Devic Intercession - Devic Kingdom - Devas, Fairies, Elves, and Unicorns

been awhile since i posted as i had to focus on work and family relationships!

i still regularly listen to devic intercession though! not looped as much as before, but they’re still a staple in my stack!

last night in my dreams they had a bit of fun with me by filling my home with tiny brown bunnies the size of baby hamsters and goldfish in my water filters. i also saw a chicken. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

one of my siblings and his best friend was in my dream and his best friend in real life was annoying and rude, but i’m glad the dream version of his best friend was quiet and passive.

no real meanings behind it all, but mostly just a fun dream. fun can just mean fun and i enjoyed myself!


Loved the whole post, but that part is just… :candy:


it’s really silly how i don’t realize it’s a dream, but it goes to show me that even in our waking world we can believe anything!

a part of me feels like i’m preparing myself to be lucid. i know if i became lucid in my dreams now, then there wouldn’t be a chance for me to learn as i would de-rail the dream to satisfy my current ‘wants’.


it’s more than that…those fae are tricky…kinda like a fox :wink:
Enjoy your journey!


i’ll gladly accept that! i’m too serious sometimes and their energy is really fun and brings back the ‘whimsy’ and ‘mystery’ into the rigidity of my existence.


So i had some thoughts about not eating meat for some time, weeks before.
Some days ago or week, i dont remember, i put first time 3X Devic intercession in my night playlist as the last audios.
And boom…
Next day.
Just couldnt eat meat anymore. 100% blown vegetarian overnight.


I don’t think so. I’m going through a similar process. Whenever I listen to this field on loop (especially at night), I get the impression to become a vegetable/flower bouquet myself lol. I have to check in the mirror if I don’t have palm leaves instead of my ears. Things like that.


have you experienced more or less hunger? do you normally eat a variety of vegetables already? do vegetables taste different now?

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Hunger the same. About food taste.
Its been fked for some time. Nothing really tastes for me good, only sweets.
Ive thinked about it now.
And i think meat for me is tasteless… and for some time…
But the vegetables seem to be more tastier and i feel the taste from them.


Interesting, that’s what usually happens to me during more intense periods with higher chakra activity, spiritual downloads, messages and such. I figure it’s the body that doesn’t want to put in so much energy for food digestion in favor for digesting the spiritual input.


For me its like 2 years…


Oh… my… god… No wonder I had so much loss of appetite during one period of my life lol I had added 2 rounds of devic intercessions in my sleep playlist lol and all I eat is meat and eggs! I had trouble for like 2 months haha


i still play devic intercession when i go out at night and walk with my dog. our night walks have felt safer and more peaceful. the dogs we pass by don’t bark at us as often and with the added feeling of safety i feel like my dog does his business more easily.

as i mentioned in another thread, i also request the devas to keep my dog safe and to heal him while i’m at work and i thank them when i get home. it’s only been a couple days of this so i plan to update with good news!


I really am connecting with this Intercession more so than the others. I only started listening because of your post @psynergy about your dog, which @Bronyraur kindly linked.

My dog loves listening to this, it has helped her so much over the days that she has been listening to it. I ask the energies to bring healing and balance to her body, and to work on her energy, she really is responding to their help.

Last night when I went to bed, I asked the nature energies to connect with me and to bring healing to my body, with a full thorough healing session. I felt them connecting with me straight away, such beautiful gentle calming subtle energy, that was flowing so gently, it felt like I was out in nature, it put me into such a peaceful state. I dreamt about the energies through the night, when I woke up this morning I felt so relaxed and well, my energy felt so light.

I am definitely going to explore more with this Intercession, and keep playing it for my dog,


devic intercession buddies! :hugs: i try not to pick favourites, but they’re my favourites. :rofl:

my own dog isn’t as interested in audios, but i noticed he is more ‘cuddly’. for awhile he hasn’t been sleeping in my bed, but lately i would wake up to find he’s cozy and keeping my legs warm as winter’s chill comes around.

gentle is the best way i like to describe my experiences with devas as well! they’re why i stick to them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

keep us updated! so far since playing devic and other intercessions, my home has felt more ‘safe’ and ‘familial’. i used to feel so disconnected, but with a universal connection through ‘aliens’ and devas, i feel like i can keep going in this reality. :blush:


squirrels and birds are so close to my bedroom now. there was one squirrel that just stared at me through the window and when i waved back it started scratching itself with its leg.

i feel like playing devic intercession while i’m at work is providing these new interactions.


Just wanted to give some updates on this beautiful intercession.

The other day I was walking to work through the town, when I get a message from my guides to ‘Go over there and talk to that woman about her dog’, so off I went and I said ’ Hi, is your dog friendly’ - (the town where I live, is one of the most dog friendly in the uk), she said ‘No it is a rescue dog, she has had a lot of trauma in her life from neglect’

So then my mind starts working overtime with info to give her, ‘Well’ I say, ‘do you go on YT, there is a channel called Sapien Medicine…they have audios to help your dog…’ we have a really lovely chat about the audios to help her dog, no doubt I might see her again and she will tell me how well her dog is doing.

Another dog that was helped by Sapien’s audios was last night. In the uk we have Bonfire Night where fireworks are left off over the course of a few nights. The dog I was working with last night was traumatised by the loud bangs of basically bombs going off. When I got there he was panting so badly, I gave him healing but it wasn’t enough, so I started to play the Animal Trauma and Mental Health audio on a loop, it calmed him down a bit, but he was still so distressed, the next thing ‘Play Devic Intercession’ popped into my head, so I put it on full volume and asked the energies to help him with his stress and anxiety, within a few minutes he stopped panting, laid down and went to sleep - just amazing and so beautiful to see this dog that was in so much distress just relax as the beautiful energies worked with him.


i love that this is looking to be a more common combo among us!

thank you for the beautiful experiences you’ve shared!

this week my dog was with my parents, but i still play his ‘playlist’ that includes the 3 you mentioned for my backyard friends.

i’ve noticed that squirrels and birds come right at my window now. i have a potted plant on my window sill and this beautiful bird with a shiny blue back came over yesterday to try and hide a peanut. it was very funny watching the bird try to peck the peanut into the plant, give up, and fly away. :woman_facepalming: :laughing:


That is just lovely, aren’t animals just the best


So I looped this overnight, ummm and just a hour ago, I felt like years of depression and stuffed feelings left my body