Discussion for other Creator Channels

Personal attacks are against the rules of the forum.

This is over.

You have started first
You called me fish just because I have tried other channels
It’s was indirect insulting from your side
I couldn’t that tolerate
I have seen you

But okay
It’s over

I briefly skimmed through to lower parts of the thread and started to question a lot of the subliminal/energetic audios that I was using. I realize that at some point I started chasing results more than I prioritized my own safety. Patience and consistency have always been problems for me so seeing some parts of this thread was a much needed reality check for me.


Could you go in more detail on why that is? I’m interested in hearing everyone’s perspective on specific channels. The proponents are always the most vocal so getting an accurate view sometimes gets a bit difficult.


If u really want to hear many pro reviews of other creators, the best thing is to go to their website and their forum.


It seems that you misunderstood my comment, I’m specifically asking to hear the negatives as well as any positives, so that I may form a nuanced decision.

Please use the search function for this thread:

There are many opinions here on “sigh”…


Hi gnostic,
I’m happy for you, I have been thinking some people from the forum will likely start their own ‘brands’ and products sooner or later.

I know you said this, but may I suggest perhaps renaming the divine love one?
The name is exactly the same as the sapien medicine field, but it’s not and it does something different, which I think is a bit confusing?
I’m just saying this as my own suggestion. Maybe an 80% similarity instead of 100% could be better :sweat_smile:


I played the first audio and I liked it.
You’ve got talent!!!


I actually agree and was thinking the same thing. Will do. Thanks for the feedback!


I’m glad you liked it. Thanks a lot!


I think it would be good idea to have a section to practice all what we learn in the course.


Better to upload in YouTube also


I would but I’m banned for life. They don’t like my politics :man_shrugging:


Try to create with different mail id


I did. It doesn’t work because they are able to detect who you are in many different ways. It’s pretty much impossible. I think the only way is if you move and change your internet provider and your email address. Oh well. I’m the first channel of this kind on Rumble. I’m mostly doing it for fun but if the channel grows I’ll be happy.


Accidentally hit the delete button on previous post about my channel so here it is again.

Check out my channel on Rumble :)
It’s called The Essence of Intention. My first 2 fields are Ojas + Microcosmic Orbit & Vibration of Divine Love (Edit: renamed to The Essence of the Cosmic Mother) and The Essence of Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. I plan to come up with original concepts for future audios. I only used those 3 to test my abilities and was successful I believe. Judge for yourself.


For those that have listened to my fields, I would really appreciate feedback on whether or not you guys think the energy is neutral and not mine personally. That was the intent. When I use them, I don’t feel any of my personal energy but I just want to confirm with you guys. Thank you. Much love and gratitude!

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I just listened to the first audio and I felt it neutral.


man you don’t know how much I appreciate the feedback. I agree but just wanted to get outside perspective incase I was deluded by desire LOL. Thank you!