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Are you referring to subliminals from this maker?

Hi, thanks for replying. No it’s called MindProLabs.

My personal impression:

They look like an average subliminal maker with various down-sides (see below).

In 99% of the cases Sapien morphic fields are always stronger and better than subliminals, so in this forum you are the right place.

But to answer your question: you can totally combine listening to morphic fields and subliminals at the same time when the audio output comes from different devices. I am doing this myself.

This is not true.

The subconscious mind can process a really really huge amount of data.
One can listen to many different subliminals during a day – WHEN those subliminals are really professionally done.

Spoiler: those from Mind Pro Labs are not, according to my personal opinion.

First, they include anti-piracy affirmations in their subliminals – which is understandable, but unprofessional because it is just clutter for the subconscious mind.

Then, they tell you to not to listen to any other subliminals, probably because they put, quote, “2000-4000 affirmations” into a subliminal file.

This is a totally unnecessary amount!
It is not the amount of the affirmations that matters.
But how the affirmations are worded.
The subconscious mind isn’t stupid.
It does not need to be told every single detail in fifty different affirmation versions.

By them using so many affirmations shows that they believe that it is the amount of affirmation angles and variations that matters, which indicates that they are very poor at wording their affirmations, because they need so many to actually get results.
I find this very unprofessional and this reminds of the many free YouTube subliminal makers.

You may also want to check out the subliminals discussions here in the forum. Simply use the search function.

Morphic fields work on your energy body, your subconscious mind, your conscious mind, and your physical body.

Morphic fields like SLR and Ego Dissolution can even help you to accelerate results with your subliminal.

Also expert tip:
Always start with self-love.
Number 1 reason why people don’t get results from anything are inner blocks, traumas and lack of self-worth.


they say “no other programs” because of 2 reasons;

  1. they may clash. It may not be as obvious such as listening to both “grow taller” and “become shorter”, but a portion of the fields may cancel each other out, and perhaps even cause a 3rd result that was not intended.

– If you know what you’re mixing, you should be fine.

  1. Your energy may not be enough to handle multiple transformations at once.
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Only if they are worded poorly.
A professionally worded subliminal will not clash with any other.

Well, listening to subliminals that are obviously for purposes that counter each other would be quite stupid in the first place.

Your energy can totally handle it, the question is whether the subliminal is worded in a way that it raises big resistance from the subconscious mind and ego, or whether it is worded in a way that it bypasses any resistance and works with the subconscious mind.

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Sounds like you just make things up to disagree and sound smarter.
Or you simply talk about topics that you do not know enough about.


No to both of your statements.


I am grateful for your advice. I don’t know how professional MindProLabs is but from personal experience I can say that the subliminals that they make actually work. I’m happy to hear that I can listen to subliminals and morphic fields at the same time. I was surprised when you said that I could even listen to multiple subliminals at once. Although you may be right I don’t want to risk it. I already listen to some morphic fields along with the subliminal.

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Also, there’s a morphic field called facial symmetry I think, from Sapien medicine. It’s supposed to correct assimetry in your face. I have a jaw assimetry of 3mm to the right, it’s not a lot. Do you think this morphic field will correct my assimetry?

You can ask their reason, it’ll give you a better idea :slight_smile:

Without knowing why this creator advises it, I echo what others have said, that subliminals and morphic fields can go well together so long as they aren’t at risk of being in conflict.

Is there really a one size fits all answer to this? Everyone has different beliefs and unless the script is tailor made, I don’t think it can be accounted for in each and every instance. Also the beliefs of the maker can be different from the client’s, which might create some resistance, no matter how well its scripted. Moreover, it might depend on the topic, body transformations can be taxing, even for fields it’s recommended not to go over 4.

About subliminals being worded to bypass resistance completely, I have always found that claim implausible to be candid, especially when paired with changes being quick. Again, maybe if it’s tailor made but I find it hard to believe with generic ones. Even the best hypnotists can’t hypnotise an entire crowd. And a big issue for me is that while I get that scripts can’t be made public, not being aware of what’s in them makes it impossible to know how this would be done (at least I haven’t found a creator that explained it). If you have used them successfully without any resistance then proof is in the pudding, but it hasn’t been my case after trying various companies. Granted that was 2-3 years ago, maybe improvements have been made since.


It should yes! No harm in trying it that’s for sure :slight_smile:

Can I avoid braces if I use teeth morphic field from MEF?

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Try it and find out. (Although the MEF forums are a better place to ask questions about their fields, as we focus more on Sapien/Dreamseeds/Energetic Alchemy fields here.)


Hi everyone! So I’m listening to long subliminal, it takes 6 months, I’ve been listening for 5 months. I listen to that subliminal along with 5 other morphic fields. The creator of the subliminal told me that i couldn’t listen to any other subliminal, but i thought I could listen to morphic fields since they are not subliminals. However I got worried when I read the description on some of the morphic fields that included the word subconscious. I’m already listening to a complex subliminal so im worried the morphic fields may decrease the effectiveness of the subliminal that i listen to by overwhelming my subconscious mind. I would appreciate an explanation.


Subliminals and morphic fields are totally different things with different mechanisms. Thus, they can be used at the same time. A well made morphic fields work as long as it does not violate the rules or laws of the world in accordance with the informations and energy souce the creator has drawed upon. Subliminals are only useful when you allow them to affect you, and it can only achieve things where your mind has a say.

The main issues I see are:

  1. Not everyone can create morphic fields. Even if someone does, the said person my not have complete knowledge of what was happening or who was doing the work.
  2. Some incomplete or dis-morphic fields (I’m not sure whether this word is used appropriatly or not) are limited, or just absence, in its basis of information and energy to achieve what it claims.
  3. Since these two are different techniques, a content creator can have these two in one single file. Hence these creations are not suitable to use with other subliminals.

Experiment on yourself, and you’ll know. What I’ve wrote are only based on my very limited knowledge and experiments so far. Thus it may not be true.

Yeah it’s a good channel. Energy seems clean with good intentions.


I used this prior to Sapien (because I never heard of Sapien till after) but I am really trying to figure out if I got scammed lol:

Kami Crystals, legit?
He sells on Etsy: KamiCrystals | Etsy

Apparently you can feel the energy radiate through the photos itself on that link.
I’ll also find them later and attach the ones I have.
I could have sworn I did, particularly for the empath protector, but the problem is, truly cannot discern if it was a placebo affect or not.
Please lmk :))))

I have Sekhmet, Merlin the Magician, Isis/Eset, ArchAngel Michael, the Seraphim, DNA Blueprint, Zero Point Energy, Timeless DNA Activator, Soulmate, etc

This is the seraphim link, I am most concerned about this one in particular: High Seraphim Kami Crystals™ by Atlantean King™ Activate Soul | Etsy

I know his boasting makes it a little suspicious, but if you read the comments…

You have no idea this how much this would mean to me if someone can give me their two cents lol - on his energetic tools, not on his boastings lol

Why I stopped using them:
(1) I kept loosing them lol
(2) Don’t trust my judgement as its based in bias
(3) Sapien just makes me feel safe/ his character


Take my subjective opinion with a pinch of salt - absolutely not worth nearly 700 bucks. I tried a few divination methods to see if these are “good for Violet” and every time I get a very strong “no”. :slight_smile:

I am only going by the energy and I am not an expert on Crystals however (@uial is the expert there).


At least these look pretty :joy:

This is a good cue


Scrambles before my GF sees them :rofl: