Diet on the Brain

Amazing concept, doc!!! Any possibility we can get something concerning aesthetics - fat distribution, lower fat cells, proportions (Shoulders to waist ratio), adding maybe the previous muscle roar, twitch of time, to get a overall package If something similar is possible?

If y’all interested in such a field let me know, so I can cook something up, and give the doc some information for a possible creation.

Thanks again for your input, bro!!! :muscle::100:


Even if no one asks you, you can send me what you have :slight_smile:

I appreciate the enthusiasm


Not promising anything though, so far only 3 weight loss total are planned in the foreseeable future


My goal usually, is to try to only have a glass of almond milk or a salad if I’m very hungry, meaning if I lose the ‘not eating’ battle for the evening lol.

I have not tried that, thanks kindly for the idea. :grinning::+1:t3:


It means that it eliminates the negative effects of sugar intake, therefore sweets, sugary drinks
and so on?

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Yes, it reduces blood sugar/sugar absorption


Wow fantastic!
Although it is thought to predict dopamine problems,
I see this as very suitable for those people who consume sugars in various forms for various reasons,
or prefer drinks with sugar rather than alcohol during convivial dinners.
So thank you dear Dr. for this other new product.
Last thing, usual question :laughing:
Number of recommended listens?


Oh man, you killed me on this one :joy:
Somehow I didn’t see it coming


As much as you want, have fun

Edit: it’s almost a year later, imagine if you tell me it was a troll and I fell for it for 12 months to see when I stop answering


I did it on purpose :laughing:

Ok, it will have to be tested, although when I purchase it I intend to use it both for regular use and for alcohol purposes, for dinners and parties.


It was funny

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Oh I’ve been wishing for a field like this! Something like, The Alchemical Revision of Dieting!

OMG! After Dream took down The Swords of Adipose Annihilation I wasn’t sure he was going to make another GLP-1 receptor agonist field! Thank you so much!

Very excited to get this field in the future! It sounds like this field will be able to help a lot of people with their health goals! :purple_heart:


Do you have any updates on this or are you all busy with What fat? :smiley:


It suppressed my appetite before I got What Fat.

I felt like eating vegetables from time to time, but mostly it seems that I’m turned off a bit by processed food or heavy stuff. I want lighter more raw food.

I’m slowly developing new tastes. I did the last groceries a bit different, I feel like next time I’ll go in another section of the store.

I still enjoy food, but the excitement about food is almost completely gone.

I eat a bit and then I’m just done with it. I barely eat half of what I used to. I do two meals (maybe more) with the left overs.


Dr, what you wrote is terrifying :scream:
when I go to eat my favorite pizza, or risotto alla pescatora, ravioli with herbs/cream, pasta with pesto
or desserts, should I expect all this? My trusted restaurateur will look at me badly… :laughing: :wink:

Thank you for the personal update, which reminds us that to fully benefit from weight loss, we must first eliminate the cause, that is, eat less!


I know man, what are philp and dream planning on next? To have me have a full 8 hours sleep in 10 mins, hes took the joy of eating and the joy of weight loss.

Make my life great again.

Lol am only joking ofcs


Which is that one?

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I was just making a joke


I actually think a field like this would be cool if it’s not already in the works. Not as extreme, of course, but enhanced sleep efficiency for sure.


Oh lol

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