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Maoshan uses their Zero Point Field.

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I can personally testify their energetic fields are powerful.


edit… I mean what about some actual results

lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I disagree, that Ewfae targets a more innovative fields then sapiens, I feel like Ewfae targets fields based more in psychological stuff, however it lacks the energy aspect, as dream fields, like the 3 treasure series, the aura repair fields, in other words I feel like sapein targets a lot more of the spiritual part, while Ewfae seems to a have a lot less of does kind of fields and work more on the mental landscape, emotional, psychological fields. Also sapeins, has a much larger spectrum of fields that cover things way beyond what Ewfae does not cover.

I feel like Ewfae is limited in a certain type or approach, all in all, sapein just has a much larger diverse, amount of fields that Ewfae cannot compare, I am not de valuing the energy work that Ewfae has. Just sapein has a much larger broad of fields that not only helps the mental aspect, but the physical and spiritual aspect as well that Ewfae isn’t even close to covering.

Besides that Ewfae has its unique space of working on certain aspects that may be unique and different to sapiens.

Also its not about who is the better creator, every creator is valuable just like having many different teachers to learn about different things, it all fits together, its just sapiens has a much larger and trustworthy reputation over the years, so it has a wider coverage.

We need to think in a selfless manner, the more creators making amazing stuff the better it is for the world, I also wish this sort of stuff was way more accessible to the world but maybe the world isn’t ready for this yet.

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umm guys have you used audios from other channels to boost your sapien stack?(something like what KQC does i guess?🥲i don’t have it yet)
what’s your opinion on QI’s 11 power or newer ones or the suggestibility by freedom? would adding them beneficial or not


try torsion by sapien medicine and quasi crystal (the free one) n three treasures


Yeah I’m one of those accounts. Are you questioning my integrity? Or sanity?

Mao is also a user. Perhaps you are questioning his integrity.

There are other tools that work. And work differently. I guess using the Apple/Samsung analogy, both are great products. And one is not mentally unstable for choosing one over the other. It is preference.

Where the analogy falls apart is I don’t have to choose. I can use Sapien, PU, EWFAE, Equilibrium, Freedom…all in the same day, if I wanted to…and sometimes have.


You should delete this. But I won’t be surprised if you double down. You seem passionate about discounting this other creator. Perhaps try them, first.


well I put the lol at the end
also don’t tell me what to do
and you’re still fishy to me

This thread is wild :woozy_face:

Imma take it a sign to go play the Zero Point Field it’s been a week or so since I did :smiley:

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Telling you what to do would be “delete this.” Suggesting because you are painting with a broad brush that impacts many is “you should delete this.”

You’re doubling down.

I will share a few benefits in a bit.

I’ve been with Dream’s fields since 2014 and still predominately use his fields.


Ok, just a couple notes on my experiences with EWFAE and other creators in general, with the caveat that if Sammy/Rose/Doc/ or any other moderators wish to delete, that is fine. It is your home, and your right to.

As far as me being fishy, you’re trying to goad me into perhaps losing my temper so that you have another data point by which to disregard this creator for making people crazy. I know in my own life, over 50 years of it, that I’ve done my best to always act with integrity. Many on this board who know me better would agree, including Sammy and some of the moderators, and I feel that my spouse, kids, friends and co-workers would also agree.

In any event, I am an internet stranger to you, so believe as you wish.

On the negative side, personal opinion, I’ll say that some of the descriptions this creator has are vague, and even when I’ve emailed the creator for clarification, the explanation has not often helped. This is true for all creators, even Dream. The issue is less to do with them, than my personal experience and understanding. I am not on their wavelength, and therefore, what is elementary to them, I may have no context by which to base an understanding.

The creator’s Red Dragon concept, I also haven’t benefitted much. This is not dissimilar to Dream’s Tower of Power, or Dimensional pocket, whereby one can load up a bunch of fields, and in the case of Red Dragon, receive all the benefits at once.

Where I have benefited is on three key fields that I use regularly.

ZP Supreme I use nearly daily….I don’t listen to anything daily quite frankly as I believe one should wash out occasionally. There are days I listen to nothing, including the last three days. I find this one to be the most profound meditative experience of any fields I’ve tried. It is expensive, of course, but not more than I’ve paid on the second hand market here for a few items. What “benefits” does one quantifiably get from a profound meditative experience? Equanimity, I suppose is key. I also occasionally plan out my day via visualization, whilst using ZP, particularly how to address unpleasant situations that may be coming up, and inevitably, things seem to work out well when I do this.

There is a field the creator has related to Prosperity for Entrepreneurs. I’ve had that since February, and month over month, compared to our prior year, my gym is doing 25-40% higher revenue. Yes, we’ve introduced some new services by which to do so. I feel I was led to those services, and following through on them, soon after I began working with this field.

Cryptic Kingship is another that I’ve been using a few times a week, since early July. So, it’s only been about five weeks, but when I use it, I see that I receive a surprising amount of respect in face to face interactions, particularly at my day job. Yesterday, as an example, I was approached to apply for a role well above my current. I quite frankly have no desire to go for that role. My desire is to keep building the gym. I’ve been in the day job for more than 20 years and have already moved up further than I ever thought I would.

Now, the usual disclaimer….while I don’t spam hundreds of fields per day, I still use a dozen or so, on most days, and so it would be impossible for me to say X field is the chief instigator of these results. I also listen to a few subliminals, and most of the rest of the fields I use are Dream’s.

Overall, I seem to respond better to psychological-oriented fields, and the energy one’s (chi, Jing, shen). Physical fields tend not to work well with me, so far, after many years of dabbling.

There are other fields I use by the creator, albeit irregularly. In many ways, I am intuitive with what I listen to each day.

I guess this is why I need to get back to doing a Journal to more properly track. The issue with journals is it takes a lot of time to precisely document what one is doing/has done, and I’d rather use that time to actually “do” things.


You are my idol


thank you so much i’ll add them :slight_smile: by three treasures you mean chi,jing,shen right?


Yes he does


thanks :slight_smile: :four_leaf_clover:


Hmmm… Question,

For those of us that know better than to jump to conclusions — when it is not the subconscious causing a field user to have extreme dark, negative, and hellish experiences when using another creator’s work, what say you?

I’ve stayed away from discussing my own experiences with this, however I’ve mulled it over for a few weeks now.

I’ll use my own examples here.

Outside of fields, I’ve encountered a masterful individual who cloaks in the light but work in the dark. In my experience with them, my warning bells sounded off the bat. I won’t go into detail because it’s unimportant.

With this individual, I realized I had to immediately cut ties and leave once I began receiving hellish visions of demons, dark entities and astral critters when we would gather in a group for travel.

Once I cut travel, it took months to peel this individuals involvement from every part of my being. They also infiltrated my sleep space — before I cut ties, and afterwards.

A year later and I still find small pieces here and there.

About two years ago I listened to a popular field creator for about a month. After looping one of their videos, I felt a huge frantic cord being attached to me with their energy imprint, draining me. I disconnected, eliminated every one of their videos in my playlist, and never listened to them again.

Alternatively, I befriended another masterful individual who utilized zero point energy in his creations. His creations felt like “the void” and some people incorrectly received that to mean he was evil with dark intentions.

I have had trickster entities approach me, cloaked with the energy signature of someone I know. This also happened with the zero point friend. I’m pretty good at discerning a trickster. I informed him of the happening, and he relayed to me that he had been accused multiple times of attacking people in the way I experienced the trickster entity, but to his dismay, he said, most of those people didn’t use critical thinking to recognize it was not him.
It’s a murky topic that requires careful attunement to recognize where the actual truth lies.

The subconscious can create MASSIVE story, and tricksters are great at, well, trickery. But, there are also trickster field creators out there… it’s just not wise to immediately and confidently point fingers.

This is why I stick to Sapien Medicine, integrity is woven in and throughout. There’s no question.


What’s the creators popular name, that you didn’t have a good experience? I think knowing this before hand, who is trustworthy or not can make things safer for others who may fall into this unsafe creators.