The Primordial Spark (Public NFT)

You have the claim NFT email. Click on that link. Audio and mandala are both there.


I really like the audio of this one. A bit melancholic but beautiful.

In the few days of listening I sensed that the field activates crown chakra, heart chakra and christ heart chakra. I am pretty sure this will develop unconditional love and compassion in the long run. Just look at @inf1nity 's experience above. I am not that far, yet.


This nft is
Such an HONOR
Thank you.

I have died into cosmic bliss jeje @Zen


This one has been on my wish list, but on the fence (assuming there are copies left)…

Any reviews?


Same bro. Been teetering on buying this for a while but have to be very selective these days. There should be plenty copies left for a bit.


Maybe audio coming!

There already is one


From Talmud of Immanuel/Jmmanuel (The one with godly knowledge)

“The Creation- spirit part of the human has no need for many words, however humans need the knowledge of how powerful it is.
Pray therefore to the omnipotence of the spirit, in the knowledge that its greatness and power are infinite.
If you do not know how to pray directly to the almighty power of the spirit, make use of something sacred by which you can reach the spirit.”
“Be aware, however, that the almighty power of the spirit always dwells within you regardless of your usage of a sacred object or place.”

"Therefore pray as one who knows, and thus pray as follows:

My Spirit, you are omnipotent.
Your name be holy.
Let your Kingdom incarnate itself in me.
Let your power unfold itself within me, on earth and in the heavens.
Give me today my daily bread, so that i may know gratitude and truth.
And lead me not into temptation and confusion, but deliver me from error.
For yours is the kingdom within me and the power and the knowledge forever. Amen.


“When you pray to your spirit, it will give you what you request; have trust in this knowledge and you will receive.
However, if you believe in the false teachings that the power and spirit do not dwell within you, then you will be without knowledge and will live in spiritual poverty.”


What’s difference of this and ascension nft ???
@Zen brother tell us what Dream say on it?

Listening to the audio is an awe-inspiring experience I must say.

I’ve been looping it constantly today and the feeling I’m getting reminds me of a quote I heard recently in a guided meditation:

“Who were you before they tried to tell you who you are?”

Pure source energy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


I don’t own the ascension field so I can’t really comment on it.

Dream would have to add his input on how they differ.

That’s awesome, now while you look at the trees and other beings love their spirit that resides in them just as it resides in you and watch how you just get this sense of pure love and security.


I am not zen, but the inner work is done with silence, silencing the mind so that the conscience makes presence. There is no substitute for silence. The inner work has nothing to do with focusing on dimensions, other planes and kingdoms… etc since they all belong to maya, the mind vibrates, movement, consciousness is stillness, silence.

The eternal world without beginning or end does not vibrate, it is stillness. Two-dimensional.

Maya is vibration, it is movement. It had a beginning and it will have an end. Multidimensional.

Therefore, to connect with absolute consciousness, you must make your consciousness present, through the silence of the mind. The mind is the connector that allows consciousness to perceive maya, but it also distracts it and makes it dream.

Most people believe that awakening is activating the pineal gland, seeing dimensions of the mind, or connecting with beings of one polarity or another. This only serves to play the matrix, not to wake up from it!

but no, the awakening is waking up from the dreams of the mind(implant), living with the mind under control, in stillness, so that the conscience begins to make presence and dominate the 4 inferior vehicles.

There is no substitute for inner silence, from there the answers are born.


as an analogy., if we think of this like a … cell.
for me this represents the vastness, the ever continual cytoplasm. whereas the ascensionnaut is the rocket, a rocket holding great inertia allowing for one to transcend in their level of consciousness, in their level of understanding of the cytoplasm.

I find this as a great, very necessary primer before ascenionnaut.

triune of light is a path to this _____ (I say ___ as in like destination, the undefined defined). like a pathway to the X. whereas this, this is the X itself, the unlimited, the endless (unless dream says otherwise then at least that’s what I think this is or what I personally feel at least)
(now there is no right or wrong and that does NOT minimize the triune theory/ path- I am just saying that’s not the only way)

I am always reminded of
“Aad Sach. Jugad Sach. Hai Bhi Sach. Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach.”
and then literally once ascneionnaut starts playing i swear no joke I start hearing “waheguru waheguru waheguru” (at the chorus part that goes like bummmmmm baaa, bummmmmm baaaa, bummmm baaaa…( ie the music that drops at 31-34 seconds)
ahaha I love it.


This ! This makes me so curious about this field


Do you also play Universal Om before this one? I’ve always had great experiences with that and Ascension-Naut together (while gazing into both the Quasi Kinetic Aura and Tuaoi Crystal). I don’t have this one yet, but maybe soon.


I think this is cool.


exactly! the Vigyan Bhairava Tantra mentions that we experience the bliss of god when the mind is still and free of thoughts. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra also states that when the mind is stilled, we reside in our natural state; which this field helps us to get in touch with and eventually become it. A person who is liberated, united with energy ( united with god ), one gains many powers, one can consciously leave the body for a short period or permanently at will. the person gains the mastery of the elements. one is able to create new objects by joining elements and cure diseases by seperating elements. is also able to see the true reality of everything. Pure knowledge appears, mastery of the chakras, one also gains the power of mantras.


a little late to answer but It will.

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Hi everyone! I know this is a bit of an old thread but was hoping to gain some wisdom and insight into my experience with the NFT.

The main aspect I’m still hoping to integrate is the inifnite love of creation/creator. How does this reconcile with the existence of suffering, pain and evil around us? Is that part of the creative spirit as well, or a separate force/influence entirely? And how can we be created through love when suffering exists too?

Sorry for the heavy post :sweat_smile: Ive hit a bit of a roadblock on this and would be great to have some advice from those more experienced!

Also, one user mentioned the creative spirit is one of three fundamental forces. What are the other two then?

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