Discussion for other Creator Channels

AziPiToPki is the name. But that’s all I know.

Hello Maoshan. I wanted to talk about these in private but then decided to post here since there are other users interested in these topics.

3 years later… lol

First of all, the two channels (and instructors) you posted are simply lovely. No other word comes to mind. Thanks for sharing. So useful for the layman like myself and whose options are limited even online (some websites are often blocked here lol).

I also wanted to ask you about this:

I saw other posts from you in which you seemed to have had positive experiences with this practice. If it’s not too personal: did you stop practicing because it was incompatible with your other practices or because it was too taxing on your energy system, since you said it can be more draining for advanced folks?

Also, can we assume that one can still safely go with it provided they replenish their “reservoirs” daily with the Alchemy fields and others + personal work? That would make sense, right?

Thank you :)

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Did someone made a research about YouTube Channel kabus/wrath etc. ?

His files are strong…

But after some quick research Ive found some reddit posts about people telln he’s in a cult and using jinn’s power and some ritual occultic energy.

Would like to hear anything from this community about that guy

Please search this thread. Kabus has come up a number of times.

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How do you know that?

Did you blindly used random shit on the internet without proper background research and without reading this whole thread here? If so, don’t come here later to the forum “seeking for help” and whining… :roll_eyes:

Really, people need to stop using random shit that they don’t understand.
This is even worse than trusting with your whole life savings to the shady homeless guy at the street corner of the local slum.

The self-sabotage in people is hard and the army of people who have fucked up themselves energetically and subconsicously is bigger than ever…


If you’ve used it and need help later, or simply need assistance for anything just kindly ask in the Healing Request thread. Never, EVER be afraid to request help

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yes but a well known member said hes good and also there was no points really against him on this thread or I couldnt find any?

thanks Im good Ive used some exorcism from sapien and some different ones from Dr7virtual but didnt felt any demons leaving me or something else

people reacting different since listening for 1 week to 2 of his fields also my face looks sharper.
also Ive got stronger mentally I dont care anymore what people think and feel in a good way.

I aint used it blindly Ive searched little bit they are people who accused him of using jinns and working in a cult and so on but even sapien was accused by a lot of people already even from an old well known member like _OM so I dont believe everything that fast what Im reading nowadays.

Tell me JAAJ do you know something about this guy? You are an veteran in this branche Ive read a lot of post of you Im not sure If I should contain listening to his fields but I would like if I would know if its kind of safe because his fields are powerful.

Let me also add that I have the impression that his fields are not for the weak minded you have to face your shadow and demons maybe thats why there a people who are against him… I dont know…

I will link an interesting reddit post Ive found please read it and tell me your thoughts I need clarity about this dude…


there is a guy on the forum “Th3Darkn3ssss” who wrote a lot about those guys but I cant tell if he is just some hater or if its true…

45stars also an well known member here is telling that about him.

45stars you telling you know him? Can you tell us more about his stuff?

think of it this way; you have discovered a community of creators who can do things psychically that typically requires lots more money (plastic surgery for example). Sapien medicine is the most professional in his approach and by all accounts, the most effective (and the first) field creator.

Kabus has this extreme dark aesthetic which inevitably reflects itself in the fields. Would you really trust your doctor to give you plastic surgery if they also have a side gig of turning people into psychopaths?

the shadow is not this thing you evil, demonic part of your psyche, your shadow is not demonic. he is projecting religion onto the psyche.

He doesn’t understand the ‘shadow self’ in my opinion. Carl Jung (created the concept of the shadow) says it is a lifelong journey, not something you do all in one powerful wave.

i understand why you are interested in this creator. It seems interesting and plays on your desires. But please, you have been given a gift, don’t risk damaging your mind for a shortcut.

The best fields ever for facing your shadow are by sapien.

-quintessence of hyper masculinity
-emotional dampener
-self love transcendance (enlightened states shop)
malleable ego /ego dissolution

the list goes on and on…


He s stuff are good him and others that i used has change my mentaly for good ,with those i manage to gain control of my ego and thoghts after months of listening also they improve my face ,thanks to that dark triad 2.1 i mannage to lost fear in drivin even pass the driving test easy ,it literaly help me alot ,everyone react diference to fields so is up to you

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Yes I like his stuff too but If he’s really working with demons we will be fucked soon or not?

Continue to use it then and report to us

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His stuff is fine and is compatible with sapiens fields… dont listen to fear mongerers on here who havent even tried him lol…

In fact its best to just do your own experimentation… everyone has something bad to say about every creator even our beloved Sapien…
Everyones energy system is different , you just gotta see. Althought there are some acutal harmful creators out there so be careful… Always shield yourself before using unknown creators, good luck


I will report from the abyss soon :crazy_face:

Been 2 years ,using his stuff along with curio sub and seth stuff and nothing bad happen ,is the opposited everything is getting better and better


Could you share the link for these fields? I wasn’t able to find them. Thanks.

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DM me bro!

Natal Chart Healing & Development Through your Higher Self

++ Heal Wounds of Difficult Astrological Aspects




A 9 min Session of Rebirthing

++ Deep Healing of Your Emotional Body

By A Touch of the Gods
