Discussion for other Creator Channels

we are talking about joint projects:

is this your first day on the forum?


Then why of the 5 oldest posted videos only one has to do with healing? The other videos are related to money, looks, piano playing…

…but he asks us to trust him blindly!!!

These statements do not answer any of the releveant questions.

In his very short FAQ under each video, one of the 5 questions is “Are you evil?” :thinking: :roll_eyes:

…I mean who the heck asks this about themselves in a FAQ, and expects others to ask this about him as well?
Only a person that does not inherently believe that they are already good within, would come up with such a question for an FAQ!

These are the relevant questions. And they are all still open.

In the description of the “Become Rich and Famous (Morphic Field)” video Morpheus Fields states:

“Side note: You have the ability in and of yourself to create Morphic fields and you do all day everyday with your thoughts. Your focused intentions are constantly creating Morphic fields. These are so imprinted so woven into the fabric of your being that it often is hard for you to make changes. By using my focused intentions I have created these to help correct and alter these patterns to help create what you truly want and truly realize you limitless potential.”

Which for me sounds like that he just projects his thought forms. This is FAR FAR FAR FAR AWAY from creating your own morphic fields!


Just bought the theta wave audio

:100: and she’s getting better and better. She’s on fire!


Morpheus field channel has new update description:

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I’m a long time lurker and first time poster (I could have sworn I already had an account on here but whatever) I just found out about Morpheus from this forum and I’ve been listening to his booster and blockage removal for about a week and effects have been so strong. I even feel some effects from subliminal videos which rarely use to work for me before. I’m trying to change some physical aspects of myself and I’ve seen small changes thus far. I’m going to keep experimenting with his fields to see how far I can go. But thank you to whoever suggested his channel; I think I’ll stick with Sapien, Morpheus, and Programmed Intention for the time being.


good, document your results too and after you get some, tell us about them in-detail, it’s important to have them well-documented and distinguishable from each other when it comes to results from creators so we can tell from whom was the result. I recommend you having a journal. Good luck.

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Does anyone know what he means by “fair energy exchange?” This is from Morpheus.

I appreciate all of of you. I truly care about all of you and value your feedback. But we gotta a have a conversation about the requests. I want to make them, I wish I could make them all. But everyday now I get between 5-10 different new requests. Even if I make a field every single day there is simply no way to keep up. To help with this I opened the ability to make custom requests at a fair energy exchange rate. I understand that not everyone has money for this, but please be patient in regards to your free requests. Please understand that there is no physical possible way I could make them all. Please just keep this in mind when making your requests. Thank you for your time and support. I really appreciate you.

Why don’t you ask him in comments?

He seems very honest and always respond



This file was programmed to exponentially increase the power of your intention

As you pronounce or intend something in thought its effect is magnified by 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 and etc. …

For example if you pronounce 10 times I love myself, I accept myself or I am sorry forgive me, or any mantra its power is increasing and as if you had pronounced it 1024 times.

Whoaaa man :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

How about an infinite amount of repetitions? :wink:


Oh please just please don’t recommend me her
And better to give all that money to sapiens

huh? :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

get whatever helps u more

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But you would rather Sigh… Laughable…


Sigh can be used effectively on YouTube
But sapiens gumroad must be paid and it’s 1000 better than sigh and Maitreya together
That’s why I said dat

Now you safe laugh

Wrong is a perception. I wouldn’t touch anything by sigh with a 10 foot pole. But you go for your life, that’s what life is about - choices. Your choice.


Your perception that something is wrong is actually what is wrong.

What you are doing here is setting your choices to others based on your misperception.

{If you don’t see what are you doing, let me open your eyes}

Nothing is wrong, except your perception that something is wrong, {from Bible}, and based on that “your perceptions” you create your own world, and impose it on others, telling that something is wrong, not seeing it that this is only your world aka experience, and not theirs.

You and others like you, are the ones who are trying to “gaslighting” other people with your arguments, imposing your choices on them, and not allowing them to decide for themselves to try something based on your “wrong” experience, telling them that is “wrong”, not seeing it that you are the only one who has created this “wrong experience” based on your beliefs in that moment.

End of story

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Yawn… didn’t even bother to read all that.

You know what I have noticed… so many of these profiles all commenting on other channels in this thread but don’t contribute anything at all to the WHOLE rest of Sapien’s forum. There’s always something odd about that, and getting your back up about a channel that isn’t supported on here - also fishy.


And now you are trying to manipulate with me and with others with your words in order to make me bad guy here hahah

You are so funny

It’s obvious you are so obvious
It’s like I can see right through you

I am just a guy who are trying to try some other channels in this thread called about other channels and that’s allowed here, right

What is wrong with it

Okay that’s enough now.

Personal insults are against the forum rules.

Perception is by definition personal, one is always biased to think their perception is the right one. That’s just how the ego works and it is the baseline human experience.
Some people feel strongly for or against specific creators. You will not be able to convince the other person that you are right and they are wrong when there is some conviction.

Express your opinion and discuss respectfully if you’d like to, otherwise move on.

If the recent posts in the topic bring up strong feelings within you, then I urge you to consider (maybe while playing ego dissolution meditation from dream seeds) what is it within you that responds with such emotion.

This post is for everyone and not one person in particular.