Discussion for other Creator Channels

I have spoken with grimnir many times.
So who ever say that hes samurai, is total bs.


In my definition, it is a measurement of space. But length, width, depth etc have nothing at all to do with planes of existence

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sorry sir

You all kinda obsessed with samurai :rofl:

Play with this https://www.arhayas.com/blogs/news/voyagers-the-secrets-of-amenti-volume-2-2nd-edition you will find a detailed explanation

No thanks…

@anon44876465 yes you’re right :)
technically it is even a bit more general than that, as it can be measurement of any kind, not just spacial. It is basically just the number of parameters in a function.

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no need for sorry this is called discussion for other channels for a reason can you link it i want trty it out.
also what results did u get?

Matrix also have dimension,just don’t generalise to parameters in a function

Matrix? On VHS? Or DVD? Blu-ray’s sweet. Old DVD’s are nice too, though, for the feel. Since it’s the Matrix, after all.

Seriously bro, we’re not living in an actual matrix. That’s an insult to source. If that’s what you’re implying.

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This is for you https://www.google.com/search?q=dimension+of+matrix&oq=dimension+of+matr&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i20i263l2j0l2.15613j0j7&client=ms-android-oppo&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

confusing math with literal real life?

Yes… :joy:
Didn’t want to give a whole.lecture, but it shows why “7th dimension” whatever is nonsense, unless you make up some other definition for “dimension” which no one seems to do yet they throw the expression around.

Which is why I asked if you could define dimension (in the sense you were using it of course)

All are interconnected in some way, we realise that when the dots are connected

The best way is to experience it

Whom ever creator audio may be, they will give you a push, but to experience, a deep loving effort is needed

Think I just embodied SIGH energy.

(i let out a big sigh)


:joy: probably a silent one too

LMAO Bruh… :joy::joy::joy:

There it is.

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