Discussion for other Creator Channels

But many consider his channel dangerous How to neutralize effects of Wizard spells? - Ask for suggestion - Maitreya Fields


That sounds awful lol.
I was scared to use QI for a while due to people saying she is not safe, but then I saw long term users and veterans of the forum saying good stuff, plus I remembered that her subs worked for me, at least a few that I tried (the hydration one really made my skin more fresh, younger looking), so i’ll start using her creations again.

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Great for losing weight too! :wink::1st_place_medal:

To be honest I have full faith only in Sapien and Dream and all the others, they definitely come later. As far as that channel is concerned, I don’t know what to answer, however in this thread there was a lot of discussion about the channel you reported and the similarity with two others. I advise you to go and read many related messages.


While Maitreya seemed like a nice lady, I don’t care for her much for two reasons…

  • Her programming, meh
  • Her opinions are very fixed. THIS is how it works, THIS is how reality is, etc.

Anyone who thinks they have nailed down the way the universe works is closing themselves to possibilities. My teacher, may his memory be blessed, Namkhai Norbu used to tell me: “Enlightenment should make one more open to possibilities, not closed and rigid”. She seems to have very specific notions of “this is the only right way”, etc.

Ever seen Dream talk in such absolutes? There is learning for us even in his conduct.


Oh, man, i just realized that that reply that i replied to was about Maitreya - i thought it was about Quadible. :sweat_smile::man_facepalming:

Edit: it was about qi, at least the first half.


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You mean

binaural beats frequency wizard (you tube channel )

Do spell???

Yes, although I myself do not feel anything bad from this channel.

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Thank you

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Sublimanal warlock frequencies

Is this trust worthy channel??

Please confirm guys

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Who’s SMF/HT4Y? I’ve never heard of them and can’t find anything when I search “SMF/HT4Y”

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That creator did not want him/his products discussed on this forum. I don’t see why, but well, that is why we don’t discuss that guy here, or even mention that Mr. Voldemort (he who cannot be named here)…


Well I guess he’ll remain a mystery then cause I don’t know who the hell he is

edit: I finally found them but their website looks catastrophic. I think I’ll leave them be lol


Its ok, you ain’t missing on anything ;)


Not sure if this still applies, but:


I LOVE this Prayer, give it a try and see:

Hey guys, I have done so much research and tried so many different routes and I can’t seem to make effective subliminals or frequencies with embedded affirmations. No matter what I try I just cant seem to produce anything substancial. I feel like I am missing something. I would just say that it is my beliefs that arent getting me results but both my friends and family have tried my subliminals and they dont work for them either. If anyone has any links to any tutorials or even wants to offer me any advice on how to make them I would greatly appreciate it. I have definitely hit a wall with my progress. I also am really interested in how people create frequencies to achieve certain things like for example weight loss or facial changes. How do certain frequencies do that?
Thanks guys!!!

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I’m not an expert just have used loads of subliminals and I found the ones that worked best for me used “you” affirmations rather than “I” affirmations like “you are taller now” rather than “I am taller now.” Also if you use binaural beats, try to incorporate theta as that is the predominant brainwave we were in from ages 0-7 when our subconscious beliefs were first being formed. Putting us back in that brainwave allows affirmations to impact a bit easier.

Good luck :green_heart:


Okay I will try that ! Thank you for your reply :grinning:

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Use layered subliminals.