Discussion for other Creator Channels



I’m pretty sure they’re actually reuploads of George Hutton’s actual work


So lately I’ve been hearing a lot about Absolute Power’s “Concordia Booster” in a lot of circles in the sublimimal community.

What are all your thoughts on it, and how more effective were your results if you’ve tried it?

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Oooh sweet! I’ll go there then

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On some other topic I saw a mention of this youtube channel
He uses his own mandalas which are imbued with pure energetic programming. (based on the description)
Does anyone have experience with it? Or what are your thoughts?


MEF is absolutely real.

No one in the world is stupid enough to think they can make the big bucks by selling morphic audios, understand the idea, and just not do the work.

The idea that because they’re trying to monetize their ability by selling versions customized to you they must be fake just means you have literally NO idea how this works, so you are slandering the creator.

“I couldn’t feel it so it must not be real” is not even an argument.


Did you got result from them? I used it with zero result, and i got result from sapien.

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Yes, absolutely.

But I feel that’s mostly irrelevant.

There are plenty of Sapien products that routinely take weeks or months to work. People have in-built resistance. Yes, you can subconsciously stop almost any field from “working,” especially if it’s working to change bad habits.

There is a reason I own 8 Sapien dog tags, several audios, and subscribe to his Patreon.

But I have never run across a morphic/energized creator that is “fake.” Ever. That would be the weirdest and most ridiculously unsatisfying con.

Take the original MEF field and loop it with Sapien’s Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Remover 2.0 and watch how much better it works for you.


Only thing i used mef with headphones. With dream i use phone speakers. I mean its energy fields in both creators it should work with phone speakers?

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I use speakers for everything. The energy is more diffused into your environment.


I can tell the difference immediately, though. Some of us are more energy sensitive than others, but those “I can’t feel it so it must be fake” people piss me off.

I know folks think they’re placebo, but a placebo creator isn’t going to be putting out free YouTube vids with sub-$10 audios. They’re going to be sending me constant e-mails that are PERSONALLY written and signed by an archangel about a secret and exclusive brainwave track for only $49.99 that’s the same secret Jim Carrey, Jesus, and Oprah all use!

If you know of any real fakes I’d like to know, maybe we could even start a legit blacklist thread. But only real fakes. If energy sensitive people sense fields in them they’re not fakes. The other thing would be the occasional subliminal channel that pops up that has bad shit in it. They’re rare, but I’ve seen a couple.


Do frequency wizard and warlock only use subliminals?

Or is it actual frequencies?

Im not touching it so you can be the guinea pig


i’d also love to know more about everyone’s experience with frequency wizard! i have quite a few topics of theirs that interest me and would love to see ideal results with them.

Frequency wizard outright said he practices magic and embeds them into audios, but none of the controversial or taboo ones like “witchcraft” or “black magic”.

This is what Subliminal Warlock says he includes:

Apparently “potions” are supposed to be the novelty gimmick of Warlock’s channel.

And in case you were wondering, yes, I have seen and felt effects from both creators’ products.

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I don’t think so lol

No specific ones, the channels in general just work.

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How long have you been using them?

Dear divine sparks,

i seen a channel called. KAPELSU . I see one of commebts on subliminal booster was 11k… I believe the channel owner is a Japanese gal…

Anyone has tried tbe channel… please comment.



Hello Mysticguy, welcome. Kapelsu is pretty “meh”, yeah the stuff works but some of these people in the sub community are more advanced than others. Like you said it’s probs some teen who only knows a bit about affirmations but not really about more advanced things like NLP

I’m pretty sure they mention all the other spells and astrology stuff for marketing. Defo they rely on subs mainly. I hear their turnover from request to publishing is pretty quick showing that they probably just use some binaural beats and silent affirmations

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