Discussion for other Creator Channels

I was early tester for this, friend of creator, tested for over a month now to see and track results.
Asked the creator to make it free so more people can benefit from it as solomonic pentacles are very important artifacts of occult history.
But also what i notice is peoples karma will prevent them no matter what from moving forward so i guess who ready to improve their life will try it.

Dude, give it a rest already…There is no need for savior complex. Get off your high-horse alright? Play nice…

Many of your posts are regarding this creator you advertize…
You complained about how disorganized we are blah blah without taking any time to appreciate the forum, its posts or offerings here…

Don’t assume people here cannot see through you :smiling_imp:


Many thanks for the heads up! I’ve only really been dabbling so will take care.
Oh and thanks for all the suggestions everyone, but my self love stack should really take care of any charisma problems

I mean, you really should become more aware of your own energy system … each template has its own palate …

Attunement + Energy Expansion + Chakra Stimulation will get you far very quickly (the cards).

Sigh may very well be the thing for you … no need to drag other consciousnesses into your confusion, you are more than capable of resolving it on your own.


I try help to give something nice for free and people become absolute morons idk maybe humanity is hopeless

Good combo! And this one too…


Bro, he asked you a yes or no question … you went off the rails … it’s fine if you are the creator, just be transparent

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hi @AlchemicalSTONE ,

It would greatly help by not calling people morons and that all of humanity is hopeless.

Just a hint :slight_smile:


Here too!


This one feels pretty nice! QI’s music is usually spot on for me…


Nah im shaktipat initiated which is more kali path

:om: :om: :om: :yin_yang: :wheel_of_dharma: :mechanical_arm:


That’s twice in the same day.
Watch your language, this is not acceptable here.

In fact it’s past thrice


What is not acceptable sharing other creators? Or links since other mod moved it to this channel so i wasnt sure whats the rule

I’m talking about you calling people morons, ungrateful c****. You are free to reflect on the ungrateful nature of “people”, not c****s

This is not a preference, it’s a rule

@Nice2knowU already gave you a gentle warning

Since it doesn’t happen often from you, I’m assuming that you are just upset.
But that will only take you so far


Oh I listened it last night, the visuals are also beautiful. The energy is very gentle and calming, I think I could already feel the angels helping today I had a smooth and peaceful morning, no traffic, no delays or inconveniences at work. Very nice, although I should keep trying it.


My apologies. I thought this was a safe thread for discussion of other creators, just wanted to get others input if they had the time to try it.
Thanks for the suggestions though!

No need for false apologies. No need to act small.

Become more, plain and simple… all you need is yourself.

We all do want to help, genuinely … and this is the most helpful advice you can get.


I looped it last night and felt good. Now, I see a tax refund in mail! Was not expecting!