The Primordial Spark (Public NFT)

Anyone who purchased this received their audio link yet?

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thanksā€¦ I still havenā€™t received it yet. :thinking:

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took a bit, I was confused thought I did a double purchase or something til I realized it was the audio


@Zen Can you pls share the audio with me? Thanks!

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Itā€™s true, deities are not outside of you. Nothing is outside of you. You can even say deities are your own Being, which is why they are used as archetypes to represent aspects/parts of our Being/consciousness

For example, all the different aspects of the Goddess represent different aspects of the Divine Feminine within you. Same with all the different archetypes of the Divine Masculine.



Expires after 100 Downloads or 365 days

(donā€™t think i need to state it but only works for NFT owners)


@Zen Thanks! This is just taking me to their homepage. No audio link

You can use also. Itā€™s free


The new link worked! Thanks so much :raised_hands:




to get the audio:

Claim your NFT as you would normally and you should see instructions with the link to your MP3 file.


I thought I was good at math. Staring at these sine wave equations, contemplating what they are trying to tell me :exploding_head:

I think I want this one though.


Long live Dream and his sparkly spark spark :tired_face::weary:




Whatta guy
This drop sure isā€¦ the bomb :exploding_head::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I read all the info and I have literally no clue what this NFT is about :joy:

Could anyone tell me in a simple way what this one does? :pray:


You become one with creation.


The spark is in every living organism from the cell in an amoeba to the human being and elephant, from individual quanta to the entire material universe, only the local functions and tasks differ, so the description should preferably be perceived intuitively and figuratively as referring to all the mentioned levels, whether macro or micro, although it is about a human being - about you

some time ago zen provided a draft of this idea

in my opinion - the idea is to ignite the light within you
Man was created in the image of the stellar cosmos, which means that each of us carries within us a whole inner universe that is inextricably linked to the outer universe.

A spark is your node point in the universe neural network, connecting you to the parallel, higher and lower aspects - your boundless self, which is the totality of Sparks and is comparable to a star with many beams. It is an opportunity to have a new experience and to see yourself as you are without all shells, bodies and extraneous programs (social, fears, resentments, traumas, beliefs, karma, implants, viruses, etc.). Love is what connects us to our true selves, to the source, no matter what the source and the true selves mean to you. Life begins to flow, connecting with passion and mission with joy and creative force

Each of us will have a different interpretation of this concept. But this is not a high school essay. The most important thing is whether you feel a resonance with what you read in the first post


Beautiful!! :clap: :boom:


Zen! @Zen dear lord, what is this unbelievable creation!?

The first listen Iā€™m totally tearing up, I think that was utter overwhelm of the touch of beauty this provides.

My first look at the image, my words were ā€œthis feels like birthā€, second look I thought it a womb.

Iā€™m gonna be another uncle soon and yesterday I was able to feel my niece kicking inside the womb. Thatā€™s the power of life.

This music has such sheer power and vigor behind it. But the words vigor and power seem insufficient a definition for this experience. This feels like nature - raw, powerful, beautiful. An unfathomable force!

This feels like the birth of birth, the moment the process of birth begins, the ritual of life creation and itā€™s ensuing embodiment of love.

Iā€™m a bit blown away and struggling to find the right words. This feels a bit like the self realization series, particularly the spark in others. But more, oh so much more.

I think this audio alone can restore faith in humanity. Absolutely astonishing!!

Marvelous stuff
Cheers sirs zen and Captain :pray::pray:


Can anyone explain anything about the charts that look like belief math problems?

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The equations is to illustrate how the consciousness work to best help you with healing and getting back in touch with the ā€œtemplateā€ of life.

it knows what itā€™s doing and how to work best for each individual.