Discussion for other Creator Channels

Dear Friend so which Sspien are Subliminal and which are morphic fields only or are all of sapiens are just morphic only?


Yo @Ramp, relax homie lol.
All I was saying is a great thing for you to consider in regards to your situation would be Sapien’s Hearth Heater, an NFT.
I do not know nor trust any other creator other than Dream (Sapien) as
Dream is a very sincere, genuine, and earnest being, which by default will show- and does show- in his creations. I’m aware my answer is based in bias lol. Nonetheless, when I read your comment I felt it would be foolish not to mention the aforementioned, the Hearth Heater.
'Tis all

But I will say as a friendly warning. A very dear friend of mine, who happens to know of Sigh or at least is very well acquainted with what he does, few months back disclosed to me how his stuff is poor mimicry of that of the much more refined creator(s).
That person who told me is perhaps the only one in the world I trust.
So hopefully you’d heed to that advise as truly, I have nothing to gain nor loose by you listening to him.

You know also just praying or meditation ie reciting mantras is superb, not just for this, but any situation. Hone into yourself. Tools are wonderful, I myself adore them so very much, but if I do not do my part,
I mustn’t expect the tools to do anything either, if not at all.


Okay dear, thank you,
I am very sorry I misunderstood you
I am learning several languages in same time because of job and preparation so that’s why I am sometimes lost, and all these expectations from me and will it be worth all these, will I succeed etc my head then was full of stuff

Thanks for your concerning, excuse me, what do you mean by " poor mimicry of that of the much more refined creator(s)."
Their fields don’t work eather?
I didn’t understand they are copycat with zero power fields? just copy paste?

I did find their field "get your own property or something like this
And tnx for dream’s suggestion

In regards to Sigh, though I’d rather not discuss more on that. There of course are many other creators whom I am sure are great, but there is no universal metric per say to measure; it’s a subjective experience.

But I will say this:
Growing up, many revered ‘saints” or apparently “god reached” men whom held hundreds of thousands of followers across the world, used to stay at my house whenever they came to my area. It was a very interesting experience. i even have a token from Dalia Lama given to me by the man himself (& he’s not really er god-state as many believe but that’s another story)

Not one of them. By far. Has been equivalent to or of comparison. To Dream.

so far the only two things which have resonated with me in Seeking within this life are either: Gurbani or Dream.
After Gurbani, absolutely Dream.

I am not a paid spokesperson; I’ve actually never had a dialogue with the dude on this platform before, but still:
Every soul who’s encountered Dream’s works should know they are in safe hands.

I know i know this is a thread dedicated to others, ik ik, and i bet there are actually legit others,

But after encountering Dream, I’m more than content for the rest of my life. I’d rather be creatorless if there’s no Dream himself lol. I mean at the end of the day, creators are just here to help. But how earnestly they want to help…well that’s another story and that’s also why Dream gets another brownie point; bc he more than happily has allowed for this thread (so we all may discuss).


Tomorrow he’s a public nft releasing for luck. Maybe consider getting one of those, maybe it’ll be of help to your situation. If not, maybe the sheng hui field or unbreakable on teespring can. So many diff ways to approach your situation! Look at it in excitement, it’s a new quest at your hands & lucky you, the game increased your luck stat so much so that its offering you the chance to use some finely crafted tools (courtesy of Dream) as u voyage away

Best of luck Ramp

If this is too off topic mods can delete, just let Ramp see it first please, thanks.


Neville’s teachings have become life-changing for countless numbers of people, and continues to change lives all over the world. Looking forward to digging into this.

I’m betting it will make for a good visualization-of-the-end-meditation.


Did your friend sense any negative energy in their fields besides being poorly made?

would u still recomoned subtle energy?

I respect Erik, even before I met the Captain I was actively using SES products
Now I don’t see the point in it. I don’t follow his activities, I don’t use other creators’ products

Captain’s products, especially the latest multicomplex NFTs completely “cover” all my needs and experiments.

you can always try and draw your own conclusions.


thank you for response


Hi, I’m new here, I would like to listen your opinions. What do you think abot this morphic filed - Law of Assumption/ Neville Automated by DEM Creations? I’d like to buy it, but I still have not understood if it can change the past, so the current reality can be how I would like it to be? Have any of you already tried it?
P.S .: I hope my english is understandable. By asking your opinion, I certainly don’t want to discredit DEM Creations and its work. I would not like to trigger a debate that leads to insulting and offending the creator.
Thank you for your time


I think the reason is that they are too in the learning process, and they too are still polarizing in their being as they go along.

PS: My username has nothing to do with them. It was just something that popped in my head after a pretty necklace, four elements, seasons of the year, etc. I think I didn’t even know their channel when I randomly entered a username when signing up to this forum. :)


Hello and welcome brother! There is a high chance that DEM Creations is a new channel of one bad subliminal creator. (Thomas Subliminals)
So it’s better to not to use this guy’s fields/subliminals


I don’t believe any creator could replicate Neville Goddard’s philosophy or lifestyle in one morphic field
It must be experienced through own consciousness

If anyone could do that then there would be no more any need for enlightenment

Thank you for your opinion

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Got another story about PI’s Pain/Inflammation field that happened today. So, I have this reoccurring sciatica or some joint pain in my left leg that comes and goes. And the pain came suddenly today at around 7AM when I woke up.

I had opened the XS mandala on my phone before I slept, just in case. Because I did feel a slight pain before sleep. But it didn’t do anything. Maybe, I guess, you have to set it as a wallpaper and not just open it in a photos app (just assuming). Because it did work when I set it as a wallpaper, a while back, for a shoulder pain. But I just opened it on a photos app this time around.

Anyhoo, when I woke up to this nerve/joint pain, I decided to play the Pain/inflammation XS audio and let it loop. I literally felt the pain starting to diminish about 30 seconds in. Slowly, but surely. And when I fell back asleep and woke up the second time, the pain was pretty much gone. Just a few hours back, I had a difficult time getting out of bed and was hobbling to the bathroom. And now, I was able to get up and walk like nothing happened.

The pain field seems to be very quick and have noticeable results for me. I can’t say for the others. Because I have used the beauty one, the brain, accelerated healing, luck, wealth, etc, and I’m not sure what exactly the results are on those that I’m seeing. Or maybe they’re working more subtly. And maybe you have to play those longer and consistently. Not sure. But the pain field actually works for me even though I do have those frustrating and skeptical moments on whether these fields actually work.


Try playing Cone of Power with PI’s mandalas. Or have your servitors do it.

Please report back what you find.

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There have been 2 people on the forum who say his mandala stop working have a long period of time. Can some deny or confirm this. Am looking at supporting the creator.

Based on my experience, I feel that PI’s tools are better used to compliment other creators’ tools, rather than on their own. The individual energy output isn’t quite strong, however it can enhance other tools which serve similar purposes


I am one of those 2 :raising_hand_woman:t2:

However theres not an inch of ill intention or wrong work done by that creator, he actually works hard.

But sometimes some creators work for some and not for others, so follow your instinct here its the best option and good luck