Discussion for other Creator Channels

I seemed to have collected too many Patreon (also streaming services) subscriptions, and was barely making use of all kinds of tools! I was talking to @This_Boy_Here and decided to go on a cleaning drive and to do some “late spring cleaning” and stick with mostly Sapien and Brenda’s tools till I get carried away to try something new and mind-blowing that pops up lol My Ascension Pyramid is here finally, so lately been just “sitting” with it.


Yeah, wise and understandable. Currently, PI and Sapien are my only Patreon subs.


That just reminded me of something. Wasn’t the telephone invented by two different people at literally the same time?
There’s also a bunch of there examples here:

So if there can be inventions that are implanted in the public consciousness in multiple people at the same time, then maybe the same can be true for Morphic Fields.


Yes, exactly 100% true. Well, 95% true, because some, myself included, believe the ideas come from outside human consciousness and are offered to us, and we have the chance to pick up on them and act them out here in physical reality.

Still, your basic concept is exactly right - multiple people around the world can and frequently do pick up on “the right idea for the times” and put them into practice simultaneously.


Never said that, I’m sure there are a lot of claims but unless there is any proof and the method gets explained by all these new creators, I still remain doubtful about their claims, anyone seems to use the name of Morphic Field like water.

I’m not saying they don’t work, but it feels most people failed to read what actually are Morphic Fields :man_shrugging:


I’m just saying it worked for me lol

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There’s this subliminal channel called Honey Drop Subliminals

It apparently uses “Morphic Fields”, but since this channel blatantly looks like one of those ★𝓐𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬★ subliminal channels that 15-year-old girls on r/subliminal listen to, I’m inclined to discount its authenticity.

Yeah, that’s part of the problem, because we do not have an objective way to determine this. We don’t have any scientific-type sensor that could analyze an audio and say conclusively whether it’s a morphic field, energetic intention, chaos magick, crystal energies, etc.

All of it is subjective, so we’re trying to figure it all out together. But, from what I’ve gathered, there seems to be good evidence that MEF Dynamics is using a very similar type of energy work to Sapien Medicine, and I believe there’s good consensus here on that point.

With Quadible Integrity, it’s very difficult to verify their claim, because all of their videos are a combination of several different types of energy work, all designed to cooperate & enchance each other. Without the ability to isolate, analysis becomes near impossible. So, we’re left with other methods of determining if their claims can be trusted which are even more subjective. Do you trust that they’re being honest, do you feel their creations effectively do what they claim, etc.

For the other creators, I think the consensus is that they are not using Morphic fields, even though they claim otherwise.

It’s all a bit fun figuring it all out, if you’ve got an analytical inclination…


Voting for this one
I had amazing experience with it
Don’t want to elaborate more but
Terrible pain vanished just like that


That’s awesome man. I still haven’t tried this channel yet, just got too many different types of energy work going on all at the same time to try and integrate something new. I’m interested to in the future though…hopefully soon.

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Could you tell us why? :pray:

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Primarily because I had way too many subscriptions and tools and wanted to reduce them. Also, for me personally, initially I had some good experience with MD Shield and a few other fields, but I did not see most of the newer fields working for me. So, I decided to discontinue it. I still use the MD Shield track, but nothing else.


Yeah he had hard times lately

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I think MEF dynamics is related to sapiens

I bought his extra strength Deep Sleep mandala and put it under my mattress. That thing knocks me out!


While I stopped my subscription for the said reasons, my energetic reading of PI is that of a person of integrity and honesty. That has still not changed. Effectiveness, for me personally, seems inconsistent though, and hence decided to stick with Sapien which works for me 98% of the times.


Yup, the only other audio I do listen to is QI’s Hydration Booster because the soft water sounds are so relaxing lol!


The “fields” do seem to “force” their way trough.

Tell me more, what symptoms? Nervous system overload or headache?

@AnthroTeacher Is there anyway for you to know which YT creators use your intention repeater?


From which field you got results?

I started layering 4 QI videos / audios on top of my Sapien playlists, as I saw something similar alluded to above. The QI tracks I have been comboing are:

  • Game Changer / Super Session
  • Booster + Hydration Amplifier
  • Nitric Oxide Booster
  • Blood Circulation

Chose this setup because they seem good supports for extended field / subliminal listening, especially for someone moderately sedentary at the moment (and who may have some kind of anemia).

So far pretty pleased. Have only been using this setup for a couple days, and differences are minor, but I do feel like I have been a bit more relaxed, more hydrated, more physically balanced internally if that makes sense.