Discussion for other Creator Channels

I think most creators do the “tiering” except Sapien. This alone shows how much different Sapien’s mechnism and approach is to others.


This is getting rather old. Try something else?

No one here ever said that… Only Sigh claims all that…If commonsense is uncommon to you, I guess nothing can be done.


Yes, nothing can be done, so move on
I do not wish to hold an unnecessary argument

I have nothing at all against tiering. But I was just a bit confused how those that claim their worldview is all about love, freedom, escape from the matrix, no criticism (critical thinking gets mistaken for criticism often), ascension, etc. are finding new ways of making money, selling their goods, etc. It is perfectly ok, and why should one not capitalize on their talents - but the hypocrisy is what leaves a bad taste lol

Dale at one point had said, “If the fields are made right the first time, why boost them?”…


Good choice. I am absolutely not in favor of arguments where commonsense is not the minimum criterion.


Huh? Said who?
It’s rather people working on being ascended one day lol. With like 2% or the people here sort of “closer” and guiding others, but at the same time also going through their own process bit by bit.

There are people who think that about themselves, that they are ascended and “higher vibe” Vs the others, but… 🤷


This is exactly what I meant. Just being capable of “being boosted” means that these things are not fields.


This forum is for Sapien Medicine where Dream is the only doctor, everyone else is supposed to be a patient.


I also think this
Someone third person sent them some random description and they are nice and helpful to them and make field about it under different name, not knowing it’s description from other audio/creator

I saw many times how people requested them to make some fields with exactly same description as Sapien or Maitreya or some third

It’s a team of people and person who make description it seems usually copy paste of e-mail they got, and that’s it, like @SoaringEagle said


They said very often in comments to people they are not obligated to buy anything and they can simply download all fields from YouTube and it still works 100% , their words, there are a lot their comments on that topic.
Almost all people just download it and rarely buy, I know that from comments there, and sigh support them

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Even the doctor isn’t a fan of the clinic, because he understands how many diseases are present


But doesn’t quad work? She worked for me.

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He isn’t saying it doesn’t work. He’s saying that he believes tiers are unnecessary (which I agree)


Not knowing that a particular information already exists, is proof that they have NO connection to the higher dimensions.




Can you tell them this, so they dont accidentally do it again?

Since you seem close to them so they dont find themselves being the center of convos like this around

Then they can make their own descriptions of the audios they create


do you suggest they double-check the description for originality? why do they need it?

They should write their own descriptions, like every normal content creator…


no they dont need to of course, but if they respect their own work they would do it, i dont see how this is a problem?

so they rather keep doing what they do so far even tho they would know what the situation is?

i love how the lurkers or the ones that rarely interact on this forum are the ones to always jump to defend other creators :slight_smile:


everything is according to Newton’s law “action gives rise to reaction”