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What do you mean guys? Is closing one’s chakras not right? Is PI on a wrong track?




1st impressions:
It really does feel like a mind expansion… like energy past the skull instead of contained. Use that with the 5d mind and body optimizer to balance it all


I still use PI, but I stay away from fields like this. I only use luck, wealth, brain, pain, teeth, etc, those types of fields.


Has anyone tried harper healing before? it’s more hypnosis than energy work, but the claims he makes by using his audio are pretty big.There is nothing about him as far as reviews online that I could find, he also seems to have a you tube channel where he posts video testimonials so it looks more legit but his website is not exactly up to standards so I’m not sure what to think of him.


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have you kept using this? how are the results now?
thinking of also buying


Yes I kept using it. It seems to be working on my whole body and mindset. Especially my jaw and maxilla grew much bigger. Forehead seems to shrink too.

I grave much more food / nutrition with this creation than ususal which is a good sign.


not yet, but will try it out in the future for sure.

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So PI is for now all off the list

Thank you…next?

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Has anyone used the 11th power or something by Quadible Integrity? I know the guy is legit as they come and one of the OG when it comes to this stuff but still, it’s hard to believe that it can enhance other fields by 11x (Idk, I don’t buy x boosters in general)

So has anyone used it and gotten a faster result from it?


Ok I’m not into this stuff (mostly cause big time commitment when I can just buy contact lenses), but if I ever had some free time…is there a chance any of the effective creators have a field/subliminal for heterochromia? Are you aware of anyone that gives results to others?

I’d fool with them like…what you mean they always were like this? you guys never even looked in my eyes? what an ungrateful bunch of bastards yall are" xD

also i like you new pfp…who’s him?


but genetically it wouldnt make any sense for me to have blue eyes haha

Garou from One Punch Man, can recommend reading the manga :)

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I don’t believe.

I used it recently. I think it gives you a lot of energy, maybe, and that’s it. If I listened to Dream’s field 11x I’d go mad or smth.

It may boost his fields, but not Dream’s. I felt as if it’s blocking them.

It feels like an energy device is put around your aura.

So it filters energy (for whatever reason), and combs your aura. Then it energizes whatever has come in.

I don’t think fields benefit from this at all (better not to meddle with Dream’s field), and neither do your results? I can’t say for this.

It was stimulating. Like cocaine yknow xD

All that combing and energizing from the inside feels like a workout for the energy body. One that would exhaust you.

I may use again in the future if I get more experienced or energy sensitive. But not in my stacks or near future plans.

I know many here use it so results vary.


You convinced me to start using this because all I read was “energizing”



Same here. PI fields are quite powerful and without sound and stackable and combinable…


This is real though. It is recommended in martial arts, to do the opposite or even pass your hands down the aura of your opponent, to make them weaker.

Now, making someone weak (this is as in kinesiology measurement/muscle testing) and people feeding off chackras are different things. I can’t talk about the latter. But I’m just saying in case anyone of you ever needs to be on the offensive rather than just defend yourself. Zip up your aura (this is an energy psychology exercise, it comes from the same knowledge field as tapping) and zip down theirs.

In psychic seduction, they do the opposite, so I don’t know what to make of it. I think zipping up is like a conditioned response from us using clothes xD

Only have one experience with him. The thing is that not many people are aware of this kind of hypnosis (and clinical hypnotherapists usually disregard it as being different and they say it is just normal hypnosis), so I think anyone that knows about it must be dedicated and know what he is doing.

Not anyone can work with it anyway, and of those who can, they may choose not to, because of the commitment it requires.

So sadly I can’t give you a real answer…but I do trust him. I’d invest in his products (and will when I can). And if they work, get his healing services for sure.

I think he has like a power trio that he recommends before doing anything else. Something like infinite self-love, infinite power…and I don’t remember the other. But read around a bit, before purchasing something that may not work for you.

I recommend you to watch the youtube videos, not the testimonial ones, but the others. At least you will learn a few useful things (I did!).

Also, ultra-depth is used to work with your higher self, your higher self working with your subconscious too. I think higher self healing by PU may do something similar. And I think ultra-depth, even if more complext, is similar to epsilon/lambda. So it is a matter of deep, deep trance and accessing the higher self…many fields work on those lines, so maybe check them up, if you’re unsure about Harper Healing.

I’ve always had a bit of an obssesion with hypnosis so I will still try to get to those ultra-depth, ultra-height, and even the coma and Sichort states (they say they are useless, just bridge states to the deepest ones…I can’t help thinking they have untapped potential).

Go on, I then said exhausting xD. Also it was my first time using something different to Dream’s fields. Everything becomes neutral feeling after a while.

I think Plasma would do the same and is “smarter” than this device. “Knock My Socks Off”, “Light-speed Alchemy”, and “Alchemical Orgone” by SorcerySupreme would be safer alternatives too.

But then I may be too paranoid about other creators :man_shrugging:

If you do use 11th power, make sure to have shielding, and be aware of what you use next. You may decide to listen to SARMs on a whim and then go bald.

I’m seeing the effects of our negetropized entropy from the random thoughts thread and it may destroy this forum with enought time yknow xD

I’ve been using quadible for years now and theyve always agreed with me :)

Just havent used 11th power so much because it’s 8 minutes long which is long for me for a booster


when i opened it it had 444 subscribers…coincidence?