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it doesn’t matter.

I had around 4 werid dreams yesterday, after using quadible audio, which is a good sighn

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I had weird dreams to last night. But hey at least it wasn’t anything violent. I guess that’s progress

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I stayed awake a bit too much lately…ended up having violent, sexual, and messed up dreams. I thought it was because of the lack of sleep…but then, I looped a Maitreya field. They tend to give me lots of dreams.

The thing is I was using the good karma booster xD

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Now I’m sleepy asf after blasting myself xD

So it may be cause I need to detox or smth…and my unconscious wants to take over.

Or maybe it is cause I listened to

followed by

I think the altered states one is strong. Im fricking high and out of this world xD

Imma loop the be still and keep going xD


I can vouch for their daily clearing energy field, it works by pertaining only to the auric field from all negative energy and stagnant stuff, if the energy from creator is negative and below certain vibrations, it get cleared. It won’t clear field. If your purpose to clear field effects, Spirituality Zone team always seem to recommend to use “When Nothing Else Works”


I couldn’t agree more!

The lists of all possible benefits are insane to my logic and my mind, yet… it ignites hope in my heart, knowing all that is possible to be. The energy resulted from penance of lineage of great yogis are unfathomable.

It has been quite sometime I have been using that energy field for various purpose… there are always more to explore, indeed.

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That is great man, happy for your friend! I utilize this for similar purpose which is to aid my mother on her recovery from cancer (lengthy post of testimonials on anti-cancer thread). Help the field of Sapien assimilate better, and recovery process aids her in clearing cancer totally.

“… I asked for her hand, imagined the rotation motion affecting her entire emotional system …”
Wait mate, you said you use clockwise rotation instead of anti-clockwise? I don’t get that part, but, the overall… that is truly a magical result I can relate on spiritual level.

I agree it can utilized as shield, destroyer of black magic, even dealing with soul contract. It has so many purpose, their “natural energy” fields are so moldable in sense of energy work.

Ngl. Insane is an understatement.

It looks like Altona 777 on YouTube has been hacked too… strange message posted.

Listen to these while you sleep. I wonder what you experience then…

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That’s not entirely the message I read. I couldn’t translate it, unfortunately. But someone else did. I couldn’t copy and paste it for some strange reason.
This was what someone translated -

Is that something he’d say?

I’m confused about this audio. ★The Quadible Time Modulator★ (More Power Less Time) ⏳ - YouTube

Like I understand that one can listen to a 10 minute audio for 2 minutes and get the same effects but my question is, what happens if one listens to the full session of an audio?

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I’m not sure. To be safe I’ve just assumed it’s extra listening

What were you referring to? Can’t find anything with that acronym.

Sounds like a tree of gifts in the middle world.

It happens…

Yes, there are some hall monitor tendencies that can occur on the forum, but please keep in mind that many will encounter your posts days, weeks, even months later. I find your posts interesting and thought provoking. Please don’t self-censor too much. Now I have try and find what counts as “the seed of white flame” somewhere in the forum.

Edit. I’m guessing it was your comment the importance on the importance of the flower of life. If so, it was a great reminder to me to revisit that field. So thank you. Been clocking some hours with that one.

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Well the message I read was different to your message. The one I read was strange. It didn’t make much sense at all, but yours did.
I hope now you can understand where I was coming from.

I absolutely agree with that, I’ve been on the understanding end of it all for a good while.
Translations can get lost a bit and that’s what happened there for me there, but I understand it now. At least I think? Are we talking the end times (of this current system) from The Book of Revelation?
If so, this is what I am preparing for.

P.s I feel these cruel energies/entities/devil are going full throttle as they know their time is near.

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Thank you, Alkul.
It sounds the best way to go with the flow for the time being until we have further clarity.

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lol why was this flagged


Lol I listened to the subconscious limits stage 1 from quadible yesterday and had a violent dream where I was fighting the green goblin from spiderman 1

So weird