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Can you link me their 2-3 best working Audios friend? Want to test them out.

Thanks :smiley:

Search on Youtube “Mind Pro Labs”, and then Super Alpha Foundation
I warn you that this is more powerful and the first few days you may feel very low, because it brings out the deepest emotions, m including those you do not know you have.


How did you find yourself with Super Alpha Foundation?

Would it work with my existing sapien playlist or do I need to take a break to check these subliminals from mind pro labs ?

I don’t recommend it, Sapien works in another way; if you are listening to Sapien keep doing it, afterwards you can switch to Mind Pro.
Fabio is like a self help, great subliminals but also many hours of listening to make them work optimally

That’s similar to the subliminal shop (indigo mind labs). I need to listen to about 8 hours of subliminal each night to see results and I cannot use any other product not even their own at the same time.

It has been said many times and is even in the FAQ that there is so issue with listening to other Subliminal creators along with Sapien’s

Edit : So reading more about this creator (Mind Lab Pro) they have clearly said in their description to not listen to any other sub…But rest assured this thing is unique to this particular creator

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Subliminal Club have never said you can’t listen to other Subliminal with their own .


Oh well, I am not for many hours to spend on listening some subs

Thank you friend , found it.

Fabio subliminals, should be listen only one at a time.

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Yes I found it , this is something unique to this creator that they don’t recommend listening to any other sub/field maker along with their own. Kinda a turn off for me I can’t imagine myself leaving my entire stack to listen to a single sub of some creator

Yes, me too many times I have preferred to listen to something else. But one thing must be said, if you have time to listen to his subliminals, you can do it even at night with the ultrasonic version, you can get results very quickly.

Well the fact that you’re putting all your eggs in one basket by listening to his sub only and nothing else for over 3 months is not good

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They say it officially. I have also asked and confirmed from them in their forums.

Three months if you listen little, otherwise 30 days might be enough. However also another great submaker, DrV7 offers a time between 3 and 6 months, if it is about permanent results on very important objectives.

Which forum?

Well maybe they say it because they recommend listening it for about 16 hours in a day. But so many people I know and myself use their subs in a stack with other submakers and it’s chill

It 's better follow a rule, give yourself a method, it really depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to experiment or have not very deep feedback, it is also good to mix many different submakers, otherwise you just need what is necessary.