarnations, you shall train your spirit and your consciousness and allow them to develop to perfection, so that you become one with Creation.

Creative Spirit working with you

More information RECOMMENDED

Jonathan / adampants - The HEALING Begins NOW / VINDECAREA începe ACUM (RO) - YouTube
Johnatan / adampants - Church Defined - YouTube
Johnatan (adampants) - Phase Two: Subliminal Message (Reconnecting to Spirit) - YouTube
Johnatan (adampants) - Phase: Three Communication (Reconnecting to Spirit) - YouTube
Johnatan (adampants) - Knowledge (Reconnecting to Spirit) - YouTube
Johnatan (adampants) - Another Lesson From Spirit (Reconnecting to Spirit) - YouTube

Original Image:

MANDALA + AUDIO (if there’s an issue with audio download, please let me know)




Omg I’ve never been SO early :partying_face:
Sorry did I interrupt your post? Were you about to reserve another? Please forgive me 😵‍💫


Lol just no clue what it is?
What is a primordial spark?


This is a community project turned public,

I’ll add more information later on but eternally grateful to Captain for making this possible. I hope others can see the value in this. I worked with Dream to have this public so others can benefit as well.

First time ever we get a community project with both Audio and Mandala, I know some only work with the audios so really tried working something out with Dream.


Is it some alien intercession type thing? :thinking: just guessing…




Thanks to you for being so kind hearted :heart:
Of course Captain for being so amazing. This man is something else :gift_heart:


Really cool thanks :pray:t5:
Looking forward to some insight :)


This is an’ unnamed’ primal creative seed of the universe,
the will to ‘be’.

not a deity or something outside of you per say.

I call it “The creative spirit”


Sounds awesome :grin:




There’s not much information on the topic,

I don’t wish to promote FOMO within the community so I’ll share the resources which led to this but understand we are getting the essence of it.

There are a lot of copies and there will be multiple remints if the community as a whole seeks to benefit from this.


Nice work @Zen very cool of you. I know how much this one means to you


Thank you Zen!


What an awesome gift for all of us! Thanks @Zen and project members for making it happen.

Thanks @Dreamweaver for this gift!! :heart_eyes:

Let us ‘be’ :sparkling_heart:


How would you get the audio?

And if there’s a lot of copies available I dont think people will get FOMO, as that usually comes with scarcity


You don’t seem to like deities, do you? :grin:

And deities are also not “outside” of anything or anyone. Of course, one can internalize or externalize anything and everything… There seems to be a big lack of understanding of what Deities are or are not - by both groups that like them and want to lump as many as one can into every damn NFT without finesse, and the others, who seem to scoff at them as though they are potatoes and tomatoes that we take for granted …


I would prefer starting with myself, expressing love to my own being.

to appreciate other life.


It shows when you purchase that a download link will be emailed to you. I’m still waiting for the audio link