Deviated nasal septum help

What audios to use for deviated nasal septum ? Please tell and mention. Also, does the sapien med’s “nose straightner” helps on the deviated septum part ?
But… even more important than that, my one part of the body (right) doesn’t respond to any of the sounds by any creator. so, its like if I’m listening to muscle building sounds, only left part’s muscle will grow. could it be the cause of my nasal septum because the right nostril/passage isn’t getting that much oxygen in a limited period of time (one breath) and thus the right part of the body isn’t getting that much oxygen so… that could be it ? also, as i also mentioned earlier in one of my questions, right part of my body is also underdeveloped. Could the root cause of it also be my deviated nasal septum ?


Blueprint of Life Bro in my experience.


Add subconscious limit dissolver too. Seems like there is some subconscious resistance there.



what does that do ?