Discussion for other Creator Channels

Thats cute, affirmations dont work like that.

Are you new to magick?

Manifestations dont work the way you think.

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Thanks bro, I do appreciate the help offered.

But I need something more serious.


Pm me

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The Beyond Placebo Channel shares a bit of insight into how his audios work:

Thank you for writing back. I do not know how much subliminals work because they are like simulated hypnosis programs. With quantum codes work, I have not yet realized regeneration. There is one project that claims to have reached that level. It’s Russian Regeneration project. Two of the founders I know: Wendy Down running Consciousness playground. And the second person is Ken Graydon author of the book Regeneration healing. You may contact Wendy down directly. She probably is a better person to help you out.
With beyond placebo, it is more of a writer project in yogic system and spirituality. There are no healing or teachings directly. Everything will be in the books.

(He’s also planning to write some books explaining how it works in more detail)


I recommend you lucid dreaming v2 from Dream the one he’s working on it :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t know who is more desperate:

1.- I want an audio to “get laid”.
2.- EX-ROKU who wants an audio for “LUCID DREAMING”.

:smile::smile::rofl::rofl:. LOL LOL

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so they use morphic technology sometimes hm
didnt know that


I lost hope for that one, Rip V2.

Dude getting laid is easy. Especially with fields. Or simply do nofap.

Mastering lucid dreaming 100% is an elite skill, how can you even compare these two?

Stop being a porn addict and you’ll get laid ffs


Send him what i send you lol. This guy is desperate as hell


A little bit desperate, just a little bit LOL


It will be out, one way or another, I still have faith in Dream :grin:


Yeah, in a few months probably.

Meh fk it, astral projection it is then.

Get the weapons ready mi lord, parasitic beings await !

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Something like that but better :joy:

“in a few 997867898668 months probably” LOL


I know there are some haters but I think this looks pretty promising.
I don’t think his stuff works to the degree of SM but it shouldn’t be underestimated.

Here’s the link:


Yes, either it is special or just clickbait, either way I will use it a while to check if it’s working…


Two things!

  • This is a Sapien Medicine forum. We should keep dedicated threads focused on Sapien’s audios aka relevant topics, please…
  • There is already a generic thread on other creators - please use that to share audios from other creators.

Thank you.


Oh sorry I didn’t realize that. If any mod can move it to the right forum section that would be great.




this has been bugging me lately too. But i was holding back because i have said it before.

Sapien is such a humble and open person he doesnt say anything but we most say it here and there because apparently ppl needs to be told that? Imagine.

This is becoming like an add forum for other channels like reddit or some :poop:? It is SAPIEN FORUM.
I mean that Programmed Intention thread even had members saying how that channel was or will be more powerful than Sapien because so and so. Wot? The fkn nerve man! So disrespectful! :unamused: