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Have you used HiddenPotential height one or any of his videos? Is he good?

Very aggressive approach feom his side to cut listening time, so can cause fatigue very fast, but seems to exert effects too. I didn’t use his audios long exactly because of this, now only the latest HGH audio.

You experience cns fatigue from his audios? Then, he’s probably the real shit, I’ll check him out then

Yes, his energy audios are way overcharged.

You used speaker or earphones?

Only headphones/earphones as he often did subliminals too or combined them with energy programming.

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Alrighty, thanks again

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You are welcome.

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Has anyone tried these? Or anything else from his channel?

I met funny creatures in a dream after listening to this one :rofl:


I’m seriously listening his stuff right now! Just discovered his channel an hour ago from a post up thread. I’m listening to his workout and fat burning playlist and so far, it 10000% feels legit. CrossFit and HIIT are excellent so far, and while I listen to Sapien’s leptin audio most days, I’ll try his out too.


Seriously? Haha. Feels good to me, too.

I’m still going to try the Transcend Limitations and Wealth Aura.

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Yes, Tobisteles seems to be very caring individual. His new workouts are very strong and lots of cool star and constellation audios.


AFAIK he mentioned cross reaction of wealth and abundance energy leading to less spiritual feelings as it’s directed to material gain.

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Guys what do u think about the channel hypnodaddy and plz don’t tell me use the search bar every one is intelligent enough to use that and searching on other sites too I just want to know the experience of the people who are using from long time in starting subliminals give good results then they start giving bad results

Never had any bad results but no other results either. A lot of people swear by him tho

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Ok man

No prob bro


@igem and @anon88294450 Check this tuning fork video out by our guy. I seriously feel a shift from this short video…?


And wht about morpheus fields?