
Are demons bad? What are they really? Egregors? Ghosts? Souls? Low vibration beings that economically collect power from low vibration activities? Where do they come from?

Does that mean that all forms of economy and exchange are low vibration based?

If everything is God, are demons also part of God?


Great question :interrobang:

Thy can definitely mess up person life .
Having feeling this days thy are used even to mess up cityā€™s larger scale use .

Was thinking before couple days ago do leaders using demons in the war ?

Remember wen I was teenager in my country was at War , some of it was just such brutal way of killing people in such a manner that I always had feelings is not just human them self doing this .


I assume all demons are evil and bad unlike anime
am I racist? :joy:


just like the poison is part of the snake and does not cause it anything bad


Thatā€™s a Great Analogy.

Thatā€™s racist. :grin: They canā€™t all be equally bad, some are better than others and probably some are ā€œgoodā€ too (maybe).

As an answer to these questions

As you already mentioned, they (or at least some of them) were human (souls), so they are evil or corrupt(ed) souls, who due to their awful energy (and deeds and way of life/living), became demons, after death, according to Ingrid Baciu who is a Romanian expert in the Occult.

I donā€™t know if this process can apply to all people or itā€™s mostly an exception, I donā€™t remember Ingridā€™s words.

Certain beings are Demons incarnated or the closest to that, kindred souls (to put it like that); I mean certain physical beings, and I donā€™t mean humans, although humans can be Quite bad/demonic too, ngl.


if itā€™s true iā€™m glad to hear that not all demon in this world are that bad as i thought :slightly_smiling_face:

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Idk, hopefully :sweat_smile:, it was just a thought of mine, an amusing one.

Actually it was your quote (yours is an assumption too :sweat_smile:), I just gave my opinion.

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sounds like nazguls.

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Some of them are actual beings, some of them are manifestations of parts of collective subconscious mind, some of them are both
IMO of course


Thatā€™s an interesting point.

Quite a few philosophers of cosmology have made that assertionā€”that all is God. But not all would agree.

This line of thinking tends to occur in forms of thought that say that the human intellect can encompass anything and everything. --If the intellect can encompass anything and everything, then we can reason accurately about everything. Thus, if God is supreme above all of our conceptions, we can say that God contains all of our conceptions and thus contains everything (with all existing things being parts of God).

This is not how western philosophy developed.

The western outlook split into a few different schools. But, between the Platonists and the Aristotelians, the tradition was defined largely by inference. The inference was that God, The One, To Hen, was beyond and before all of the things in creation. It is a bit of a mystery, but containment is not the correct relation.

God is the bit of Eternity that permeates everything and allows it to continuously create itself. It is distinct from everything in creation and contains nothing in creation.

It is that to which all aspire, when the aspiration is virtue or perfection.

I donā€™t know a strict definition for demons. Quite a few definitions exist and are varied across cultures. But one mechanism is fairly common. It is when an entity becomes strongly self-willed and doesnā€™t care about wider harmony. Traditionally, the sin of Lucifer was Pride. To see oneā€™s self as the equal of God.

Although quite a few occult groups see lucifer is personal deification, a light bringer, etc. Rudolph steiner saw it as one half of the inversion of God. Steiner saw the devil as being composed of Ahriman and Lucifer. Ahriman was a type of worldly ego that most people recognize; lucifer was a type of spiritualized ego, which most donā€™t really think about any more or even regard as a problem (such is the state of our culture).

An older view of things would usually regard most sins as mindless tendencies and addictions. Traditionally, a split between irascience/irascibility and concupiscence. But a worse sin, of an ā€œangelic natureā€, would be that of Pride. Steinerā€™s presentation of the devil would account for the various overexpressions of pride and self-will.

Swedenborg, a Swedish Christian visionary/mystic, had made a comment on sin. It is as though the sinner takes the power/force of (their share of) Godā€™s will and turns it against the sweeping, constructive influence of Godā€™s will. Either by being mindlessly emotive and, thus, destructive. Or being overly self-willed, at odds with the cosmic will. Both of these extremes were seen as a perversion of Godā€™s will by an individual entity.

Thus, containment is not a correct term. God is the Creator. The Antecedent that is timeless and full of potential. But when different beings receive their share of the Infinite, it is their use that will create harmony (extending the dominion of heavenly influences) or create discord (extending enclaves for different demons).

**Edit, I incorrectly generalized/mixed ideas from different sources


Soā€¦ By this definition i guess lotta humans and possibly myself are demons too. Lol.

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At lot of humansā€¦ :thinking:

Well, as you can see, the world is in a fairly shitty condition these days :rofl:

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Or at least thatā€™s what weā€™re supposed to believe/focus on.


Isaiah 45:7

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If breathing brings life to you ā€¦ and your imagination is an extension of your being ā€¦ then, canā€™t you breath an imagined thing into life?

Then, if your imagination is part of humanityā€™s collective repository, canā€™t enough people breathing life into certain imagined things eventually create an egregore of sorts that has a massive energetic sway over a large group of people like a mega-servitor or a super-servitor?

Now add to that the fact that, if, at any point in the future we discover time travel, then we can go to any point in time within the timeline of the universeā€™s creation ā€¦ and then, being a collective timeless repository ā€¦ it would be reasonable to assume that our imagination would extend far into the future or way back into the past during the universeā€™s infancyā€¦ as such, some of these Servitors could give you access to the energy work that either very ancient, or very advanced, humans, were engaged in.

If fields are working for you. Why would this not do as well?


Demon is an iffy term that is often misused. Some of the goetia are older or outdated gods. Some are like Angels. Some donā€™t really fit into a good vs bad cosmology. All goetia and gods should be dealt with carefully.

Alsoā€¦ losers of conflicts are often demonized in both material and spiritual


Lol. Indeed.

That was one of the reasons why the Abrahamic religions developed in the way that they did. A number of Christian Demonologists, not understanding occult mechanisms, were deeply perplexed when they read older Jewish/Qaballaistic writings that said demons were created by people. It was considered a strange Jewish superstition that made no sense and contradicted scripture.

But, when you understand the power of the mind, they becomes a key reason for creating a law against graven images. To fully ensure that there are no ā€œgodsā€ taken before G-d. This is actually a bit of a problem at temples where shrines are used but never formally consecrated. Different entities are formed by the focused intent of a group. Which is why an adherence to traditional rules is so important, so many of the rites exist with special measures that are used to keep energies on track and prevent deviant occurrences.

ā€œI form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.ā€

Indeed. When humans, as magistrates of the Divine, donā€™t responsibly use their abilitiesā€“this is a source of problems. The open-ness of free will creating the original potential for evil, which later has been actualized. And the dynamics of the world play out between justice and mercy. Justice, causing disaster where discipline is needed and mercy creating the opportunity for reform and healingā€“both harmonizing away the problems. Though, at the human scale, it canā€™t always be easily seen as harmony.

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Thereā€™s also the caveat of humans not just referring to us as homo sapiens that a lot of our own species misunderstand. Some of these texts were talking about Humans in other galaxies and dimensions that we tried to ascribe to ourselvesā€¦

The maiyans and aztecs had access to these and tried to create gateways to allow them through.

Modern tech is outdated as it requires perishable energy from this universe, generating entropy. Older civilizations used to call on energy from the world between worlds. Some call it ā€œZero Pointā€.


I have no insight one way or another about that lol

A far as I can tell, all the writings were about us or our ancestors on this planet.

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