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I like Morpheus, good person. Been using the fields for awhile, some I’ve stuck with some I haven’t. I’d say give it a try


Ya it’s not that i m not using I have used just want to know ur opinions did u get any results?

Yep for sure

Here someone in the forum saying she used to work with entities but now she left whts all that

She is really good creator, not everyone agrees with her world views, but she actually is really against anything forcibly imposed.

What results u have got from her?

Very powerful liberation from her Hatred Eradicator, but it can be just related for myself.

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Do u have any results from physical fields?

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Yes, but you my advice would be already for a more mature discussion, if you approach every answer with such question it will not make you get better responses. It’s literally Ego talks through when such questions are repeatedly asked without looking first for own testimony.

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Ok man thanx safety is my ist priority so i keep asking while using too I feel it’s good to be actively engage as many people are exposed and it’s really tough to go back if u fall for something unsafe thanx😊


No problem. Morpheus is safe, you can loop her physical audios for the most part until you get any discomfort and then repeat next day.

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It’s not ego it’s concern plz bcz was a victim of a bad channel and this made me learn question everything and now I don’t think so it’s bad don’t get angry or rude


No problem. I understand. Be safe.


I like Morpheus Fields, his/her fields are Quite good. I have tried some fields for breathing/Lungs, they gave me immediate relief/results, as I could breathe better.

Now, since I have not used their work much, I can’t add anything else - for now.

I have not felt anything bad from her creations.


Try hers Insane Stamina Speed and Strength 10x daily for some time. And actually Maximize Self Healing Potential too.


Ok thanx😊 and wht u think of hypnodaddy?

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I think I will.

Due to extreme heat, i feel kind of low, ngl.

Thanks for telling me about that field.

I m using her fields specially thr younger everyday

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I have not tried his work.

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Ok thanx :blush:

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