Discussion for other Creator Channels

this reminds of a confused person a few years ago commenting on the sapien med youtube saying there’s demons coming out of his ass after listening to fields
anyone remember that?
that was some funny shit :rofl:


O god😏

why put negative subs if she can just create the negative energy for that and no one will notice?


Yes may be

So that was a good field. Demons left. Through the black hole. :rofl:


Maybe jenjenjen was a little bit bored.


Does Morpheus make the music for her fields?

Thing is, artists do like to put stuff in their music. But I think this is just pareidolia.

The fields should also “overwrite” the effects of any pre-existing sub in the music.

In any case, field-makers always alter the music so people don’t get fielded when listening to the original. That would be enough to get rid of subs in many cases.

I don’t even know if ultrasonic subs are possible in youtube.

Yes she makes the music herself


She mixes music on her own, but maybe not writes it completely.

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Whether a creator works with AI and whether you are influenced by it is just as important for me to know…



The latest public lucid dream field music was done with AI.

I tried to do some text analysis recently with GPT and it said it was too long xD…so imo it isn’t useful even for subs xD

No fan of AI.

I know.

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AI is here for a long time. This is just its most famous form now.


Maitreya says clearly and honestly that she uses AI but ensuring that any output is free from energetical influence.

It would be nice if other creators were also clear about this and proceeded in this way. So far nothing discussed about it.

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People listen to fields on YT which has “influence” from billions. What sort of “influence”?

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Its context isn’t big, especially in 3.5 free version. Try Claude for example.

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What is al?

Artificial Intelligence