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Hi everyone, so like I decided to try out quadible integrity, this audio specifically

★Human Programmed: Limited Subconscious Beliefs Purger - Level 1 ★ (Remove Subconscious Beliefs)

I use it 2x a day. Once when I wake up, and once before going to sleep.

My experience so far, the last 2 nights I have had violent dreams. Like the first night I had a dream that I got shot in the back with a pistol. Like it was a shot where I would still live and need surgery. Now…last night I had a dream that a middle school bully was being very violent with me. So the first thing that happened are these violent dreams.

Second point, I feel very restless. Like I feel a bit of anxiety in the palms of my hands and feet. I also feel like I have to breathe a little harder than usual. Also I feel a bit depressed but I’m not depressed. The world just feels darker in general.

Last point, now this might sound a bit weird but here it is, it feels like my vision is a bit impaired compared to before.

Can anyone explain to me what is going on here exactly?

Are there any free audios that will help me stop feeling this way and should I continue with this audio or no? I hear that purging does bring a lot of negative stuff to the surface but this feels very overwhelming. This is my vision we are talking about here to. So that’s why I am a bit concerned.


I lsitened to this audio and i had the same reaction, i got shot in a dream too lol,

some how, i always forget its existence, lol. I think it was my ego fighting back, because i really hate listening to it

I’m very confused as to why such a violent dream though? The 2nd dream I had I understand why because that guy was a huge bully to me in middle school and very racist. Straight up hated me and gave me a hard time. But the real question is, why does my vision seem like it’s a bit impaired?

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do u like in a rough area?

No, I actually live in a peaceful area in the states

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If you want to be sure of what you hear, play Subconscious Limits Release and Remove Unconscious Clutter.


The root cause formula has caused some very unsettling dreams for me as well

I dont think it is a bad thing though, just purging


That’s interesting. I can’t recall a violent dream related to a one of Dream’s fields. Not saying I haven’t, as I don’t recall most of my dreams, but I thought it worth noting. To be fair, I haven’t had a nightmare with QA’s stuff either.

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Are there really any voices in this audio?

Strange, just swoosh for me. But my hearing isn’t necessarily best.

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The usefulness of plasma beach, plasma charged mitochondria, and cosmo-volt is hard to overstate.


The Flower of Life has everything your body(ies) need(s) ++ :sparkles::sparkles:


Violent dreams = in most cases the Subconscious Mind is conceptually processing things that were previously surpressed (part of your unprocessed shadow).


In other words I should keep on with the process? Forgot to mention that I would feel a bit of a burning sensation in my heart and solar plexus area throughout the day


what do you think about his daily clearing field?

do you think it clears energy fields from other creators too?


So, the flower of life covers all Auric Bodies?

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It does what you allow it to.

It’s an unfathomably powerful field.


She has a large following so I assumed it was fine… Until I woke up from one of the worst nightmares ever.


Sorry for hijacking the thread, what do you think about this shield Energetic Firewall (morphic field) - YouTube ?


Got it, Thanks a lot for your review!