Dimensional Pocket

Suppose we have a field which is attached to a Mandala, not an audio, how could we store it into the Dimensional Pocket?

Asking it should work? No?

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Yes, get the photo in front of you… State the name of the photo/energy

Ask it to capture the energetic signature of thr mandala and store it as “name of mandala”

Than give it instructions of when you want the energy applied to you.


I have this theory that fields in the aura and energy body are a lot like keeping your house cool.

It’s more efficient to keep the the thermostat at a lower number all day than to turn off the air all day while you’re gone and then make the ac work harder to cool the house down

Well, same with fields, in my experience. The dimensional pocket seems to keep everything working in the background all day (at a lower %) and I find it stresses my nervous system out less than playing the audios as a burst of energy/input throughout the day.
My energy levels and mood stay more consistent, and I’m getting way way better results with physical fields.

Ymmv 🛞


Thank you Mister Zen


This may be a silly question but how do we go about purchasing the dimensional pocket? I can only see an option to donate to the guild and am not sure if I’m going about it correctly

Thanks in advance :blush::pray:

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Hello @adelellama, you can’t purchase anything at the moment. But I believe the Shop will be reopened soon :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Can several energy fields be activated at the same time? Those who have tested :)

I test but I’m not sure how it feels.



For those who have recorded fields in the dimensional pocket and obtained results, how long do you leave your object in front of your device ? 20 min per field ?

I am not sure that my fields are correctly saved in the Dimensional pocket.

On the previous tests I made only one listen. Perhaps some fields require a little more time (complexity) to be learned and memorized by the servitor. It’s a guess.

I did this a few minutes ago. I looped the " Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork " field on my tablet and put my Zen lion pendant next to it. I put them in the kitchen not far from me. I left it for 20 minutes.

Right now I’m testing I’ve given the instruction to repeat 24/7.

Some time ago I did the test but I listened to the energy field on site with my pendant. that’s why I had sensations in my cheeks and face.

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Interesting things are happening, I’m continuing the tests :)

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Here is my stack and I got 2 dimensional pockets because I am crazy like that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

1,2 are hidden :shushing_face:
3. Subcon 3
4. Contracts PU
5. Panch hanuman homa
6. Crystal for unblock PU
7. Essence of mantras
8. Uriel
9. Psychic Stimulation Classic
10. Resilience
11. Manifest Job PU
12. wealth mantras
13. Sabatoge PU
14. energetic sensitivity TOG
15. Metatron
16. Grounding TOG
17. Navgrah homa
18. mahaganapati homa
19. Satchandi yagna
20. Michael
21. crown and third eye 2.0 Sapien
22. mstate gold
23. black magic and negative removal Ajarn Patana
24. Crossfit quick workout TOG
25. cyncism PU
26. victim PU
27. confidence 2.0 PU
28. inteligence liberation PU
29. Financial blockage removal PU
30. Stop leaking TOG
31. Aura TOG
32. Conceptual thinking TOG
33. energetic Repair TOG
34. Dharani Sutra PU
35. Karma PU

critiques are welcome


Are you asking to apply all those fields simultaneously?

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not really I just asked the servitor to optimize for results.

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Before you ask for a stack feedback, maybe you should first mention what the goal(s) of your stack are?

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it was not necessarily for feedback I was just saying I was open to critiques if anyone had some

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Securely store up to 20 energetic signatures, fields, magic, energy etc. In a dedicated dimensional space, ensuring your most essential energetic tools are always within reach.


Do you have to be wearing the servitor item for the dimensional pocket to be used?

Realistically how far can you be from the item?


I’ve felt it working at 15 meters of distance, asking my shorse to follow me in his etereal form and continue the procedure


Since the option of having the servitor be either worn as a suit or not, the pocket option should apply to both. The distance can be experimented with I think, as it might be different from person to person. My understanding is when not worn they are mobile, so they are not tied to the item per se.


Anyone knows the difference between this and 'Tower of Power"?