Decided to start a blog

This blog is a Treasure Trove.

Just try to apply the knowledge instead of “reading”.

Not just referring to action - use it as a lens/filter to look at things through.



To whom it may concern, we have a new Article :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What’s interesting is that sapien talks about remote viewing as it’s somthing he’s sceptical, I always thought it was somthing that was just accepted here on the fourm. I think I seen him mention it once when somone was asking for help.

Maybe because the blog is public and so he doesn’t want to stretch far from someone’s belief system, that’s probably why he feels the need to always back the things he says with a accepted Science theories

Am not complaining, that’s great the blog made for a wider Audience, it’s professional, I hope this doesn’t bite me in the foot, but I haven’t seen sapien mention a personal experience, expect about the blog of the Whitcher video game. Which makes the website more polished




I think it’s just an acknowledgement of the nature of our psyche. Being wary of your own “beliefs” no matter how many confirmations you get, is part of being Aware.

The quantum realm is rather bizarre, the moment it’s observed, everything collapses into a certain state. To be able to say for certain what is true and what is not is very difficult, if not impossible, since truth itself is prone to change.

It’s always better to err on the side of cautious-entertainment of an idea, than fully immersed and invested in it.

A lens from which everything makes sense all the time … has to be dynamic and malleable.

The world is constantly changing around us… to try to define it as one thing or the other is akin to fighting against its true ever-evolving nature.


This dichotomy is precisely why some circles like the Gnostics hold a concept of a Demiurge/Yaldabaoth.

Wisdom purely immersed in materialistic empiricism develops into a sense of “false” certainty.

The goal of the wise is to help individuals discover their own ever evolving truths, as they explore theirs as well… nothing is ever set in stone. It’s an immeasurably large vortex of variables - creation that is.

So, within this context, casting a cloud of doubt over experiences, even when you’re about 99.99% sure about them, is the most rational and reasonable approach to things.


The best way to think of it is like a game of cat and mouse, each discovery is immediately paralleled with added layers of uncertainty, ad infinitum.

Detachment is thus important, because identities are built around egos. But now you have Malleable Ego so…


Tysm for posting that 🩵🙏🏼 I wouldn’t have known otherwise
it’s my favorite piece so far

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You welcome :hugs:

How did I just learn about this lol :stuck_out_tongue: I feel it will be an awesome read

O super

It feels really soothing and freeing to read these articles


after seeing " The Art of Fatherhood Explored Through ‘The Witcher 3’"

Dream a good game recommendation, i think u will like is The Stanley Parable

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After sleeping properly for once…the articles are coming alive now.

Maybe a link to the forum/channels/patreon/ES/Instagram could be added to the blog, for those that find it by other means. They’d be quite pleasantly surprised :smirk:

New article :eyes: