Eating and spirituality

To put it in really simple terms its because the liver will be too busy breaking down fats (high in animal meat, even in the so called lean meats… not to mention in eggs) and won’t have time to deal with toxins.
It will store them for a possible later time, which in some cases can never come

Again, use liver fields! Particularly if you diet is high in proteins but I think its a good practice for anyone lol


I imagine this as if a killer tries really good feed good etc the person they are gonna kill anyway… how that sounds now? Lol… i am So happy you noticed a big difference :sunglasses: i hope you give it up for ever. :hugs:

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Very interesting, but it’s not surprising that meat would do that. What’s your diet like now?

I definitely want to try vegan/vegetarian for ascension and raising my vibration. I keep trying to justify that eating meat still is ok, but I know deep down it’s not and it’s going to have to be something I overcome.


Try devic intercession for help.


In what ways may they help?


God Bless America :thinking::smirk::zipper_mouth_face:


I immediately stopped eating any kind of meat for breakfast.

I only eat two meals a day. Prob. thanks to Soul Restoration, I regularly skip the second meal. Don’t even plan this. Seems to be sth. that my subc. pushes for.

Next week, when I’m back to living on my own, I’ll go full vegetarian

But I had a similar vibe crash with a veggie meal two days ago. Was on an vibration high, after drinking a bottle charged with Vibrations of Divine Love on an empty stomach.

Felt my high vibes crumble, even though there was no meat and used Food Charger at least 3 times. Though the impact of this crash was less intense.

Probably caused by low vibe ingredients…



I’m suspicious about this diagram, wouldn’t give it too much weight.
I will only say that at least one part (pizza) doesn’t make sense at all, unless it is specifically an overly processed pizza from a fast food place.
Pizza is flour, oil, yeast, tomato, herbs, cheese. You can add other stuff too but why would it be lower than even meat…?

I’m 95% vegan + some egg and 5% meat or fish if I go out or to a friend and can’t avoid it.
I think it’s important to be aligned with your body and listen.
One should know the vibrational aspect and consequences of eating certain foods (consuming animal products, alcohol, drugs will work against ascension). I know this, but I will still enjoy a couple of drinks sometimes. Others might feel the same way about meat as they see some advantage beyond vibration.

Also, no one should eat a diet that makes them feel like they’re lacking something.
In my opinion, dropping meat should come from within and not the other way around. It happened to me before that I bought meat and/or prawns (as the profile is better for working out), cooked it, had one bite and threw it away because I felt disgusted put of the blue… it just wasn’t aligned with me at the time. A lot of people experience something like this as a “side effect” of spiritual development.

Finally - the game changer and such documentaries… yes, they are propaganda. I do support the vegan message though.


I want at least to try snake and krokodile

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i would definitely take this and any ‘tier llists’ with more scrutiny. we are all different and should respect those differences.

from my own personal experience, i never enjoyed hierarchical approaches to anything such as video games that tell you you can only play these characters because they’re s-tier and if you play characters below this tier, then you’re not playing right. no fun for a human experience that involves getting ‘messy’.

eat what makes you feel good, what you know is healthy for you. like beliefs, food is subjective and we stay in duality when we compare diets.

my intention of creating this thread was to ’share’ and ’not compare’ diets. my intention of creating this thread was to share experiences with every diet. sure i’m a vegetarian, but i LOVE talking about meat dishes and vegan dishes all equally.

agreed on this point!


I agree hole heartedly with your message!

Ok… I’ll leave now lol


Thought this excellent post written by @Maoshan_Wanderer some time ago might add to this thread. :slightly_smiling_face:


oh i love this! very inclusive and has a feeling of freedom to utilize any ‘tools’ we have here in this reality without judgements.


I was going to comment on your post (Psynergy) but then the forum got moved. That’s exactly what I think too about Maoshan’s post.

As a matter of fact and as I already vaguely said earlier in this topic, there are some contexts in which we don’t even have a choice. 10 years ago, a colleague and I have been kidnapped in a Congolese village (note of caution against possible robotic/textbook reactions immediately screaming “owww you’re soooo racist” and other shit like that: this kind of thing can happen anywhere else, be it Paris, New York or Canberra). It wasn’t a serious stuff, lasted only one day and we’ve been treated quite decently.

My colleague got hungry (me not so much, because stress blocks my hunger lol). What were we supposed to say to the guys who were “hosting” us? “Bring us your vegan menu please”?

You see what I mean. There are many other cultural contexts in which one can simply not refuse what is offered. Nothing to do with being condescending or aloof or trying to please or anything like that. And when I say “can’t”, I mean it really seriously. Even though I support the idea of being free in one’s choices.

So personally, I respect other people’s diet and culinary habits. With whatever it includes. Especially if it’s anchored in their lives since a lifetime and more.

But when someone who was a big steak eater until 5-6 years ago and got converted afterwards starts lecturing people about what to eat or not (without recognizing his/her past)… this pisses me off like crazy, I tell you. I’ve even heard some say “ooohhh those butchers and their butcher cats eating meat”. Huh? The cat being blamed for eating meat?? Good joke.

Anyway. I still ate only salad before joining today’s meditation ;))


Oh wow what a story.
I was going to bring up monks high up in the mountains in Tibet who surely do not have access to a lot of fresh fruit and veggies or other “super foods” (and are certainly not vegan, though I’m not sure how much meat they actually eat) and yet seem to be living quite a spiritual life :)
But your story is definitely the stronger one :joy:


Food is a personnel choice, and should depend on what a person’s body requires. One size does not fit all. I was vegan for three years but my body was always gnawing for something, and that something was dairy and meat.

My food choices are mainly vegetarian, sourdough bread, potatoes, fruit, veg, dairy, nuts etc, and when my body requires it I will eat beef or some mackerel. I feel that it is important to be in tune with your body, it is a very intelligent machine and it knows what it wants to eat on a daily basis to receive the nutrition it needs. No book or trend can know what your body wants to eat other than your body.


I completely agree! That’s why you crave protein fats and salt after a work out!


hi friends! i wanted to update the forum with my change in diet.

i’ve always been eating a lot of vegetarian dishes, but lately i have been eating less ‘big meals’ and more ‘small snacks’ throughout the day. these snacks are usually fresh fruits and vegetables i buy before work. i usually do all my eating at work now and i do very little eating while i’m at home.

the most intriguing thing (for me) that i’d like to share is that i love eating a whole tomato like it was a fruit (yes, it is a fruit, but i hope you know what i mean :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). i used to find the idea of eating a raw tomato by itself ‘disgusting’, and now i love the tastes, textures, and how ‘refreshing’ it is to just eat it.

i also noticed a better sense of smell with this diet change.

i feel like the following morphic fields have helped me:

  • BPIL
  • Pleiadian Intercession and Pleadian Energy Infusion Meditation
  • Devic Intercession
  • The Politics of the Body

i’d also like to show my appreciation to your forum goers as by sharing how you eat and what you eat, it has helped me gain more perspective and insight within my own diet.

i hope everyone has been doing well. :hugs: :hugs: