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Every Dragonball fan will like to see this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Quadible uses both but not in all its audios, those that include binaurals are specific in the title and description, it also tells you if headphones are necessary or not. You must be careful to read the description of each audio.

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Message says 18 days later.

Another time stamp glitch :face_with_monocle:


Merging threads or moving posts retains message edit time, but puts the post at the bottom of the thread. A way to reorder posts? - #3 by Danny_Dulai - feature - Discourse Meta timestamp can be changed, but order doesn’t depend on it.

hahaha yeah, someone told me that this happens when an admin moves an old message from another thread to this one. The message above mine apparently was moved here but even so the forum should not put that timestamp on my message xd it’s the fault of whoever programmed that😄

Good sire, don’t take my questions to heart but are you the Marketing Team of EWFAE? :joy:

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You’d be buying their products if I was.


thank you so much for your kindness as always the post is amazing i’ll definitely use

and no not yet hehe

btw sorry for late reply i was focusing on a presentation for past 2 days i wasn’t online

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You are welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think this is the best free shungite field I have ever tried, this stone has incredible effects, a lot of calm, EMF protection and even eliminated some blockages and physical tension that I had. Highly recommended

. By Drvirtua7


hi sir; i’m new here and i lost many good posts can i ask for the sapien brain stack you mentioned?if it’s okay with you ofc!
also do you have any recommendations for always feeling tired with no motivation at all? i’ve heard something about chi,ojas and other terms but i have no clue and i’m just starting to figure out their meaning(i’ve briefly read about them here but i could understand it)

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i also saw that shiva from SZ said that we can use “when nothing else matters” to utilize our “to do list” but i don’t understand how to guide the energy :(

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i have another one🫠sorry
can i loop “slow down time” 24/7 while simultaneously listening to other fields?! would it have a huge effect on the results of other fields because it’s played simultaneously or like on how my body reacts?

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Could it be that some creators have placed programming within their fields that we should be references and accurate witnesses to other people about their fields?

While igem responds, I can tell you that perhaps what you need is Jing, which is one of the 3 treasures in traditional Chinese medicine, you can do more research on it. Jing can give you more energy, motivation and vitality. It is also advisable to pair it with chi, which is another of the 3 treasures, it is also energy but of a different type and jing and chi must be in balance. There are many audios for that made by sapienmedicine for free and paid, I recommend you start with jing infusion and chi infusion which are the newest and most efficient in my experience.

Do not overuse, at first you must give your system time to fill and adapt. It is also highly recommended that you practice semen retention as much as possible.


I laughed so much.
:joy: :joy:

When Nothing Else Works


thank you so much your reply made me realize it better


help!! i was half sleep :joy:


there’s probably no hope for me😂i should go with that wrong sentence