Discussion for other Creator Channels

I sometimes feels like ,there r few people here who look like they idolitry 🙇🏽‍♂ sapien ,it’s okey to support and buy his stuff ,but i also supports others creators who had help people and they got result ,no all creators of energy are like Thomas or that guy that name DEM creation lol :laughing:also if people do bad things karma will take care of it ,they go down :-1: by it self and sometimes if karma take to long is because the punishment will be hard and pain full ,that’s why goberment and the elite will suffer at the end,nothing personal ,but please ,not everyone feels the same way


Okay, since I was tagged, I will respond.

I generally like all posts when I’m in a conversation, also you can agree with one part of a post and not the other and still like it. It’s even possible to disagree with a post and still give it a like, I do that as well sometimes. There is not any grandios meaning behind a like, at least for me 🤷

So, if you feel like me giving a post a like is enough push for you to step away for a bit, then yes, I maybe you should take a small break, because it’s really not a big deal.


Can I ask for your opinion on Next Iteration Sound? So far, the only accepted creator outside of Sapien seems to be PI. A lot of people say Maitreya produces no results as well.

I never checked Next Iteration Sound.

But what I would do first, before listening to any audio and risking my energy and subconscious mind, is always to check the YouTube channel and website of the creator for possible inconsistencies or red flags. That involves scanning the descriptions, comments, amount of comments and like ratios, logical falacies, testimonials, truthfulness of claims, scan forums etc. to get a first impression of the creator. Most channels to not make it through this first phase so I am not listening to them at all and move on.

It is important to understand that just because a channel works, it does not mean that you are not messing up your own energy system in the long-term!

Fields-wise I only trust and use Sapien and Maitreya.
Maitreya works very well for me and produces results. Her technology is different from Sapien.

SZ seems to work for me too but the energy is not clean.

Programmed Intention, I still need to research, but I heard mostly positive things about them.


I have info on my dossier, if you were interested. It also contains an email interview I conducted with them

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Can you also conduct email interview with Morphius fields


But…you have the arc O.O

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Thanks Mate, I’ve read the whole report back then when you released it :slight_smile:

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That would actually be something really helpful for us all here.


This is FAQS of Morphius fields, so you can judge of him based on this perhaps…

How do I get results from fields?

Just casually listen, unattached, It’s free right? Only a couple of minutes of your time, let go of your attachments, it’s already done, you have your desired outcome, relax, let go. Enjoy the road, you are already home

Can I listen silently?
Yes but listen a few additional times.

Will I get undesired effects, can I block out unwanted items in the description?

The fields are specifically designed to only give desired effects

How many fields can I listen to at one time?
As many as you would like. You are infinite

How long before I start feeling effects?
Should be the same day, week tops.

How long do I have to listen?

After 30 days the field should be fully loaded into your energetic field. It should continue working after that until it’s job is done. Of course always trust your intuition and feel free to come back for “refreshers” every once and awhile.

Can I use speakers or headphones? Both are fine

How do these fields work?
I program energetically and with light language to have the desired effect. Then I ask my guides and angels to add to it. Then I work on doubling and redoublling the potency. As well as a few other techniques layered in with the design of the image and effects. It’s a bit different then the way other creators do it but you can see the noticeable effect for yourself.

Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed.

Can this just be Regius Pura?
Seems so similar way of creating fields :thinking:
What are your opinions

My review for sigh
the first video that got me really into their videos is the sexual implant removal video. That one plus a few others got rid of this implant in my penis. That’s what really got me into sigh. I’m very thankful for their help with the implant. also after buying the new transition powerful plus. using it at first felt like demons were coming out of my throat.

I’ve listened to a lot of the fields and there pretty good. But my favorite thing about sigh is that they teach me the Divine law of love and unification. I now love EVERYONE now, no matter what. I try not to have any desires or wants just to love and be of the world

Overall I think the sigh team has the best knowledge for enlightenment/ascension and GOD
If anyone is interested in their channels I would recommend reading their free eBook on Gumroad. it gives a better idea what the sigh team is about. I really like the book I’ve been watching some of the movies and I think I know what there getting at


any reviews on PI ( Programmed Intention) ? how well does his stuff work?


It work very well for me


Which fields of his have you used so far?

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Here people look

And yet there are here so many people who are bashing Sigh

Thank you for your positive response on Digg
I will now think about using them also

Like really :flushed:
You have sensed this

Road opener, and healing inner child


I am replying here with my own opinion and everyone can have their own, sharing my arguments why I disagree and think that Sigh is to be avoided at all cost.

Yes, people LOOK!!! And don’t trust blindly. Check for yourself!

Are you serious? Is this a paid review?

The description of that video is a total joke and has nothing to do with how the theft of sexual energy takes place.

What implant would that be?
Physical or etheric or astral?
Who installed it and for what reason?

And if someone would want to steal your sexual energy, even the government could that remotely right now. They already have this type of tech… no need for Aliens, Golums or other explanations.
The only ones who would be interested in your sexual energy are lower astral parasites and maybe some cabal globalists who want to reduce your energy that you would otherwise use for manifestations.

By the way, sexual energy is not stored in the penis…

I’ve read it.

“The Laws of the Matrix”

One cannot really call it a book, since it is a 24 pages long poorly edited PDF. Almost 6 of those pages is just a list of recommended movies and series.

Content wise it is worse than those channeling books from the early 2000’s that were all about the “2012 Ascension”. It is full of wrong facts, misunderstandings, limiting beliefs and other thrown in basic esoteric concepts. Any person that has ever read at least 5 proper esoteric books in their life, will instantly see that Sigh team have no clue about anything.

It is also full of grammar errors and written in a very poor English.
If someone can’t even master basic English, I would definitely not trust them with my energy system and mind or high level stuff like removing J-seals…
Maybe they should start using their own “language field”: Improvement of language skills EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed) - YouTube :laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :expressionless:

Oh man, I don’t even know where to start, lol, sometimes they write complete BS under their videos, like for example:

“The energetic information in the videos and mp3s work directly with your first level DNA (atomic) through resonance causes your changes, so it is important to play every day without fail.” :rofl: :laughing:

…or this from the “5555 Lifetimes” video:

"Codes to heal and repair the damage of five thousand five hundred and fifty-five random lives.
This programming can help heal many types of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems.
Important to use for at least 555 days non-stop."


You were the guy who said 3 months ago how much he loves eating animals:

Does this mean that now, since you love everybody, you have finally stopped eating animals? :thinking:


How do you know he is still eating animals
That’s just your assumption, and of course it’s reality for you and happening in your head therefore :roll_eyes: I mean it’s truth for you

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