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is it harmful that they trimmed the morphic field audio by QI and layered their sub with it or it can’t convert into something harmful it either work or not work at all?

because i’ve seen many success stories with layering the “affirmations to morphic field” one by MEF too(even if they trim the audio) but since i want to play this for my sister i’m just overthinking if it’s safe or not

p.s: some people recommended this creator for physical results to me so yeah i got curious

Good question

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@Divine_Lotus While de-inhabitor might not be available, I can suggest looping Voodoo Detangled (from Captain) and Psychic Harassment,(from Psychic University; maybe even Psychic Harassment 2.0 is free on his Gumroad, I’m not sure).

If you want, you can also try Equilibrium, Morpheus Fields or other creators, maybe they have some helpful creations.

Anyway, only you know what’s best for you.
I wish You All the Best and hopefully you’ll get rid of the problem(s) ASAP.

Chakras work also might help you, besides prayers and other options you mentioned.


Yes it’s free.

Im staying away from most creators. Strictly P.U. and Sapien Medicine unless otherwise brought to my attention by someone whos gone through this and ‘won’.

Ill try


@Divine_Lotus if you’re worried about psychic harrasment, attacks and such, and would like to try other creators than Sapien Medicine and PU, try “Neutralize All Curses, Hexes, Attacks and Spells and Gain Protection” by healingtools4you. It’s energetic programming, not a morhpic field, but I personally use it daily and it works wonders.

(Here’s a link to thier etsy store so you can read the description: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1605402798/neutralize-all-curses-hexes-attacks-and?click_key=310ec7fb8786b180294fa03685254ca356c8f295%3A1605402798&click_sum=7d35e3d1&ga_search_query=neutralize&ref=shop_items_search_1&pro=1)

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Reminds me of The Shield of Compassion too.


And if you’re listening to playlists, try adding detachment and singularity.

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Forget of my english and forget about the rumors they are all líes ,his stuff change my life along with seth ,curio,patchum,binaural nutrición they Just cure my porn / masturbation addiction complely man my life improve alot with those submakers i also use that combo i Share with you with blueprint of life while sleep all safe for me man nothing bad happen

Spirituality Zone Advanced to
When Nothing Else Works
. Disconnect from harmful egregores
. Transform the limits/limitations that HS wants processed :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Destruction of Evil
. Destroy what HS wants and transform into what HS wants :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Hi @yamilcore07 ,

Keep it respectful and ideally in English please.

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Can you tell me a bit more about it? How would an example of a session with this intention look like?

You start with something in mind, but that you do not know what is limiting you? Uncover it, then ask it to be released?

You already know what you want transformed and into what you want it transformed to cause you got that from your HS?

This sounds great. My HS isn’t very collaborative, but maybe it would with this field…frick my HS…preferring some field with consciousness to his host body xD


very much needed for everyone interested in having a good fundation for their energy system.


Any suggestions for someone who wishes to heal their hand skin? As I am a germophobe, I keep washing hands multiple times a day because of which my hands skin has damaged quite a lot, I have reduced the frequency of washing my hands and I am also using hydration ointments and visited a skin doctor as well but nothing seems to work, I tried sapiens hand rejuvenation and old school skin regeneration and your new skin but nothing has worked so far, any suggestions that worked for you would be really helpful!!

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Maybe you lack certain vitamins or minerals?
Do you take enough protein or sleep enough?

I would suggest a booster like Kinetic Quasi Crystal, followed by Skin Regeneration a couple times, Skin Scarring Repair a few times, Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach, the field for the hands/arms, other fields.
Be consistent, listen to them daily.

Also, for minerals, vitamins, nutrients, sometimes I use helpfulwaves (frequency creator), but I also supplement with A-Z and Whey Protein.

And one thing, you can try using oil, like the one you use for food, made from sunflowers.

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My vitamins consumption is on par, and also my daily consumption of whey is over 90 grams i.e. 3 scoops per day in water, so I am all good in that department. @SoulStar33

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you can try Arcturian Sounds ph balancer?

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@lonewolf Also, try marigold cream, it was very useful even for some small wounds I had.

And, if you want you can try some more expensive creams.
This one, called Gerovital, although very popular in Romania and although it might have good reviews, it’s not FDA approved.


I would suggest you to start with sunflower oil and marigold cream, cheap products, highly efficient for the problem you mentioned.
I had it too, from time to time.
Washing your hands less often does help though.

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Understood, let me try that asap, I did use their skin rejuvenation, let me check the pH balancer as well.

Thank you for you suggestions on using oils and the marigold cream @SoulStar33 I will look into those as well.

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That gerovital was just an example, there are creams which are made specifically for hands, although Idk how this stuff works lol, I barely used anything beyond marigold cream in my entire life.

I keep things simple, cheap products, highly efficient and I try to solve my problems with fields, first of all.

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Most stunning thing I’ve ever tried for this kind of thing (nothing seemed to work either). If by this you mean rough, damaged and dehydrated hands (twas after excessive Corona handwashing). What was different than all the other stuff is that it contains acids which peel the dead skin (made it super soft in 1-2 days), then hydration.


Checking it out now!!

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