The Primordial Spark (Public NFT)

as an audio engineer, it reminds me of something called phase cancellation which is when one signal cancels out the other - basically when you combine one sine wave or frequency with the exact inverse (or opposite) then it is cancelled out completely. this is also similar to how noise cancellation works on headphones that have that feature. I’m not sure that this is the same thing or if that’s what it’s demonstrating, but that’s what it looks like to me.

also, I’ve been seeing 108 everywhere. I just picked this up and got the 108th copy!


:100: :100:


So this connects you with the absolute creator of all things if I’m reading this right


Correct, on a personal level.

Although there are three forces, this one focuses on one of them.


Which three?

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The Holy Trinity, called many different things in different traditions. In the case of this NFT, it’s like the creative potential of the 3 coming into being within someone’s mental worlds. The creative potential of them coming into manifestation through the mind and will. Of course that is very simplified explanation.


Now I am tempted to try this out lol

Also, the mp3 part is fun! Somehow, I always gravitate towards audio fields more than mandalas lol


I’ll love to see your review on this.

Eternally grateful dream made it possible…


I’m def going to get it but I can’t buy it yet! Lol

Absolutely. Most NFT groups I’m in, I prefer both. Very rarely, depending on the nature of the NFT, do I want only mandala.


Still a bit lost here, lets use the first photo as a hypothetical


I dont understand this at all or how the field relates to it or can help solve the issue, any help would be greatly appreciated


This NFT has completely put me on the Path of Love :love_letter:
My heart is opening up to Love and Source more and more and it’s just impossible to describe in words.
In today’s meditation, I was able to “awaken” a piece of the Creative Spirit in me and touch it, and it’s just Divine. It is growing in me and at the moment my whole being is overflowing with Love for all beings and with Light (Thanks to Mass Meditations as well!!! :earth_asia:)
My ego has weakened and I am One with everything :heart:
My view on things also changes, I see more beauty in Everyday’s life
From The True Self of Others description:

Also, two NFTs: The Primordial Spark and The Triune of Light perfectly complement each other
And new Mass Meditations came at the best timing thanks to Captain!


Seems that often two NFTs that complement each other perfectly’s releases are divinely orchestrated to be close to each other. :pray:t3:



Two waves that are out of phase exactly cancel each other when added together. This principle, which is used in noise-cancelling headphones, is called “destructive interference.” Both constructive and destructive interference explain many properties of sound in the ocean.


Nice, so how would we go about finding out what 2 things will cancel out, or the field does this on its own? Im watching the videos now hopefully they go into this

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Hi @Zen, the mp3 you share here is 16,5 MB and the one that I downloaded from the purchase page is 7,9 MB , is there any difference between them or do both work the same? just wondering which I should use :slight_smile:

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I added the photo to the actual MP3 file, it shouldn’t affect anything apart from that.


Okay I understand, thank you @Zen!

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Can this help with manifesting?

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i felt i was getting sick, my lower back was aching, my body felt weak had a little headache… and I’ve been looping virus 2.0 the entire day for the most part… and that’s when i had the thought of not listening to the cells that were ‘infected’ so i listened to primordial spark with the idea of not reading the DNA/RNA of the virus that might’ve been attacking the other cells and it was clear my body was putting up a fight to stop it. And i woke up this morning with NOTHING :slightly_smiling_face: no headache no weakness in my body, no tingles in my throat or anything.


More info, i debated sharing but you can direct this energy to any point of your life (even past life as you start to remember more) and “heal” yourself by infusing yourself with this force having effects at this current moment.