Difference between intercession tags

So I am planning to buy an intercession tag, but there are 6 ones. What is the difference between each one of them? For what thing is each best for? I own the BPIL tag so which one would be best to pair with it?


Intercession 2.0 is a kind of help signal. It will draw help and support from different entities and humans around you into your life.

This item reaches into the greater world beyond the user and asks for you. Indeed, even in areas of your life that seem to be just fine to you,

All the other Intercession tags target specific beings and ask only among these beings for help. At the same time the other tags are imbibing you with the energy of these beings. This energy will kinda put you on the “same wavelength” as these beings so direct interaction and communication with them becomes easier.

Intercession 2.0 is not designed to facilitate interactions with the beings, that are helping you.

I would recommend to start with Intercession 2.0. It will help you out in every single area of your life. Quoting OM in this great post talking about the BPiL + Intercession 2.0 combo:

But yeah, this is a basic staple combo for “I want my life to be better and easier in all ways with minimum effort”.


Thanks man I will get the intercession 2.0
This is it right?


Yes, correct :+1:


Hey @ConkerRyan, could you explain this sentence please? I’m a little confused by the “not” in between… Is it a typo or… ?

Edit: I’ve re-read the official description and I think I understand now what you were referring to. Sorry for the inconvenience, but grasped the occasion to greet you :p


hey, I bought the intercession tag last week and now realize there’s a 2.0 (which wasn’t listed in the Sapien Shop when I made my purchase).

So my question is: Did the buyers of the original intercession tags receive the 2.0 update whereby all intercession tags are the 2.0 version now, or are these tags still two different items? If they’re separate items I’d love to somehow update mine :sweat_smile:

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is the picture different?
Can you link the one you bought?


There doesn’t seem to be a direct link to share, but it’s listed here

It’s the V2 just this has been removed from the title.

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Awesome! Are you 100% sure? The pictures for both items do look identical. Is that what you’re basing it on?

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He probably renamed it into Intercession without v2 so people who are new won’t ask about v1 or whatever I guess


Basically yes, I ordered the same before the change on the website and it was saying v2, now it’s the same item, description, picture etc. but the v2 is gone from the title.